Friday, June 24, 2011

Posho Za Wabunge

Nimeona hii FACEBOOK:

BASHE: Ombi Langu kwa Wabunge wa Chama Changukuhusu POSHO

Ombi Langu kwa wabunge wa chama changu, si kila jambo kulipinga swala la Posho (sitting allowance) hakuna sababu ya kulivalia njuga na kulazimisha kulipata,wabunge wanapata Mshahara,posho ya kuwa nje ya kituo ,posho ya ubunge FEDHA HIZI zinawatosha ukiangalia hotuba ya zito tunasema pato la mtanzania ni 770,000 lakini kuna asilimia 20% ambao wanashikilia 42% ya pato la taifa (32trillion) kati ya hizo wakati 20% ya masikini wa chini kabisa wanashikilia only 7% ya pato la Taifa.

Kwa mtazamo wangu ikiwa sitting allowance ambayo kwa ujumla wake ikipunguzwa tuta save 900bn fedha hizi zikiamuliwa kupelekwa katika sekta ya ELIMU kuondoa kero ya waalimu kuishi madarasani kwa kuwajengea nyumba, kwa majirani,ama kuondoa kero ya Mabweni ktk shule za kata,ama kuondoa kero ya MAABARA katika shule za kata,ama kupelekwa katika sekta ya Afya , tutakuwa kama Taifa tutamaliza tatizo kubwa sana tutaipunguzia serekali na walipa kodi mzigo wa fedha ambazo haziendi katika shughuli za maendeleo,Niwaombe wasiitazame hoja imetoka kwa nani wa chama gani waipokee na kuiunga mkono Mtakuwa mmeitendea HAKI nchi yetu,na watanzania ambao mustakabali wa maisha yao katika miaka mitano ijayo upo mikononi mwa serekali ya CCM (cham chetu) hata kama kama mnaipata kwa mujibu wa sheria na kanuni fanyeni cost benefit analysis kwa kuliangalia taifa na si nyinyi peke yenu.kama taifa tutfaidika zaidi fedh hizi msipopokea na kuamua kama bunge zipelekwe katika shughuli za maendeleo.

Wapo wabunge ambao wana jenga Hoja ya kwamba Posho hizo zinawasaidia ktk shughuli za Majimbo, inawezekana inaukweli,lakini kama MFUKO WA MAENDELEO WA JIMBO ,POSHO YA UBUNGE 5M,ALLOWANCE YA KUKAA NJE YA JIMBO 80,000,MSHAHARA 2M vyote hivi vimeshindwa kukusaidia kuhudumia Jimbo basi hata hiyo Posho haita weza,naamini mnatuongoza tutawaona si wabinafsi mkiunga mkono hili kwani mnachpata kwa maisha yenu kinawatosha.

Itendeeni haki Nchii hii katika kipindi hiki ambachi ambacho maisha yanazidi kuwa magumu shilingi inashuka, kuna vijana wenzetu million 11 wanahitaji msaada waliopo mashuleni na vyuoni wanahitaji msaada wenu mtakuwa mmetenda haki sana kwa kusamehe hicho kidogo,nimuombe Mbunge wangu aunge Mkono kusamehe hiyo Posho 70,000 ni Tofali 350 za kuchoma kwa bei ya kule kwetu ,mara siku za vikao ,ni fedha nyingi tutapata mabweni, maabara,ama fedha hiyo utakuwa umesaidia vijana wengi kulipiwa ada ktk shule za Kata. Kwahiyo ni vizuri likaungwa mkono jambo hili ili kuisaida Nchi

SOURCE: Bashe's facebook note

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Blog Mpya - Computer Technologies

Habari zimeletwa na mdau Abel Balokola


Tunapenda kuwajulisha Wadau wa Mitandao ya Kijamii (Blog/Website) nchini na nje ya nchi, Blog mpya itwayo IT PROFESSIONAL ipo hewani kwa sasa na wale wote wanaotafuta kazi katika fani ya "INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY" na “COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES” basi mnakaribishwa sana na pia unaweza kutuma CV zako wewe unayetafuta kazi za IT na sisi tukaziweka hewani na ikawa rahisi kwa wewe kupata kazi kulingana ujuzi wako na Elimu yako. Pia Tovuti hii itafikisha CV zako kwa Waajiri popote walipo.


· For more details on IT PROFESSIONAL just click on BOFYA HAPA below!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Society for International Development - Tanzania Chapter Election Results

Society for International Development, Tanzania Chapter Elects New Office Bearers

The Society for International Development (SID) Tanzania Chapter on Saturday 18th June 2011 elected new office bearers for its chapter.

Mahmoud Thabit Kombo (pichani) has been appointed chapter’s President while Richard Kasesela will serve as Vice-President. June Warioba becomes the chapter’s Secretary General, Muhidin Issa Michuzi, Programs Officer and Yasmin Said Chali is Treasurer.

The following were elected members of the Executive Council: Ally Masoud (Kipanya), John Ulanga, Fatma Alloo, Salma Moulid and Chambi Chachage.

SID Tanzania is one of chapters of SID International and acts as an independent platform organisation, bringing together policy makers, academics, NGOs, the private sector, journalists and others to drive forward the development debate in Tanzania, and subsequently influencing the policy discussion.

Ambassador Juma Mwapachu, Vice President of SID’s Global Governing Council, said: "We are thrilled to have such thoughtful and knowledgeable members to lead SID Tanzania during this challenging period."

“We need to provide a forum for individuals and institutions that are seeking long-term solutions to issues such as good governance, food security and agriculture and gender in development to name a few” he added.

On his appointment, the in-coming President thanked members for the honor to serve SID Tanzania. “More than ever, we need the kind of forum that SID provides for enhanced collaboration, informed debate, and a steady focus on learning and innovation. I look forward to working in these areas with other members.”

“My colleagues and I are committed to broadening the dialogue on crucial development issues and promoting effective economic growth for our people” said Kombo.

Mr. Kombo succeeds His Lordship Chief Justice, Mohammed Chande Othman.

Founded in 1957, SID is an international association of individuals and organizations concerned with sustainable economic, social and political development. SID has over 3,000 individual and institutional members in 125 countries and over 65 local chapters worldwide, including in Tanzania.

For more information on SID Tanzania, contact:
June Warioba,
Tel: 0782/0655 004436

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wakala wa Ndege za Serikali

Kuna mabanda kadhaa mnazi mmoja kwenye maadhimisho ya Wiki la Utumishi wa Umma 2011. Picha ni za banda la WAKALA WA NDEGE ZA SERIKALI. Zimeletwa na Mdau, Francis Nasson Tumbo wa Tanzania Government Flight Agency.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Jina Tanzania Ilitoka Wapi?

Daily News miaka ya 1980's waliwahi kuandika habari ndefu kuhusu jina Tanzania. Jina lingine iliyopendekezwa ni, TANGIBAR.

Mwandishi wa mtandao huu Alphonce Tonny Kapelah kutoka Mtwara Leo ameona aufahamishe umma juu ya mwasisi wa jina la Tanzania.

Nimeona niwafahamishe hili huenda likatusaidia hasa kwa hivi sasa wakati tukisherekea miaka 50 ya Uhuru wa Tangayika, najua wengi wetu hatujui historia ya Muungano wa Tanganyika na Zanzibar maana tuliwakuta waasisi wetu wameishafanya zoezi hilo,tusilijadili sana kwa kuwa lengo lao lilikuwa zuri.

Lakini je unamjua huyu Bwana aliyetunga jina la Tanzania pata historia ya namna alivyofanikiwa kupata jina la T A N Z A N I A.

Sherehe za Muungano kati ya Tanganyika na Zanzibar huwa tunasherekea kila Mwaka Tarehe 26/04/ lakini Tangu mimi binafsi nipate ufahamu na kuanza kushuhudia sherehe za Muungano nimekuwa nikisikia kuwa jina la Tanzania lilipendekezwa na Watanganyika, Wazanzibar na Raia wengine wa nje lakini sikuwahi kukutana na huyo ambae alibuni jina hili tamu la Tanzania.
Imekuwa kama Bahati nimekutana na Mtu huyu aliyebuni jina la Tanzania Mkoani Mtwara,sehemu ambayo tayari naiweka kwenye Historia yangu hata kesho nikiondoka Mtwara nitaikumbuka Radio yangu Safari Radio.

Huyu bwana aliyebuni jina la Tanzania ni Muhindi na Dini yake ni AHMADIYA MUSLIM JAMAAT TANZANIA majina yake ni MOHAMMED IQBAL DAR. Mohammed alizaliwa Mkoani Tanga miaka ya 1944, Baba mzazi wa Mohammed alikuwa Daktari huko mkoani Morogoro alikuwa anaitwa Dr. T A DAR alikuwa Tanganyika kuanzia mwaka 1930.

Mohammed Iqbal Dar alipata elimu yake ya Msingi Mkoani Morogoro shule ya Msingi H H D AGAKAN kwa sasa ni Shule ya Serikali na baada ya Hapo alikuja baadae kujiunga na Chuo cha Mzumbe akasoma Kidato cha Kwanza mpaka cha Sita.

Aliingiaje kwenye shindano la kupendekeza jina la Muungano kati Tanganyika na Zanzibar,Mohammed anasema alikuwa Maktaba akijisoma gazeti la Tanganyika Standard siku hizi Daily News akaona Tangazo linasema Muungano wa Tanganyika na Zanzibar unafahamika kama Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar jina likaonekana refu sana kwa hiyo Wananchi wote wakaombwa Washiriki kwenye shindano la Kupendekeza jina moja litakalo zitaja nchi zote mbili yaani Tanganyika na Zanzibar.

Mohammed Iqbal Dar anasema aliamua kuingia kwenye Shindano na hivi ndivyo alianza Safari ya Kubuni Jina la Muungano,Kwanza anasema alichukua karatasi akaandika Bismillah Raahman Rahimu hii ni kutokana na Imani yake na baada ya hapo akaandika jina la Tanganyika baada ya hapo akaandika Zanzibar halafu akaandika jina lake Iqbal halafu akaandika jina la Jumuiya yake ya Ahmadiya baada ya Hapo akamrudia tena Mwenyezi Mungu akamwomba amsaidie ili apate jina zuri kutoka katika majina hayo aliyokuwa ameyaandika.

Baada ya hapo Mohammed Iqbal Dar alichukua herufi tatu kutoka Tanganyika yaani TAN na kwa upande wa Zanzibar akachukua Herufi tatu za Mwanzo ZAN ukiunganisha unapata TANZAN alivyoona hivyo akachukua I herufi ya kwanza katika jina lake la Iqbal na akachukua A kutoka jina la dini yake yaani Ahmadiyya kwa maana hiyo ukiongeza herufi hizi mbili I na A kwenye TANZAN unapata jina kamili TANZANIA akalisoma jina akaliona ni zuri lakini akajiridhisha pia kwamba akiongeza herufi hizo za I na A kwenye TANZAN italeta maana kwakuwa nchi nyingi za Afrika zinaishia na IA.

mfano EthiopIA,ZambIA,NigerIA,TunisIA,SomalIA,GambIA,NamibIA,LiberIA,MauritanIA alivyoona hivyo akaamua apendekeze kuwa jina TANZANIA ndio litumike kuwakilisha nnchi hizi mbili yaani Tanganyika na Zanzibar kwa maana hiyo jina TANZANIA limezaliwa kutoka majina manne majina hayo ni Tanganyika,Zanzibar,Iqbal na Ahmadiyya. Mohammed Iqbal Dar baada ya kupata jina hilo akalituma jina hilo kwenye kamati ya kuratibu Shindano.

Baada ya Muda mwingi kupita baba yake na Mohammed Iqbal Dar alipokea Barua nzito kutoka serikalini ikiwa inasomeka kama ifuatavyo….


Barua hiyo pia ilisema..

Utakumbuka kuwa miezi michache iliyopita ulituandikia kutupa ushauri kuhusu jina jipya la Muungano wa Tanganyika na Zanzibar na wewe pamoja na wananchi wenzio 16 ulishauri nnchi yetu iitwe Tanzania.Nafurahi kukuarifu kuwa mshirikiane ile Zawadi y ash.200 iliyoahidiwa na leo nakuletea check ya sh.12/50 ikiwa ni hisa yako katika zile sh.200.Nashukuru sana kwa jitihada ya kufikiri jina la Jamuhuri yetu.

Barua ikasainiwa na Idrisa Abdul Wakil Waziri wa Habari na utalii kipindi hicho.
Sasa kwa nini Mohamedi Iqbal Dar anadai yeye kuwa mshindi pekee wakati Barua ilikuwa inaonyeshakulikuwa na washindi wengine 15 ambao nao walishinda, Jibu ni kuwa wakati wa kutolewa kwa Zawadi hizo hakuna aliyejitokeza zaidi ya Bwana Mohammed Iqbal Dar na Bwana Yusufal Pir Mohamed ambaye hata hivyo alikosa sifa baada ya kushindwa kutoa barua ya kumpongeza kuwa ameshinda kwa madai kuwa Barua ameipoteza,hivyo Wizara ya Habari na Utalii iliamua kumtangaza bwana Mohammed Iqbal Dar kuwa Mshindi na kumpatia zawadi yote y ash.200/:pamoja na Ngao.

Bwana Mohammedi Iqbal Dar anasema anachosikitika ni kuwa Mchango wake bado Watanzania hawathamini mchango wake lakini yeye anaipenda Tanzania na anajivunia kuwa Mtanzania japo anadhani dini yake ya Uislamu ndio tatizo hawataki kutambua mchango wake ila anaamini kuwa siku moja ukweli utajulikana

Hayo ni maelezo ya Mohammed Iqbal Dar ambaye kwa sasa anaishi Uingereza kwa kuwa huko ndiko alipata kazi eneo la Birmigham b35 6ps UK,Dar –es-Salaam House,18 TURNHOUSE ROAD,PHONE 44 121-747-9822

Nimeona niwatumie hii wadau wangu ili tuweze kuongeza ufahamu na kama ulikuwa unalijua hili basi nimekukumbusha pia mambo yalivyokuwa miaka ya 1964.

Alphonce Tonny Kapelah

Msomi Afanya Fuja Kwenye Treni New York

Cheki huyo dada mwenye asili ya kihindi anayodai ni msomi kondakta wa treni alivyomwomba aache kutumia lugha ya matusi akiwa kwenye simu yake ya mkononi! Watu wanauliza kama huyo kondakta angekuwa mzungu anejibiwa hivyo. Mwisho watu wanakubai kuwa pamoja na usomi wa huyo dada hana akili za kuwa na watu hadaharani.

Aliyekuwa Rais wa Zambia Frederick Chiluba Afariki Dunia


LUSAKA, Zambia (AP) - Frederick Chiluba, Zambia's first democratically elected president who became increasingly autocratic during his decade in office, died Saturday. He was 68.

Chiluba, president from November 1991 to January 2002, suffered from heart problems. The son of a copper miner and former trade union leader, Chiluba took office after 27 years of one-party rule by Kenneth Kaunda. Hailed as "the black Moses" and "the liberator" by his supporters, he vowed to introduce political freedoms and replace Kaunda's debt-ridden, centrally planned economy with a free market.

At first, Chiluba expanded civil and political rights and Zambia was seen as a model of democracy on a troubled continent. But eventually he slipped into Kaunda's methods of suppressing opposition and he was dogged by corruption allegations into his retirement.

He declared a state of emergency in 1997 after a failed coup and subsequently detained Kaunda - whom he accused of being behind the plot - under house arrest. Chiluba was unapologetic after Kaunda was shot and wounded by government forces during demonstrations the same year and escaped an assassination attempt in 1999.

Chiluba's antipathy toward Zambia's founding father stemmed from being imprisoned without charges in 1981 for allegedly organizing strikes to weaken the government. In prison, Chiluba became a born-again Christian and peppered his speeches with biblical references.

Chiluba barred the charismatic Kaunda from running again for president in 1996 by saying that his Malawian origins disqualified him. The opposition boycotted the poll as Chiluba's Movement for Multiparty Democracy was elected for a second term.

He left office only reluctantly. After repeated promises to retire when his term ended, he flirted with changing the constitution to enable a run for a third five-year term. The move angered many Zambians who cherished their relatively new democracy and he was forced to back down.

In his bid to free up copper-rich Zambia's economy, Chiluba slashed import duties and abolished currency controls. He sold state owned enterprises to private buyers, many of them from Europe or South Africa.

But the measures failed to improve the lot of the vast majority of Zambia's 13 million people, who remained mired in abject poverty.

The extent of the corruption became apparent after Chiluba left office and handed over to his hand-picked successor Levy Mwanawasa.

In 2009, a magistrate acquitted Chiluba of corruption charges after a six-year trial. Chiluba had been accused of diverting nearly $500,000 of state money for his own use. The judge ruled that the funds could not be traced to government coffers.

Several people close to Chiluba - including his wife - were convicted earlier on related charges. Chiluba had claimed to be the victim of a political witch hunt backed by Britain, Zambia's former colonial ruler.

In 2007 in a London High Court civil case, a judge ruled that Chiluba was guilty of stealing $46 million from Zambian state coffers during his years in office. Zambian prosecutors had pursued the case in British courts because some of the money was allegedly laundered through British banks.

The British judge ordered Chiluba to pay back 85 percent of the money, and in his ruling painted a picture of a decadent ruler who spent taxpayer funds on expensive suits and shoes while most Zambians lived in poverty. Chiluba appealed and the High Court decision had to be registered in Zambia, a lengthy process, before any enforcement.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Mshiko Chicago - Uwe Extra Katika Sinema 'Man of Steel'

Haya wadau wa Midwest, Illinois, Indiana etc. hii ni nafai yako.


The Superman reboot “Man of Steel” is now casting extras in Illinois.
The movie will be shooting this summer in areas around Illinois. Man
of Steel is seeking extras and background actors of all types and

Man of Steel comes stars Henry Cavill, Diane Lane, Kevin Costner, Amy
Adams, Michael Shannon, Russell Crowe. Man of Steel will open in movie
theaters in 2012 and is directed by Zack Snyder.

The movie is being cast under the working title “Autumn Frost” – All
extras will be paid

3 open calls are scheduled for “Man of Steel”:

Saturday, June 18th
11p – 4p

DePaul University’s Naperville Campus
West Warrenville Rd
Naperville, IL 60563

(follow CASTING CALL signs)

Plano, IL

Wednesday, June 22nd

Plano High School Gymnasium
West Abe Street
?Plano, IL 60545-1167

(follow CASTING CALL signs)

Saturday, June 25th
11a – 4p

Chicago Academy for the Arts
West Chicago Ave.?
Chicago, IL 60642

The casting office can be reached at 708-898-5245.

Utapeli - Eti Mikopo Nafuu


Bila shaka mmezoea kupokea email kutoka kwa matapeli wengi wao wanatoka Nigeria. Hebu ona huyo jamaa alivyotia barua katika Google Translate eti atapeli watu East Africa, halafu kampuni halali haitumii anwani ya gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc.



Inakuja mkopo nafuu, mikopo kwa riba ya 3% kiwango, Time kuja
kuwa huru kutokana na fedha matatizo yako / Madeni, Je, wamekuwa katika zaidi
matatizo kwa sababu ya wakopeshaji bandia? lakini wakati huu utapata required yako
mkopo kufanya free yako kutoka madeni yako na kufikia ndoto yako ya kuwa
bure tena kutoka kwa matatizo yako, mtu yeyote nia lazima kujaza required
fomu kwa ajili ya mkopo kupitia Email: Tarehe Borrower ya zinahitajika kwa ajili ya mkopo.

Jina Kamili :...................................
Nchi :........................................
hali :...........................
Kazi :.......................
Namba ya Simu :............................
Kiasi cha mkopo Inahitajika :........................
Duration mkopo :...............................

Matumaini ya kusikia kutoka kwako na Mungu akubariki.

Frement Jackson

Carola Kinasha Atakuwa Sweet Eazy Leo!

Mwimbaji maarufu wa Tanzania, Carola Kinasha atakuwa Sweet Eazy leo jioni huko Dar. Carola alikuwa classmate wangu Zanaki. Alikuwa anapenda kuimba wakati ule na anazidi kuendeleza kipaji chake na mapenzi yake ya muziki.

New England Umoja 10th Anniversary Celebration


Ndugu wapendwa,

Natumaini wote mu wazima wa hali, na shughuli mnaziendesha ipasavyo.

Napenda kuwafahamisha rasmi kwa niaba ya wanakamati wenzangu kwamba Jumuia ya watanzania waishio New England (MA,NH,CT,RI,ME,VT na NJ), ikiwa chini ya mwamvuli wa NEW ENGLAND UMOJA FOUNDATION, INC, inawakaribisha rasmi kwenye ile shughuli ya kuvunja na shoka inayofanyika kila mwaka pale camp Keewanee, Greenfield, Ma.

Siku ya ijumaa na Jumamosi usiku kutakuwa na viburudisho rasmi kutoka kwa Ma-D.j's wetu ikiwa ni pamoja ni DJ Richimaka ambae atakuwa na vibao vipya kabisa kutoka BONGOLAND!!.

Siku ya Jumapili July 03/2011 ndio Shughuli yenyewe. N.E.Umoja inatimiza miaka 10 tangu zilipoanza sherehe hizi. Njoo wewe, na wale wote uwapendao ufurahi na watanzania wenzako kutoka sehemu mbalimbali, kuadhimisha siku hii muhimu tukikumbuka na kuuenzi utamaduni, desturi na mila za Ki-Tanzania!.

Shughuli hii itafanyika palepale Camp kee-wanee (, Greenfield MA. 01301.(9AM-9PM).


Shughuli hii ni ya aina yake mwaka huu, itatanguliwa na Muziki wa hali ya juu kutoka kwa D.J Eddie, DJ Luke bila kusahau dj waalikwa Dj Paul Masoud Dj Samora DJ Richmaka siku ya Ijumaa usiku 54 state st Lynn MA 8PM To 1 na pia pambano ya mpira wa miguu kati ya N.E Umoja Foundation-Combine itakapopambana na timu ngumu ya Jirani zetu kutoka Kenya, siku ya Jumamosi saa kumi jioni.

Siku ya siku, hiyo Jumapili, "Watu wazima", kutoka maeneo yote watajimwaga uwanjani kutoa jasho, na kujipima nguvu. Vile vile mwaka huu, kutakuwa na mbio za watoto wa kiume na wa kike, vijana, kina mama na pia kina baba. Akina Mama nao watakuwa na mbio za chupa, volleyball, na kutakuwa nn Basketball ya vijana.

Shamrashamra zitapambwa pia na mashindano ya kuogelea, na ndugu Baraka Mchome atatuimbia Mashairi na kutakuwa na ngonjera vilevile. Maonyesho ya mitindo ya nguo na kanga "Fashion show" ya aina yake yataletwa kwenu rasmi na Mama wa Ki-Tanzania, si mwingine bali ni dada yetu Mama maarufu wa mitindo Tanzania na East Africa, ASYA IDAROUS KHAMSIN. Kutakuwa pia na "Surprise Guest Singers/entertainers" ambao wamekubali kuja kujumuika nasi mwaka huu. Njoo ushuhudie waimbaji wenye vipaji wakiwemo vijana wetu wenyewe, pia "Old School" itawakilishwa vilivyo. Kutakuwa na ngoma za utamaduni, "Raffles" na zawadi kem kem!!
Bila Kusahau kutakuwa na Mahanjumati na Maakulati ya hali ya juu,Na wale wanaokula Halali wasiwe na wasiwasi kuna ngo'mbe wa miguu mine ataangushwa na kama mnavyoelewa kuwa” Mkono mmoja hauchinji Ngombe” kwa hiyo njooni tumshughulikie Ngombe aliyejaa viungo vyote kutoka nyumbani mafili mdawati, mafili mdawiya, mabili kompoza vyote vimo kwenye nyama choma ya kumwaga siku hiyo ya Jumapili!!!!!!!.

Na wale walaji wa samaki wasiwe na wasiwasi wapo wa kumwaga Red sniper, king fish, Tuna, Dorado swordfish, kalamari ,ngandu wote wamo kwa wale wanaopenda kulakula.

Kumbuka, ni jukumu lako na langu kuifanikisha shughuli hii, kwani New England Umoja ni wewe na mimi. Ninaomba mfikishe salam hizi kwa ndugu, jamaa na marafiki zako wote, popote waliko hapa Marekani. Kama ilivyo miaka yote, itakuwa ni siku ya furaha kwa watanzania wote, siku ya kujivunia na kuuenzi utamadini wetu,Umoja wetu, desturi na mila za ki-Tanzania na upendo baina yetu na marafiki zetu. Njoo wewe, na na wale wote uwapendao upumzike mwa'kwetu!!.kama mnavyojuwa penye wengi pana mengi.

Bwana "Vijimambo" nae atakuwepo kukusanya habari za matukio mbalimbali kwenye shughuli hiyo, pia kwa mara ya kwanza kabisa, shughuli ya mwaka huu itapeperushwa hewani "LIVE" kupitia kwenye mtandao!.


Directions: from New York, Jersey City, Connecticut, and Springfield area:

I-91 North, to exit 26-bear and turn Right off the ramp) towards Rt.2A East-Greenfield Center. Proceed, passing Applebee's & Mobil gas station. Go thru 2 sets of Lights (you'll pass 2 gas stations , Dunki'n Donuts &Enterprise). Continue until you see Dillon Chevrolet Dealership. Turn Left on Conway St.. *DO NOT GO TO DOWNTOWN GREENFIELD!*. Drive for exactly 4.3 miles from Conway St. to the sign/entrance at Camp Keewanee (It is a residential area, which will turn into a farm area). Conway st. will turn onto Leyden Rd. Then you'll make a very sharp LEFT turn (almost like a U-Turn) @ the CAMP KEE-WANEE SIGN. Proceed slowly thru the gate, since the road is unpaved one, all the way to the Camp!

From Boston, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Worcester, Fitchburg, Leominster, and Gadner.....

Take Rt.2 west to I-91 SOUTH , (DO NOT GO TO 91NORTH, You'll find yourself in Vermont!!)

then take Exit 26 (to Rt. 2 West). It is the 1st exit on your Right). Go around the Rotary, and follow the above directions. Gas stations all around Greenfield on either side of the Rotary

* If lost/need assistace, please call:

Siraji 978-413-1164, Richard 413-262-0400, Stephen 413-658-5253, Salum 617-308-2971,

Sangiwa E. 978-846-9898, Baraka 901-297-6464, Jamal 978-846-6218, Eddy 781-608-0665,

Maria 413-364-8146,Kawala 413-330-1609, Isaac 413-219-1153 & Marwa 978-799-5790.

Hotels/Motes in Greenfield:

Hampton Inn & Suites Greenfield

184 Shelburne Rd, Greenfield, MA 01301 (413) 773-0057 Website Directions

Quality Inn 125 Mohawk Trl, Greenfield, MA·

Days Inn Greenfield 21 Colrain Rd, Greenfield, MA·

Hotels/Motels in Springfield MA (about 50 minutes away)

Springfield Marriott 2 Boland Way · Springfield, Massachusetts 01115 USA

Holiday Inn Serving the Springfield Area. (877) 654-0232
*Gas Stations Rt. 5 &10 Both directions, also on Main St. and at the Rotary near McDonald's in Greenfield. for more details on Friday and Saturday for "Pre-Sunday's Event festivities". Please forward these directions to as many people as you can, or visit our website.

Come and celebrate its FREE!!!!..................KARIBUNI SANA WOTE!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mshiko Ohio - Uwe 'Extra' Katika Sinema The Avengers!


“The Avengers” is now filming in Cleveland and the movie has put out
an open call for background actors and extras.

Seeking Ohio locals for paid jobs as extras – Also seeking crew –
please see bottom

The Avengers has a star studded cast that include Robert Downey Jr.,
Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett
Johansson, Clark Gregg, Samuel L. Jackson, Cobie Smulders, Tom
Hiddleston and Stellan SkarsgÄrd. The Avengers is being directed by
Joss Whedon (Toy Story, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Serenity, Firefly).

The Avengers is shooting this summer and the film is set for release in 2012.

THE AVENGERS is based on the popular Marvel comic book series The
Avengers that came out in the ealy 1960′s.


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Saturday, July 16
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mchoraji Raza Kufanya Maonyesho London

Habari Zimeletwa na Mdau Freddy Macha

Mchoraji wa rangi, vitabu na stempu, Raza Mohamed anatazamiwa kufanya maonyesho ya picha zake katika ukumbi wa Mulberry Tea Room, Charlton House, kitongoji cha Greenwich Ijumaa tarehe 17 Juni hadi Jumatano 20, Julai mwaka huu.

Raza Mohamed ambaye ni hazina ya taifa letu amekuwa akichora toka akiwa mtoto wa miaka sita tu mwaka 1952. “Nilianza kwa mkaa...” alisema nilipomhoji nyumbani kwa mwanae, jana.

Michoro yake Raza huonyesha taswira mbalimbali za maisha ya Watanzania, wakiwemo watoto wadogo, wanawake, watu wazima, wavuvi, wafanyakazi mbalimbali, nk. Amewahi kuonyesha michoro hiyo katika majumba mbalimbali ya utamaduni Marekani, Norway, Ujerumani, Kenya, Denmark na pia matamasha ya kimataifa mathalan Festac, mjini Lagos, Nigeria, mwaka 1976.

Raza ambaye ni pia mjumbe katika kamati ya Sanaa katika Ikulu amewahi pia kuwachora Marais wote wanne wa Tanzania yaani, Mwalimu Nyerere( 1965), Ali Mwinyi, Benjamin Mkapa na Rais Jakaya Kikwete.

Mwanae, Eddy Mohamed anatazamiwa pia kushiriki katika maonyesho haya ya Charlton House. Kama babake, Eddy amekuwa pia akisanifu michoro tangu akiwa na umri mbichi wa miaka 6. Alizaliwa Oktoba, 1940, akamalizia shahada ya Sanaa katika chuo cha East London University, Docklands.

Baba na kijana wake wote wameeleza mapenzi yao makubwa katika uzuri wa Tanzania na hutumia fani ya muziki wa Jazz kujihamasisha kazini. Jazz iliyoasisiwa Marekani na wanamuziki weusi mwanzo wa karne ya 20 inayo mizizi katika utamaduni na ngoma za Waafrika. Kati ya picha kubwa zitakazoonyeshwa na Eddy ni ile aliyomchora gwiji maarufu wa jazz , mpiga Saxafoni, Charlie Parker aliyefariki mwaka 1955 akiwa na wenzake.

Mara ya kwanza picha zake Mzee Raza kuonyeshwa hapa London ilikuwa wakati wa mkutano wa Watanzania Ughaibuni (Diaspora) mwezi jana. Ila onyesho hili ni la kwanza la kimataifa na linategemewa kutumbuizwa na mwanamuziki Mtanzania. Freddy Macha.

Tafrija nzima imeandaliwa na shirika la sanaa la Global Fusion Music and Arts (GMFA) lenye makao yake Greenwich. GMFA inayoendeshwa na wasanii toka mataifa mbalimbali mjini London ilianzishwa mwaka 2001 na wanamuziki Louisa Le Marchand (Uingereza), Kaz Kasozi (Uganda), marehem Sukh Saini (India) na Gill Swan Uingereza).

Habari zaidi tembelea

Barua pepe:


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Fox News Wadhalilisha Rais Obama na Wageni Wake!

(Eirc Bolling wa Fox News alisema kuwa Rais Obama anakaribisha majangili/wahuni katika White House)

Huyo Mshenzi Bolling wa Fox News kazidi. Anamtukana Rais Obama na wageni wake bila aibu. Je, hao wageni wangekuwa wazungu angewatukana hivyo? Rais anastahili heshima hata kama ni raisi wa nchi ya Afrika, lakini cheki Rais Bongo wa Gabon alivyotukanwa! Khaa! Kuna petition ya kuomba Fox News wamfukuze kazi huyo mshenzi, mbaguzi, Eric Bolling! Sasa kuna habari kuwa Bolling kaomba msamaha! Hakuna msamaha, Bolling alijua anafanya nini!


Nimepata kwa email:

"It's not first time he's had a hoodlum in the hizzouse."

That's what Fox Business host Eric Bolling said on Friday about President Obama's meeting at the White House with the President of Gabon, Ali Bongo, while photoshopping a gold tooth onto the man's image. Then a photo of popular hip-hop artist Common, who participated in a White House poetry event last month (and was later smeared by Fox), appeared on-screen .1

It's just the latest from Bolling, who last month accused President Obama of "chugging a few forties" in Ireland.2 Bolling's attacks are part of a long history of racially-coded language and stereotypes that Fox uses to create a negative perception of the president.

Please join us in demanding that Roger Alies Chariman of Fox News and Fox Business fire Bolling. If enough of us speak out, it will ensure that Fox's leaders face some public accountability for its consistent race-baiting. It only takes a moment:

Fox Business and Fox News continue to be safe havens for commentators who try to whip up race-based fears and peddle racial stereotypes as hard news.

President Ali Bongo currently holds the rotating presidency of the U.N. Security Council and was visiting the White House on official business. While Bongo has a troubling human rights record, past U.S. presidents have met with problematic figures for diplomatic reasons or to get them to change their behavior. Hip hop artist Common is a well-educated cultural and charitable ambassador and a talented musician. We doubt that Fox would ever have referred to the White House as a “hizzouse” while George W. Bush, Bill Clinton or any other president resided there.

But on Friday, Bolling seized an opportunity to race-bait. He opened the segment by asking, "So what's with all the hoods in the hizzy?" Later, when a guest challenged him, asking why Bolling was treating the meeting as a social event rather than an official meeting between two heads of state, Bolling said, "How do you know what they did? Maybe they did have s'mores and watch movies. Maybe they watched a basketball game."

Such obvious promotion of racial stereotypes is nothing new at Fox.4,5 In fact, it's what made Glenn Beck's career at Fox News before he took things too far6 — a move that eventually cost him more than 300 advertisers and his 5pm show on the network. Beck will leave this coveted time slot vacant at the end of this month, and some observers believe Bolling's over-the-top race-baiting last week was an audition for Beck's spot — his attempt to show Ailes and other executives at Fox that he's up to the challenge of stoking Fox viewers' anger at President Obama in a way fitting of Beck's legacy.7

Please join us in demanding that Fox Business Chairman Roger Ailes fire Eric Bolling. Ailes might not care what we think — but he has to care about Fox's public image. If Ailes fires Bolling, it's a step towards accountability. If he refuses, it will make it abundantly clear to the public and the media that stoking racial division is part of Fox's agenda.

Please join us by clicking the link below. And when you do, please ask your family and friends to do the same:

Thanks and Peace,

-- Rashad, James, Gabriel, William, Dani, Matt, Natasha, and the rest of the team
June 14th, 2011

Help support our work. is powered by YOU — your energy and dollars. We take no money from lobbyists or large corporations that don't share our values, and our tiny staff ensures your contributions go a long way. You can contribute here:


1. "Fox's Eric Bolling: Obama Is Hosting "Hoodlum[s]" In "The Hizzouse"," Media Matters, 6-11-2011

2. "Bolling: Obama Was "Chugging A Few 40's" Instead Of Responding To Joplin Disaster," Media Matters, 5-24-2011

3. See reference 1

4. "Tell CNN: Stop echoing Fox's race-baiting,", 7-10-2010

5. "An overview: Fox News and its problem with African-Americans,"

6. "Call on advertisers to drop sponsorship of Glenn Beck,", 7-30-09

7. "Is Race Baiting Part of Eric Bolling’s Fox News Audition?," Media Matters, 6-13-2011 --

Madaktari wa Kenya Hawampendi Babu wa Loliondo!

Madaktari Kenya wanalamika kuwa idadi ya wagonjwa wanaokuja kuwaona katika kliniki/hospitali imepungua. Wanasema kuwa wagonjwa wengi wamekwenda Loliondo, Tanzania kwa Babu na kudhani kuwa wamepona baada ya kupata 'kikombe'.

Madaktari hao wanawaonya kuwa wasiache kutumia dawa zao maana dawa ya babu si tiba ya kudumu bali ya kifikra.

Huko Kenya, waKenya wengi wameamua kwenda kwa babu baada ya kuona maajabu. Watu ambao walikuwa wagonjwa mahututi na hata vipofu wamepona maradhi yao baada ya kwenda Loliondo kwa Babu.


Doctors alarmed as patients seek Loliondo 'wonder drug'
Medical practitioners in Trans Mara District have raised alarm over a worrying trend of patients withdrawing from treatment after travelling to Loliondo, Tanzania for the "wonder drug cure".

Led by the area District Medical Officer of Health, Aggrey Ouko, the medical professionals said patients undergoing treatment for HIV, tuberculosis, diabetes, hypertension, among other life threatening ailments, were stopping treatment after visiting the ‘healer’.

He said records at various health facilities have shown a sharp decline in the number of patients attending the facilities after visiting Loliondo.

The officer reported that some HIV patients had abandoned taking anti-retroviral drugs under the belief they had been cured.

Lives at stake

Addressing an HIV advocacy forum in Kilgoris, which brought together local leaders and the Provincial Administration, Ouko said several lives of patients were at stake if no immediate action was taken to address the issue. He said some of the patients who had withdrawn from hospital treatment have developed Multi-Drugs Resistance (MDR), a condition that makes it possible for a disease-causing organism to resist distinct drugs.

Separately, doctors in Nakuru say that 30 years since the first HIV/Aids case was reported, self-stigmatisation remains a major barrier in provision of medical services to those living with the disease.

Lawrence Otemba, an advisor with the International Planned Parenthood Federation, says most of those infected still avoid seeking medical services for fear of discrimination. Dr Otemba said it’s important to increase care and support for those infected and also intensify the fight against stigmatisation of those living with the virus.

"People fear that if they come out and seek medical services they will be discriminated and as a result a lot of people do not even know their status," he added. He was speaking in Nakuru during a visit by a Japanese delegation to a project run by Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK).

Infected and Affected

The delegation was on a tour to evaluate the activities carried out by FHOK aimed at improving quality of lives of people infected and affected with HIV/Aids in Nakuru.

FHOK project Coordinator Jane Adero said that the formation of support groups in the town has assisted those infected to cope and live longer.


Trans Nzoia Residents Healed in Loliondo

Business came to a standstill in Kitale town following the return of a busload of Trans Nzoia residents, who had travelled to Loliondo to seek intervention from the famous traditional doctor Mzee Ambilikile Mwasapile. Curious residents jammed the main bus terminus to talk to the passengers about the doctor.

Most passengers looked tired from the long journey that had taken several days. Peter Kiarie, who said he has been diabetic for the last 20 years, could not hide his joy as he narrated to the Star how he is cured and is now back to his normal diet. "Immediately I took the magic drug from Mzee Mwasapile and followed his instructions strictly, I felt a strange feeling in my body, and then a sigh of relief for my 20 years of fighting with diabetes," he said.

He said the condition had almost broken his marriage and used up all his money buying expensive drugs to control his condition. Kiarie said after years of visiting several hospitals in vain in search of treatment, he is happy that God used Mzee Mwasapile to heal him. "The man is God sent and I believe very many will be healed through the process," he said.

He believes only those with a strong faith will be healed saying that not all who travelled to Loliondo village were cured. Kiarie said the drug was not allowed out of the "holy shrine" saying Mzee Mwasapile insisted that the concoction became poisonous once it left the place.

He believes that Mzee Mwasapile's shrine is a holy place that despite thousands of people jamming the small dusty village there were no scenes of immorality, theft or robbery. Kiarie also had boils on his legs and head but they disappeared after he drank the concoction.

An elderly woman who was on the trip said she had lost her sight seven years ago but could now see after drinking the concoction. "Before I went to Loliondo I could not read my Bible and was depending on my grandchildren. But I can now read my Bible. God is great," she said.

Bus conductor Stanely Mwangi said most of those who boarded two weeks ago could not walk and were literally carried into the vehicle, but he is surprised to see them walking without help and showing faces of good health. "I am equally surprised with the turn of events of the wonder drug, because when we left this place to Loliondo, I thought most of these people were going die on the way, but here they are," he said .

The patients interviewed also told the star that people close Mzee Mwasapile had hinted that the magical powers were to last till June of this year and thats why people were jamming the dusty village.

The bus company is making booming business as it makes a trip to Loliondo every Thursday. Each passenger pays Sh6,000 .The bus carries 41 passengers while the bus booking office in town has a conspicous sign post written " Loliondo hospital bus Direct". According to the director of the bus company James Wanyoike the demand for the services is growing fast and they are contemplating increasing the number of buses.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Aliyetabiri Mwisho wa Dunia 5/21 Apata Kiharusi!

Habari kutoka California zinasema kuwa Mtume Harold Camping (89) (pichani), yule babu aliyetabiri kuwa mwisho wa dunia itakuwa 5/21/11 amepata kiharusi. Kutokana na ugonjwa wake hawezi kuongea vizuri sasa. Amelazwa hospitalini California. Kwa sasa ndugu zake wanaomba watu wamwombee.

Dunia haikwisha na bado tupo. Mtume Camping anasema kuwa alikosea makadirio na sasa mwisho wa dunia itakuwa 10/21/11.


Errant 'Rapture' Prophet Harold Camping Suffers a Stroke
Last Thursday, the elderly pastor and Family Radio host best known for birthing an all-consuming "May 21st" rapture meme suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. The Oakland Tribune reported that the 89-year-old Harold Camping's voice "may never be the same" after suffering a stroke that left his speech "a little bit slurred" according to a unnamed neighbor.

Back when we thought the rapture prophecy was both humorous (look at this van) and deeply sad (too many naive supporters lost their life savings for a lie), it was impossible to ignore the frequent jokes about Harold Camping's age factoring into his apocalyptic prognostication. "He's 89. Actuarially speaking, he's probably not that far off," quipped Jon Stewart about the Family Radio host before the May 21st date.

As of now, it appears unclear if/when Camping will return to his perch as broadcaster on Family Radio. Fox News relayed a message from his manager stating that an update on his health will be issued today. If he does return to the radio, he'll be back in the limelight in a few short months: due to a slight miscalculation, the full-blown apocalypse forecast is now scheduled for October 21st.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Join the United Africa Movement!

Nimepokea kwa email:

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

"It is clear that we must find an African solution to our problems, and that this can only be found in African unity. Divided we are weak; united, Africa could become one of the greatest forces for good in the world.

Although most Africans are poor, our continent is potentially extremely rich. Our mineral resources, which are being exploited with foreign capital only to enrich foreign investors, range from gold and diamonds to uranium and petroleum. Our forests contain some of the finest woods to be grown anywhere.

Our cash crops include cocoa, coffee, rubber, tobacco and cotton. As for power, which is an important factor in any economic development, Africa contains over 40% of the potential water power of the world, as compared with about 10% in Europe and 13% in North America, not mentioning the wealth of solar potentials.Yet so far, less than 1% has been developed. This is one of the reasons why we have in Africa the paradox of poverty in the midst of plenty, and scarcity in the midst of abundance..."

Kwame Nkrumah from "I Speak of Freedom A Statement of African Ideology"

If this was true in the 1960s when Nkrumah so articulately expressed it, sadly, same still obtains today, more than half a century later. From Cape to Cairo; Cape Verde to Madagascar, we are stirring up a new generation of Africans demanding real change, which is why, like Marcus Garvey, Patrice Lumumba, Gamal Abdel Nasser and Kwame Nkrumah before us, a United Africa is our Mission! Let's take her back!
Consider this your "Call to Duty".

Join our movement today @ Ubuntu Republics of Africa"Like" us on Facebook: Official Fan PageFollow us on Twitter: @ubura Network with us @ BlackPlanet

Sign the Petition for a United Africa today!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Blogu Mpya - TZ Moms Abroad

Mdau Cyndi ameanzisha blogu:

Nimeanza mda si mrefu. Unakaribishwa pia kunitembelea katika blog yangu ambayo inamatumaini ya kukutanisha akina dada, mama na wanawake kwa ujumla katika kujadili mambo ya kijamii na maisha kwa ujumla. Pia kutoa support kwa wanawake wanaharakati katika jamii na wanabusiness. Anyways, please soma my welcome message to know what tzmomsconnect is all about.

Here is the link:

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Mama Bishanga Afiwa na Baba Yake Mzazi


Leo tunasikitika kuwaarifu kuwa baba mzazi wa msanii maarufu katika fani ya filamu Mrs Christina Innocent Marolen, Mama Bishanga, Mzee Isaya Innocent Hatia (mtoto wa Mwenye Hatia Chifu wa Wamakua, Ashinnahatia) amefariki dunia huko Ndanda hospital masasi jana.

Mzee Hatia alikuwa na miaka themanini na mbili, ameacha mke Mwalimu Agnes Hatia, watoto saba ambao ni Mama Bishanga, na wadogo zake Geofrey anayeishi Namibia, Mwalimu Marck wa Azania Sekondari, Bernadeta, Isaya anayeishi Finland, Constancia na Oscar. Pia ameacha wajukuu na vitukuu.

Mzee Hatia atakumbukwa kwa kuwa mmoja wa wafanyakazi bora na wa muda mrefu wa kampuni ya Posta na simu tangu enzi za East Community huko Nairobi na Mombasa, na hapa nchini Dae-E.s-salaam, Dodoma, Tabora nk

Mazishi yatafanyika Ndanda Masasi ijumaa.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Matako Makubwa Oyee!!!

Matako Makubwa Oyee!!!! Katika mila ya waafrika wengi kuwa na matako makubwa ni urembo. Katika mila za wazungu kuwa na matako fleti kama yamepigwa pasi ndo urembo! Wanawake wengi wenye asili ya Afrika wana matako makubwa kiasi. Siku hizi wazungu wametengeza chupi zenye pedi maalum ili matako fleti yaonekane makubwa! Mungu abariki waliozaliwa na matako makubwa natural!

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Sisi Wazima! - Vimbunga Massachusetts

Asanteni wadau walionipigia simu kunijulia hali. Sisi ni wazima na Mungu yu mwema hatujapigwa na kimbunga hapa mjini Boston/Cambridge. Maeneo ya Springfield, Westfield, Massachusetts yamepigwa vibaya! Magari yamepinduka, nyumba kadhaa zimebomolewa na nyumba kadhaa hazina umeme. Bado tuko chini ya Tornado Watch mpaka saa 5 (11:00PM). Nimepiga ka kideo muone hali ilivyokuwa kwenye saa 3:30 (9:30PM). Nimepiga kutoka kwenye back porch ya fleti yangu.