Monday, December 31, 2012

Heri ya Mwaka Mpya 2013!

Nawatakia wadau wote Heri ya Mwaka Mpya 2013!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Rais Kikwete Amjulia Hali Father Mkenda Aliyepigwa Risasi Zanzibar

Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akimjulia hali  Padri Ambros Mkenda wa Kanisa Katoliki la Mpendae mjini Zanzibar anayeuguza majeraha katika taasisi ya mifupa ya Hospitali ya Taifa ya Muhimbili (Moi) jijijini Dar es salaam leo Jumamosi Dsemba 29, 2012 kufuatia kupigwa risasi sehemu za mdomoni na watu wasiojulikana mapema wiki hii  wakati akisubiri kufunguliwa geti  la nyumbani kwake maeneo Kitomondo Mjini Zanzibar akiwa ndani ya gari aliyokuwa akiendesha akiwa pekee yake. Rais Kikwete amempa Padri Mkenda pole nyingi na kumuombea apate nafuu haraka.


Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Natumaini mmesherekea vizuri Krimasi. Nawatakia pia Heri ya Mwaka Mpya!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Rais Kikwete Apongezwa na Wasanii Wakongwe Kwa Kuwajali

Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete leo Desemba 21, 2012 amepokea ujumbe wa wasanii wakongwe wa muziki wa dansi pamoja na filamu uliomtembelea Ikulu jijini Dar es salaaam kwa kuwajali wasanii wa aina zote na hata kuamua kutoa tuzo kwa wasanii ambapo mwaka huu amewatunuku Muhidin Maalim Gurumo na Hayati Marijani Rajabu.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Miss Tanzania Vazi la Taifa Katika Mashindano ya Miss Universe 2012

Wadau, hebu cheki hii Vazi la Taifa aliyovaa Miss Tanzania 2012, Winifrida Dominic, katika Mashindano ya Miss Universe. Samahani lakini sioni UTanzania! 
Miss Tanzania Winfrida Dominic performs onstage at the 2012 Miss Universe National Costume Show at PH Live in Las Vegas, Nevada December 14, 2012. The 89 Miss Universe Contestants will compete for the Diamond Nexus Crown on December 19, 2012. REUTERS/Darren Decker/Miss Universe Organization/Handout

Miss Bostwana 2012
Miss Ethiopia 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tanzia - Angela Hiza Bavu

The Late Mrs. Angela Hiza Bavu

UPDATE 12/19/12 - Mwili wa marehemu Mrs. Angela Hiza Bavu, utawasili Dar es Salaam kutoka India na Qatar Airways kesho 12/12/12.  Mazishi yatakuwa Jumamosi 12/22/12, shambani kwa Prof. Bavu huko Kimara Stopover.


Wadau, nimepokea kwa majonzi habari ya kifo cha Mrs. Angela Bavu (nee Angela Hiza), mtoto wa Prof. Hiza. Tulikaa na familia ya Hiza Simba Road, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam (Mlimani) miaka mingi tangua 1970's hadi 1990's. Wao walikuwa 3 Simba Road, sisi namba 13 Simba Road. Watoto wa Chuo!

Sina details zaidi ya kuwa alikuwa amekwenda India kwenye matibabu.

Natoa pole kwa familia ya Prof. Hiza na Mrs. Hiza, Carolyne, Mary, Msaka, Mpindu, Mhaiyo,  Robert na wengine.

Mungu ailaze roho ya Angela mahala pema mbinguni. Amen.

Nitabandika updates nikizipata.

Athari za Sindano kama Njia ya Uzazi wa Majira

Hii ilichapishwa kwenye Gazeti la Mwananchi, mwezi uliopita (Novemba 2012).  Kwa wanawake wanaotumia sindano kama njia ya uzazi wa majira naona hii ni habari ya kutisha.!



UTAFITI umebaini kuwa sindano za uzazi wa mpango zinachangia kasi ya maambukizi ya virusi vya Ukimwi kwa kuwa zina vichocheo vingi ambavyo vinahuisha virusi vya Ukimwi katika nyumba ya uzazi na kuvipa nguvu ya kusambaa.

Inaelezwa kuwa walio katika hatari zaidi ya maambukizi hayo ni wanawake walioko katika ndoa kwa kuwa ndiyo wanaotumia zaidi sindano hizo.

Utafiti huo uliofanywa na wanasayansi wa Marekani na kuripotiwa na gazeti la The Guardian la Uingereza, umebaini kuwa wanawake wanaotumia sindano za uzazi wa mpango wapo katika hatari mara mbili ya kupata maambukizi ya Ukimwi au kuwaambukiza wenzi wao, kuliko wengine.

Katika utafiti huo uliofanywa katika nchi saba zinazoendelea barani Afrika ikiwamo Tanzania, wanasayansi hao kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Washington, walipendekeza ushauri zaidi utolewe kwa wanandoa kabla mtu hajajiingiza kwenye matumizi ya sindano kama njia ya kupanga uzazi.

Utafiti huo ulifanyika kwa wanandoa 3,790 kutoka nchi za Tanzania, Afrika Kusini, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda na Botswana, ulichapishwa kwa mara ya kwanza katika Jarida la Afya la Lancet kabla ya kunukuliwa na gazeti la The Guardian.

Utafiti umebaini pia kuwa zaidi ya wanawake 140 milioni duniani wanatumia njia mbalimbali za uzazi wa mpango, huku wanandoa wengi katika nchi za Kusini mwa Jangwa la Sahara, wanaoishi na VVU wakichagua kutumia sindano kama njia ya kuzuia mimba zisizotarajiwa.

Wanasayansi hao walikusanya taarifa kati ya wanandoa 3,790 ambao mmoja wao anaishi na VVU na mwenza wake akiwa hana maambukizo.

Aidha, wanawake ambao wanaishi na VVU na wanatumia sindano hizo pia walikuwa katika hatari zaidi ya kuwaambukiza wenzi wao.

Vipimo vilionyesha kuwa sindano hizo ambazo zina vichocheo ambavyo vinavipa nguvu virusi ndani ya nyumba ya uzazi (cervix).

Imeelezwa kuwa njia za uzazi wa mpango zinazohamasishwa zaidi na kupendwa zaidi na wanawake ni sindano, ambazo wanawake wanasema kuwa zinadumu kwa muda mrefu na zinaweza kutumika bila ya ruhusa au mume kufahamu.

Kiongozi mkuu wa utafiti huo, Renee Heffron wa Chuo Kikuu cha Washington alisema sindano za uzazi wa mpango zina vichocheo vingi ambavyo huvihuisha vijidudu vya Ukimwi katika nyumba ya uzazi na kuvipa nguvu ya kusambaa.

“Ni vyema sasa kama tutasisitiza njia za uzazi wa mpango ambazo ni salama zaidi kama vile mipira ya kiume au njia nyingine ambazo hazina vichocheo (hormones) au zina kiasi kidogo cha vichocheo,” alisema Dk Heffron.

Mwanasayansi mwingine, Charles Morrison wa Kituo cha Afya cha Durham, nchini Marekani alisema uhamasishaji wa matumizi ya sindano za uzazi wa mpango unachochea maambukizi zaidi katika nchi za Jangwa la Sahara.

“Ushauri wangu kwa nchi zinazoendelea ni kuacha matumizi ya njia za uzazi wa mpango zenye vichocheo, ili tupunguze maambukizi, jibu la tatizo hili linatakiwa litafutwe sasa, nchi zinazohusika zinatakiwa zishiriki katika hili,” alisema.

Alivitaka vituo vya afya vitoe ushauri kwa wanawake kutumia kondomu badala ya sindano au vidonge.

Mara nyingi watu wanaotumia vidonge, wengi si wanandoa, mtu anayemeza vidonge vya kuzuia mimba anaogopa zaidi mimba, si Ukimwi.

Huchochea Hamu ya Mapenzi

Mfamasia katika Kitengo cha Dawa kwa watu wanaoishina VVU katika Hospitali ya Amana, Christopher Masika alisema anaafiki kuwa sindano na hata vidonge vinaweza kuwa ni sababu inayochochea maambukizi kwa sababu ya uhuru.

“Ninachokiona mimi katika hilo ni uhuru. Mtu anapotumia sindano huwa huru kufanya ngono kwa kuwa hana hofu ya mimba, hicho kinaweza kumfanya apate maambukizi kwa urahisi, tofauti na anapotumia kondomu,” alisema.

Alisema wapo baadhi ambao wakitumia sindano hizo vichocheo vinawafanya wapate hamu zaidi ya kufanya mapenzi, hivyo huanza kutembea na wanaume wengine.

Aliongeza kuwa mtu anayeishi na VVU akizuia mimba kwa njia ya sindano, ni rahisi kupata maambukizi mapya kutoka kwa mwenza wake.

Masika alisema wanawake wapewe elimu zaidi kwani wapo ambao wanadanganywa kuwa njia za uzazi wa mpango kama sindano, povu zinaweza kuzuia maambukizi, jambo ambalo si la kweli.

Wakati huohuo baadhi ya wanandoa wanaoishi na VVU wanaopata matibabu katika Hospitali ya Amana wamesema kuwa tangu waanze kutumia dawa za kupunguza makali ya Ukimwi (ARVs) hamu ya kufanya mapenzi imeongezeka kwa kasi kubwa.

Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Utafiti cha Tume ya Taifa ya Kudhibiti Ukimwi (Tacaids), Dk Arodia Mulokozi, alisema taasisi yake haiwezi kuzungumza lolote kuhusu utafiti huo, badala yake alilitaka Mwananchi kuzungumza na Kitengo cha Afya ya Uzazi wa Mpango cha Muhimbili.

“Hatuhusiki na masuala ya uzazi wa mpango, nafikiri unaweza kuzungumza na Kitengo cha ‘Reproductive Health’ cha Muhimbili,” alisema Dk Mulokozi.

Waziri wa Afya hakupatika, lakini msemaji wa wizara hiyo, Nsachris Mwamwaja alisema ni mapema mno kuchangia kuhusu utafiti huo, atafanya hivyo pindi atakapopata taarifa zaidi.

Mratibu wa Mpango wa Uzazi wa Mpango Tanzania (Umati), Dk Morris Hiza amekiri kuufahamu utafiti huo, lakini akaeleza kuwa haujajitosheleza na bado una maswali mengi.

“Nilikuwapo wakati Heffron anawasilisha utafiti wake mjini Geneva, lakini nakumbuka mkutano ule wa WHO (Shirika la Afya Duniani) uliukataa,” alisema.

Alieleza kuwa Heffton alifanya utafiti huo kwa nyani na wanawake makahaba pekee.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Msiba - Springfield, MA - Mzee Edson Mwandemani

The late Mzee Edson Mwandemani
arifa za msiba wa mzee wetu, baba yetu Edson Mwandemani (72) alifariki jana Ijumaa akiwa amelazwa katika hospitali ya Bay State Medical Center.

Juhudi kubwa zinaendelea kukusanya michango kwa ajili ya kuurejesha mwili wa marehemu nyumbani Tanzania. Tafadhali tunaomba michango itumwe kwa kupitia Richard Mwandemani Bank Of America Routing number 011000138 Account #004643403251

Msiba uko nyumbani kwa Richard 113 Enfield Street, Indian Orchard, Mass 01151
Kwa taarifa zaidi za msiba unaweza kuwasiliana na:

Richard Mwandemani (413) 262-0400
Isaac Kibodya (413) 219-1153
Kawala Mgawe (413) 330-1609

Tutaendelea kuwaletea taarifa kadri tutakavyozipata.

Tanzania Madagascar Talks

 ARUSHA, Tanzania (AP) - Madagascar President Andry Rajoelina is wrapping up two-days of talks in Tanzania that are aimed at breaking a three-year political stalemate in the Indian Ocean island country.

 The visit comes days after deposed Madagascar leader Marc Ravalomanana said in Tanzania he won't try to stand in next year's elections. Ravalomanana was ousted in a coup in March 2009.

 Tanzania's Foreign Minister Bernard Membe said he is optimistic the Friday and Saturday talks between Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete and Rajoelina will lead to a "positive settlement." Kikwete heads a southern block of African nations known as the SADC and has been tasked with finding a solution to Madagascar's political troubles.

   Membe said any political agreements should include a general amnesty for domestic and external opponents of Rajoelina.

President Jakaya Kikwete and Transitional President of Madagascar Andry Rajoelina

1.     At the invitation of H.E. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania and the current Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defense and Security Cooperation, H.E. Andry Rajoelina, President of the Transitional Government of the Republic of Madagascar paid a two-day working visit to Tanzania from 14th to 15th December 2012.

2.     The invitation was in response to the conclusions of the SADC Extra-Ordinary Summit held on 8th December 2012 in Dar es Salaam, which mandated the Organ Chairperson to brief and hold consultations with H.E. Andry Rajoelina, President of the Transitional Government and H.E. Marc Ravalomanana, former President of Madagascar with regards to the political situation in Madagascar.

3.     It should be recalled that on 10th December 2012, President Kikwete in his capacity as the Chairperson of the SADC Organ met in Dar es Salaam with former President Marc Ravalomanana to discuss decisions of the SADC Summit.

4.     On 11th December 2012, H,E. Ravalomanana and his host, President Kikwete held a joint Press Conference where he officially announced his decision not to contest in the forthcoming Presidential Elections.

5.      On 14th December 2012, President Kikwete and H.E. Rajoelina held in-depth discussions on the conclusions of the Dar es Salaam SADC Summit. The talks were held in a cordial and friendly atmosphere and significant progress has been made. The two leaders agreed to have further consultations with relevant stakeholders prior to meeting again before the end of the month to conclude on the matter.

6.     President Rajoelina thanked his host President Kikwete for the warm hospitality accorded to him and his delegation. He further congratulated the SADC Summit for re-affirming the dates for the elections and for calling the respective parties to respect the same. He also expressed appreciation for SADC’s commitment to mobilize financial resources and logistical support from the International Community.

………………………………………..     …………………………………
Amb. Liberata Mulamula                                      Ms. Annick Rajoana
Senior Personal Assistant to the President          Spokesperson the Transitional
United Republic of Tanzania                                 President of the Republic of Madagascar

Done at Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania
14th December 2012.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Rais Kikwete Akabidhi Nyumba Mpya 35 za Walioathirika na Mlipuko ya Mabomu Gongo la Mboto

Bila kujali mvua kubwa inayonyesha, Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akiakata utepe kuashiria uzinduzi rasmi wa nyumba mpya 35 ambazo serikali imewajengea waathirika wa mabomu Gongo la Mboto katika eneo la Msogole, Toangoma, Wilaya ya Ilala leo Desemba 13, 2012

Bila kujali mvua kubwa inayonyesha, Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akifunua kitambaa kuashiria uzinduzi rasmi wa nyumba mpya 35 ambazo serikali imewajengea waathirika wa mabomu Gongo la Mboto katika eneo la Msogole, Toangoma, Wilaya ya Ilala leo Desemba 13, 2012

Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akiwa na mmoja wa walionufaika na hatua ya serikali ya kujenga nyumba mpya 35 kwa ajili ya waathirika wa mabomu Gongo la Mboto katika eneo la Msogole, Toangoma, Wilaya ya Ilala leo Desemba 13, 2012. Mama huyu ambaye alipoteza mume, amejengewa nyumba ya vyumba vitano pamoja na fremu ya duka.

 Baadhi ya nyumba mpya 35 ambazo serikali imewajengea waathirika wa mabomu Gongo la Mboto katika eneo la Msogole, Toangoma, Wilaya ya Ilala kama zinavyoonekqana leo Desemba 13, 2012 baada ya kuzinduliwa na Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete


Saturday, December 08, 2012

Kahawa ya Mavi ya Tembo!

Jamani waBongo! Changamkeni! Kuna kahawa inauzwa bei mbaya mno inayotokana na mavi ya tembo.  Yaani tembo analishwa mbegu za kahawa. Halafu kesho yake hiyo kahawa inachambuliwa kutoka kwenye mavi ya tembo na kusagwa. Wanasema kuwa hiyo kahawa ni tamu mno kwa vile mbegu zinapikwa taratibu ndani ya tumbo ya tembo. Kikombe kimoja kinauzwa kwa dola $50 yaani shs. 60,000/-! 

Tuna tembo kibao na kahawa tele Tanzania. Changamkeni! 

GOLDEN TRIANGLE, Thailand (AP) — In the lush hills of northern Thailand, a herd of 20 elephants is excreting some of the world's most expensive coffee.
Trumpeted as earthy in flavor and smooth on the palate, the exotic new brew is made from beans eaten by Thai elephants and plucked a day later from their dung. A gut reaction inside the elephant creates what its founder calls the coffee's unique taste.
Stomach turning or oddly alluring, this is not just one of the world's most unusual specialty coffees. At $1,100 per kilogram ($500 per pound), it's also among the world's priciest.
For now, only the wealthy or well-traveled have access to the cuppa, which is called Black Ivory Coffee. It was launched last month at a few luxury hotels in remote corners of the world — first in northern Thailand, then the Maldives and now Abu Dhabi — with the price tag of about $50 a serving.
The Associated Press traveled to the coffee's production site in the Golden Triangle, an area historically known for producing drugs more potent than coffee, to see the jumbo baristas at work. And to sip the finished product from a dainty demitasse.
In the misty mountains where Thailand meets Laos and Myanmar, the coffee's creator cites biology and scientific research to answer the basic question: Why elephants?
"When an elephant eats coffee, its stomach acid breaks down the protein found in coffee, which is a key factor in bitterness," said Blake Dinkin, who has spent $300,000 developing the coffee. "You end up with a cup that's very smooth without the bitterness of regular coffee."
The result is similar in civet coffee, or kopi luwak, another exorbitantly expensive variety extracted from the excrement of the weasel-like civet. But the elephants' massive stomach provides a bonus.
Think of the elephant as the animal kingdom's equivalent of a slow cooker. It takes between 15-30 hours to digest the beans, which stew together with bananas, sugar cane and other ingredients in the elephant's vegetarian diet to infuse unique earthy and fruity flavors, said the 42-year-old Canadian, who has a background in civet coffee.
"My theory is that a natural fermentation process takes place in the elephant's gut," said Dinkin. "That fermentation imparts flavors you wouldn't get from other coffees."
At the jungle retreat that is home to the herd, conservationists were initially skeptical about the idea.
"My initial thought was about caffeine — won't the elephants get wired on it or addicted to coffee?" said John Roberts, director of elephants at the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation, a refuge for rescued elephants. It now earns 8 percent of the coffee's total sales, which go toward the herd's health care. "As far as we can tell there is definitely no harm to the elephants."
Before presenting his proposal to the foundation, Dinkin said he worked with a Canadian-based veterinarian that ran blood tests on zoo elephants showing they don't absorb any caffeine from eating raw coffee cherries.
"I thought it was well worth a try because we're looking for anything that can help elephants to make a living," said Roberts, who estimates the cost of keeping each elephant is about $1,000 a month.
As for the coffee's inflated price, Dinkin half-joked that elephants are highly inefficient workers. It takes 33 kilograms (72 pounds) of raw coffee cherries to produce 1 kilogram of (2 pounds) Black Ivory coffee. The majority of beans get chewed up, broken or lost in tall grass after being excreted.
And, his artisanal process is labor-intensive. He uses pure Arabica beans hand-picked by hill-tribe women from a small mountain estate. Once the elephants do their business, the wives of elephant mahouts collect the dung, break it open and pick out the coffee. After a thorough washing, the coffee cherries are processed to extract the beans, which are then brought to a gourmet roaster in Bangkok.
Inevitably, the elephant coffee has become the butt of jokes. Dinkin shared his favorites: Crap-accino. Good to the last dropping. Elephant poop coffee.
As far away as Hollywood, even Jay Leno has taken cracks.
"Here's my question," Leno quipped recently. "Who is the first person that saw a bunch of coffee beans and a pile of elephant dung and said, 'You know, if I ground those up and drank it, I'll bet that would be delicious.'"
Jokes aside, people are drinking it. Black Ivory's maiden batch of 70 kilograms (150 pounds) has sold out. Dinkin hopes to crank out six times that amount in 2013, catering to customers he sees as relatively affluent, open-minded and adventurous with a desire to tell a good story.
For now, the only places to get it are a few Anantara luxury resorts, including one at the Golden Triangle beside the elephant foundation.
At sunset one recent evening in the hotel's hilltop bar, an American couple sampled the brew. They said it surpassed their expectations.
"I thought it would be repulsive," said Ryan Nelson, 31, of Tampa, Florida. "But I loved it. It was something different. There's definitely something wild about it that I can't put a name on."
His wife Asleigh, a biologist and coffee lover, called it a "fantastic product for an eco-conscious consumer," since the coffee helps fund elephant conservation.
But how does it taste?
"Very interesting," she said, choosing her words carefully. "Very novel."
"I don't think I could afford it every day on my zookeeper's salary," she said. "But I'm certainly enjoying it sitting here overlooking the elephants, on vacation."

Mavi ya Tembo yachumbuliwa huko Thailand

Bomu Imelipuka Nairobi!

 Duh! Kwa mara nyingine bomu imelipuka mjini Nairobi, Kenya. Habari zinasema kuwa watu wawili wamekufa na wanane wamejuruhiwa leo asubuhi.  Bomu ililipuka eneo ambao wanakaa waKenya wengi wenye asili ya Somalia.


NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - The Kenyan Red Cross says two people have been killed and eight wounded after a blast in downtown Nairobi.

   Friday evening's blast was the second in three days. A blast Wednesday near a military base wounded eight people.

   Both explosions went off in a Somali neighborhood of Nairobi known as Little Mogadishu. Kenya has seen a series of small-scale explosions over the last year, many from grenades.  Kenyan media reported that a member of parliament was wounded in Friday's attack.

   Kenyan troops moved into Somalia in late 2011, prompting al-Shabab militants in Somalia to vow revenge attacks inside Kenya. Al-Shabab sympathizers are suspected in many of the blast attacks, though authorities have not clearly linked all the attacks to al-Shabab or its sympathizers.

Mh. Zitto Kabwe Ziarani Ulaya


Ndugu Zitto ziarani Ulaya
Waziri Kivuli wa Fedha na Uchumi, Naibu Kiongozi wa Upinzani Bungeni na Mbunge wa Kigoma Kaskazini ndugu Zitto Zuberi Kabwe ameanza ziara ya kikazi nchini Ujerumani ambapo atahudhuria na kuhutubia Mkutano mkubwa wa masuala ya ushirikiano wa kiuchumi kati ya Ujerumani na Africa. Mkutano huo “Economic Conference: Commitment to Africa Initiative” utafanyika Jijini Berlin kuanzia tarehe 9 – 11 Desemba 2012 na umeandaliwa na Wizara ya Ushirikiano wa Kimaendeleo ya Serikali ya Ujerumani.

Katika ufunguzi wa Mkutano huo ndugu Zitto atatoa mada kuhusu mgongano wa maslahi kati ya Kampuni binafsi na Jamii ambapo ataongelea suala zima la makampuni makubwa ya kimataifa yanavyonyonya rasilimali za Afrika bila kuwajibika kulipa kodi na kuendeleza jamii zinazozunguka shughuli zao. Atazungumzia pia mitaji kiduchu inayokuja Afrika na fedha nyingi inayotoroshwa Afrika kupitia rushwa, ukwepaji kodi na wizi wa rasilimali. Afrika inapoteza zaidi ya dola za kimarekani 583 bilioni kila mwaka kutokana na utoroshaji wa fedha unaofanywa na makampuni ya kimataifa kwa kushirikiana na baadhi ya viongozi wa Afrika. Hata hivyo Afrika inapokea takribani dola za Kimarekani 80 bilioni tu kwa mwaka kutokana na Uwekezaji (FDI) na Misaada (foreign Aid). Tanzania ni moja ya nchi inayopokea misaada mingi kutoka nje na moja ya nchi ambayo rasilimali zake zinatoroshwa na baadhi ya viongozi wake kutorosha fedha na kuzihifadhi kwenye mabenki ya Ulaya kama Uswiss.

Mnamo tarehe 11 Desemba ndugu Zitto atakuwa kwenye jukwaa moja na Waziri wa Maendeleo wa Ujerumani kuzungumzia namna bora ya kushirikiana kati ya Ujerumani na nchi za Kiafrika. Miongoni mwa mapendekezo ya Zitto ni kuondokana na mfumo wa sasa wa ushirikiano wa misaada na badala yake kuwe na ushirikiano wa kujengeana uwezo ili kila nchi iweze kuhimili maendeleo yake yenyewe.

Katika ziara hii Zitto atakutana na Mawaziri Wakuu wa majimbo ya Nord Rhein Westphalen jimbo ambalo limefanikiwa sana katika vita dhidi ya ukwepaji kodi unaotokana na raia wa Ujerumani kuficha fedha kwenye mabenki ya Uswiss na wa jimbo la Lower Saxony kwa ajili ya mazungumzo kuhusu ukarabati wa Meli ya Liemba na kujenga mahusiano kati ya Mkoa huu na Mkoa wa Kigoma pia kati ya mji wa PapenBurg na Manispaa ya Kigoma.

Zitto anatarajiwa kutembelea baadhi ya nchi nyingine za Ulaya na kukutana na watu mbalimbali katika kuimarisha mtandao wa kimataifa dhidi ya utoroshaji wa fedha kutoka Afrika (illicit money transfer). Pia atakutana na watu binafsi wenye ujuzi na weledi katika masuala haya ya kupambana na watoroshaji wa fedha. Zitto anataraji kurudi nchini mnamo tarehe 16 Desemba 2012. Kwa namna itaakavyowezekana umma utapewa taarifa kuhusu ziara hii kupitia akaunti ya twitter na facebook ya ndugu Zitto. Pia mada zote atakazowasilisha zitawekwa kwenye blogu ya kila itakapowezekana.

Waziri Kivuli wa Fedha na Naibu Kiongozi wa Upinzani Bungeni anawatakia Watanzania wote kila la kheri katika Sikukuu ya Uhuru wa Tanzania Bara. Utu, Uzalendo, Uadilifu na Uwajibikaji ni silaha muhimu sana za kujenga Taifa lenye heshima na jamii ya watu wenye fursa za kuendeleza maisha yao kwa haki na amani. Tutimize wajibu wetu katika kuijenga Tanzania tuitakayo kwa ajili yetu na kwa ajili ya vizazi vijavyo.

Imetolewa na Ofisi ya Mbunge wa Kigoma Kaskazini
8 Desemba 2012, Dar es Salaam 

Warsha Kwa Vyombo Vya Habari London 6/12/12


Na Michael Zetulla

Jumuiya ya Urafiki kati ya UIngereza na Tanzania (Britain –Tanzania Society) itaendesha warsha juu ya vyombo vya habari Tanzania, kesho Alhamisi.

Semina hiyo itafanyika chumba namba 4421 katika chuo kikuu cha lugha SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) kilichoko Russell Square, katikati ya London, saa kumi na moja hadi saa moja jioni.

Mtu yeyote anaweza kuhudhuria na hakuna malipo yeyote yanayotakiwa.

Mzungumzaji mkuu atakuwa Ben Taylor wa Daraja ambalo linasimamia magazeti kadhaa mjini Njombe na Iringa ikiwemo Kwanza Jamii. Mwenyekiti wa warsha atakuwa Freddy Macha mwandishi na mwanasafu mkazi London.

Kufuatana maelezo yaliyotolea na jumuiya ya BTS, mada ya warsha itakuwa : “Habari na demokrasia Tanzania”. Shughuli hii ni sehemu ya warsha mbalimbali zilizofanywa na jumuiya ya BTS toka mwezi Oktoba kuzungumzia na kuangalia mada mbalimbali za Tanzania. Mwezi jana Waziri wa Uchukuzi , Dk Harrison Mwakyembe alialikwa kuzungumzia suala la katiba na usafiri katika ukumbi wa Central Hall, mjini London.

Habari zaidi tembelea:

Au piga simu


Monday, December 03, 2012

Mh. Shy-Rose Bhanji Akutana na Aga Khan

Kiongozi Mtukufu Aga Khan ambaye ndiye Mwenyekiti wa Mtandao wa Maendeleo wa Aga Khan (AKDN) na Kiongozi wa Waislamu wa Ismailia akizungumza mawili matatu ya kimaendeleo na Mbunge wa Bunge la Afrika Mashariki kutoka Tanzania Mh. Shy-Rose Bhanji wakati wa ufunguzi wa Makao Makuu ya Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki mkoni Arusha. Kushoto ni Mkurugenzi wa Idara ya Masuala ya Kidiplomasia ya AKDN Dkt. Shafik Sachedina. ( Picha kwa Hisani ya Ikulu)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tanzia - Freddy Mtoi wa BBC

Asante Kaka Freddy Macha kwa kuleta taarifa hii:


The late Freddy Mtoi
  haa ya Kiswahili ya BBC London inawaarifu wapenzi wa BBC, ndugu, jamaa na marafiki hasa walioko Uingereza kuwa, ibada ya kumuaga mtangazaji wake Fred Mtoi aliyefariki dunia usiku wa kuamkia Jumamosi tarehe 17 Novemba 2012 itakuwa Jumamosi tarehe Mosi Disemba 2012.
Ibada hiyo itafanyika katika Kanisa la St. Anne’s Lutheran mjini London kuanzia saa tano kamili asubuhi.
Anuani ya Kanisa ni: St Anne’s Lutheran Church, Gresham Street, London, EC2V.

 Safari ya kuupeleka mwili wa marehemu Dar es salaam nchini Tanzania itakuwa Jumatatu tarehe 3 Disemba 2012 jioni kwa ndege ya Shirika la British Airways.
Mwili unatarajiwa kuwasili Dar es Salaam Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere Jumanne saa moja asubuhi.
Mipango ya Ibada na mazishi nchini Tanzania inafanyika nyumbani kwa wazazi wake Tabata Maduka Manne jijini Dar es salaam. Ibada ya kumuaga Fred itafanyika katika kanisa la Lutheran Tabata Kuu saa saba mchana siku ya Jumatano tarehe 5 Disemba 2012. Maziko yatafanyika katika makaburi ya Kinondoni Dar es salaam saa tisa alasiri.
Fred alianza kazi ya utangazaji Radio Tanzania kabla ya kuja Ulaya kwa masomo. Amekuwa akifanya kazi huku akiendelea na masomo ya shahada ya pili ya Uzamili kuhusu ‘Digital Media’ katika chuo kikuu kimoja cha London.
Alishiriki katika vipindi muhimu na vilivyopata sifa hasa vya sanaa, utamaduni na jamii kutokana na kuwafahamu wakaazi wengi wa London hasa wenye asili ya Afrika Mashariki.

 Alishiriki piya katika matangazo ya kawaida ya habari ya Idhaa ya Kiswahili ya BBC.
Wenzake katika Idhaa ya Kiswahili ya BBC wanamkumbuka Fred kuwa mtu mwema, mpole, mchangamfu na aliyepatana na wote. Alikuwa mtangazaji mtulivu na akishikilia kazi alihakikisha anaimaliza vema.
Alishiriki katika vipindi muhimu na vilivyopata sifa hasa vya sanaa, utamaduni na jamii kutokana na kuwafahamu wakaazi wengi wa London hasa wenye asili ya Afrika Mashariki.
Fred atakumbukwa kwa umahiri wake katika matangazo ya kawaida ya habari ya Idhaa ya Kiswahili ya BBC.
Shukran za dhati kwa Shirika la BBC kwa kushughulikia na kugharamia mipango yote ya kuusafirisha mwili wa marehemu Fred hadi Tanzania.
Pia shukran kwa wote walioshiriki kwa namna moja ama nyingine kufanikisha mipango ya yote kuhusu msiba huu.
Imetolewa na:
Zawadi Machibya
Mratibu wa Mazishi
Idhaa ya Kiswahili ya BBC

Kwa maelezo zaidi piga simu
+44 795 260 7038

Kwa picha  na habari zaidi BOFYA HAPA:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Tumienni Kondomu!

 14 HIV/AIDS Beliefs--Which Ones Are True?

As if waging war against an incurable virus that plagues 33 million people globally weren't enough, researchers, doctors, and public health officials continue to battle yet another elusive problem as World Aids Day approaches Saturday: misinformation.

"It really does obstruct the fight," says Rowena Johnston, vice president and director of research at amfAR, a nonprofit that funds HIV/AIDS research. Broaching topics like sex and drug use--the major vehicles for transmission--is "taboo" for many, she says, "so a challenge certainly is getting people to talk openly and honestly about what HIV is and isn't." And part of a candid conversation should be devoted to debunking the myths many have come to believe, including the following:

1. If I had HIV, I would know. Not the case, says Kimberley Hagen, assistant director for the Center for AIDS Research at Emory University in Atlanta. About 1.1 million people in the United States are HIV-positive, and as many as 1 in 5 don't know it, estimates the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many of them feel perfectly healthy. And those who have symptoms may confuse them with run-of-the-mill flu. Denial also plays a role, say experts. "There is a universal tendency with HIV," says Hagen, to try to say, " 'This is something that will affect someone else and not me.' And so you say that you can't get it doing the things that you do--you can only get it doing the things that other people do. That may be the biggest myth."

2. HIV and AIDS are the same. False: HIV is the virus that leads to AIDS. You could have HIV for years without having AIDS.

3. I don't have to worry because I'm not in a high-risk group. While prostitutes, men who have sex with men, and needle sharers are considered at high risk by the CDC, the virus is an equal-opportunity bug. "Many people don't perceive themselves to be at risk and so don't understand why testing is important," says Joel Gallant, associate director of the AIDS Service at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. One example: Heterosexuals account for a third of new HIV transmissions each year, the CDC reports, and a woman might not know her male partner has slept with men in the past or has shared needles with an infected user. Monogamous relationships don't guarantee absolute safety unless you've both been tested and are HIV-negative. In rare instances, women who have sex with women can pass on the virus. And the number of people 50 and older living with HIV/AIDS is on the rise, partly due to newly diagnosed infections, says Paul Weidle, an epidemiologist with the CDC. There are no hallmark characteristics to watch out for, no physical attribute that will "set off an alarm in your head saying 'this person has HIV,' " says Hagen.

4. We're both HIV-positive. We don't need to practice safe sex. Wrong, says Weidle. Superinfection--where someone gets infected with a different strain of the virus--is possible. This new strain could be drug-resistant and even stimulate the transition to full-blown AIDS. Not to mention that shunning condoms leaves the body open to other sexually transmitted diseases that an already weakened immune system can't fight off. Birth control also doesn't protect against HIV.

5. HIV transmission by someone on antiretroviral drugs is impossible. While the drugs can lower the amount of virus--the "viral load"--in the blood to an undetectable level, it could still register in semen or vaginal fluid and be passed on, says Gallant. Doctors usually test viral load every three to six months, and while chances are "pretty slim" that an undetectable level would suddenly rise, says Gallant, it is possible.

6. I'm sure my doctor has tested me and would have told me if the results were positive. Healthcare professionals will not test you without first talking about it, says Hagen. The CDC recommends at least one test for everyone between the ages of 13 and 64, and those considered high risk should be tested multiple times. Ask your primary-care physician or find a testing center by Zip code here.

7. I won't get HIV through oral sex. Transmission is less common than through anal or vaginal sex, but it is still possible whether performing or receiving oral sex, says Weidle.

8. I can get HIV through casual contact or kissing. This belief has persisted from the dawn of the epidemic in the early 1980s. HIV is transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal fluid, and breast milk. You cannot get HIV by shaking hands or hugging, nor can you get it from a toilet seat, drinking fountain, or drinking glasses, says Weidle. HIV does not travel through air or food and cannot live long outside the body. Closed-mouth kissing is also safe, but Weidle notes there have been "extremely rare cases of HIV being transmitted via deep French kissing." In these cases, bleeding gums or sores in the mouth were the conduits.

9. I'm HIV-positive but feel fine. I don't need antiretroviral drugs. "That's very old-fashioned thinking," says Gallant. "Nowadays there's really pretty good evidence that everybody with HIV, or just about everybody, would benefit from treatment in some way." And the point of treatment is to prevent an infected person from getting sick.

10. HIV-positive mothers pass the virus on to their babies. While the CDC estimates that mothers who aren't on antiretroviral treatment have a 25 percent chance of passing the infection on to a newborn, faithful drug therapy during the pregnancy can drop that to 2 percent or less. Women with HIV and AIDS can still have children.

11. I can't get HIV through tattoos or body piercing. If a tattoo parlor or piercing place doesn't sterilize its equipment properly, the virus could inadvertently be transmitted. Tools that cut the skin should be used only once and then either thrown away or sterilized, the CDC recommends, and a new needle should be used on each client. Before getting a tattoo or piercing, ask what steps the shop takes to prevent HIV and other infections, such as hepatitis B or C.

12. I'm too young to get HIV. Au contraire, young adults ages 13 to 24 account for more than a quarter of all new HIV infections, according to a CDC report published this month. About 60 percent of those infected either don't know it or aren't being treated, which means they may be transmitting the virus to others.
13. HIV isn't that serious anymore. Many people think that since it doesn't flash across the front pages as much it's no longer a big deal, says Hagen. "It absolutely is. It's still here, it's still serious, and we don't have a cure for it."

14. Eliminating AIDS is a futile mission. Yes, the outlook sometimes appears grim. But a recent report from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) shows a promising development: New HIV infections have dropped 50 percent across 25 countries, and worldwide, AIDS-related deaths fell by more than 25 percent between 2005 and 2011.

Sharo Milionea Azikwa Tanga

Bongo Staa, Sharo Milionea aka. Hussein Ramadhani Mkieti (27) amezikwa leo, Muheza, Tanga.  Sharo alipoteza maisha yake juzi katika ajali ya gari mkoani Tanga. Alikuwa anakwenda kuona wazazi wake.  Kabla ya kifo chake, Sharo Milionea alikuwa anapanda kwa kasi katika chati ya Bongo Stars. 


Shekhe akimwombea mwili wa marehemu Bongo Staa, Sharo Milionea

Umati walitokea kwenye mazishi ya marehemu  Bongo Staa, Sharo Milionea

Sharo Milionea aka. Hussein Ramadhani Mkieti (1985 -2012)

Sharo Milionea alipoteza maisha yake katika ajali ya gari mkoani Tanga. Alikuwa anaendesha mwenyewe, alikuwa anaeelekea Muheza, Tanga kwenda kuona wazazi wake.

Mnaweza kuona picha zaidi za Mazishi ya Sharo Milionea katika KAJUNA BLOG: