Friday, August 31, 2007

Wasenge sasa ruksa kufunga ndoa Iowa!

Groom & Groom

Bride & Bride!
Bibi Arusi na Bibi Arusi, Bwana Arusi na Bwana Arusi
Huko Iowa leo hao wapenda jinsia moja (wasenge) Gays/lesbos wamepewa ruksa na mahakama kufunga ndoa leo. Hata saa haijapita tayari wamekwishaanza kufunga ndoa. Huko Iowa mzoee mkuona wanaume wanapiga tongue kiss na wananume na wanawake wanapiga na wanawake.

Mahakama ya huko Iowa pia imesema kuwa ndoa si kati ya mwanaume na mwanamke tu. Haya sasa tungojee kusikia watu wamepewa ruksa kufnga ndoa na mbwa, farasi au mnyama mwingine.

Hapa kwetu Massachusetts wana ruksa tayari. Matokeo yake ni kuwa wasenge wankimbilia toka states zingine hapa. Wananua condos na nymba hata iwe na bei gani kusudi wapate residency ya Massachusetts na wafunge ndoa. Na wengine wamefunga ndoa na kuomba talaka, Divorce.

Sehemu zingine hapa Massachusetts kama wewe si msenge, basi ni shida kukaa maana kuna reverse discrimination, gari yako itachomwa moto au unaweza kupigwa. Sodom & Gomorrah!

Na huko makazini usiseme kitgu kibaya juu yao maana utafukuzwa kazi. Hapa kazini kwangu kuna dada fulani ni lesbo. Hajifichi, anavaa kama dume, anatembea kama dume, nywele anakata kidume, na anajitahidi kweli kuwa mwanaume. Ila ana suati laini ya kike, inamlkera kweli. Si mtu mbaya, ila anachoniudhi ni kuja na kutusimulia alikuwa anafanya nini na mpenzi wake, mpaka saa ngapi, walichoka saa ngapi, walifanya nini na nini. Mara sijui kamtamni mwanamke gani, mara nini. Mara nyingi inabidi nitoke nje kwa kushindwa kuvuimilia maongezi yake.

Lakini nimekwisha fanya kazi nao wengi na wengi ni watu poa sana hawana matatizo, wala hawasumbui watu. Na hata sisi watu straight tuko hivyo wengine, ni watu wazuri wengine wan matatizo, na wengine wanasimulia mambo yao mpaka nini na nini.


Judge Strikes Down Iowa Gay Marriage Ban
Friday August 31, 2007 1:31 PM
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Less than two hours after a judge struck down Iowa's decade-old gay marriage ban, two Des Moines men applied for a marriage license as bride and groom, and county officials said they expected to see more same-sex couples doing the same on Friday.
`I started to cry because we so badly want to be able to be protected if something happens to one of us,'' said David Curtis Rethmeier, 29, who was listed as the bride on that first marriage form, with Gary Allen Seronko, 51, as his groom.
Polk County Judge Robert Hanson cleared the way for the two men on Thursday when he ruled that a state law allowing marriage only between a man and woman violated the constitutional rights of due process and equal protection.

The judge ordered local officials to process marriage licenses for the six gay couples who sued. With the ruling, gay couples across the state can now apply for a marriage license in the central-Iowa county.

County attorney John Sarcone said the county would appeal to the state Supreme Court, and he immediately sought a stay from Hanson that would prevent gay couples from seeking a marriage license until the appeal is resolved.
A hearing on the stay motion is likely next week, said Camilla Taylor, an attorney with Lambda Legal, a New York-based gay rights organization.

In the meantime, Deputy County Recorder Trish Umthun is taking calls from gay couples, five of them in the first hours after the judge filed his ruling Thursday afternoon.

The office's web site explaining how to apply for a marriage license still began with the words, ``Marriages in Iowa are between a male and a female ...,'' on Friday morning, but Umthun expected a rush of applications through the day. The marriage license approval process takes three business days.

Republican House Minority Leader Christopher Rants, said the ruling illustrates the need for a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

``I can't believe this is happening in Iowa,'' Rants said. ``I guarantee you there will be a vote on this issue come January,'' when the Legislature convenes.

Gay marriage is legal in Massachusetts, and nine other states have approved spousal rights in some form for same-sex couples. Nearly all states have defined marriage as being solely between a man and a woman, and 27 states have such wording in their constitutions, according the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Dennis Johnson, the lawyer for the six gay couples who sued in 2005 after they were denied marriage licenses, had argued that Iowa has a long history of aggressively protecting civil rights in cases of race and gender.

The Defense of Marriage Act, which the Legislature passed in 1998 declaring marriage to be between one man and one woman, contradicts previous rulings regarding civil rights and is simply ``mean spirited,'' he said.

Roger J. Kuhle, an assistant Polk County attorney, argued that the issue is not for a judge to decide.


  1. I am from Kenya. My relative became Gay to marry a white man from US. Disgusting. He left a daughter and fiance in Nairobi. He is now living in US and we want nothing to do with him anyomore he has disgraced our family.

  2. Chemi
    Huyo mwanamme mbona kama Mbongo vile? Au ndiyo kutafuta makaratasi kwenyewe? Hak'ya nani vile watu wote tuwakosaji lakini hii bila shaka sasa tuna mjaribu Mungu. Kuna hadithi moja inasema " ibilisi huwa anatushawishi tutende dhambi na anafurahi kweli tukitenda na anakubali mbele ya Mwenyezi Mungu kuwa katushawishi. Lakini ikifika kwenye suala la usenge, huwa anamwambia Mungu kwamba hilo hata yeye analiogopa na hakumshawishi mtu!"

  3. Kweli mwisho wa dunia unakaribia.

  4. Siku hizi kuna masidi wa kiume Bongo. Nao kazi kutafuta wanaume wa kizungu wa kuwaoa na kuwapa makaratasi.

  5. Sheria ya watu wa jinsia moja kuoana mbona ilishaanza zamani tena karibu na nyumbani. South Afrika kama sikosei walishapitisha sheria hiyo kama sio mwaka mmoja umepita tayari basi ni miaka miwili.

    Da Chemi vipi ukitumia neno ushoga badala ya usenge. Usenge naliona kama neno kali kweli hatujazoea ivo sisi wabongo kutaja maneno ya nguoni wazi wazi ivo.

  6. Da' Chemi hii ndo njia mpya ya kupata makaratasi. USHOGA/USENGE! Kama uko tayari kutoa bekidoru utapata makaratasi na UKIMWI juu!

  7. Da chemi,hakyanani huyo jamaa ni mbongo.Du kulaleki tumekwisha.sisi wabongo tutachekwa hadi tukimbie.Makaratasi bwana,balaa.

  8. Hao wazungu waacheni wafirane wakose kuzaa, sie huku tutazaa. Itakapofikia wakati huko kwao wamekosa watu wa kuishi huko na kufanya kazi, majumba yatakapokuwa matupu sababu ya usenge wao, sisi tutahamia huko kiulaini tuje kujilia. Wazungu waendelee kufirana, tusiwazuie, ni kwa faida yetu. Lakini jamani waafrika tusiige hiyo tabia, ni mbaya sana, itatumaliza. Hiyo tuwaachie wazungu wafirane, hadi population yao iishe ili sisi tuhamie huko.

  9. Huyu jamaa awe m-bongo au m-nani kivyake na uchoko wake.
    Na wewe chemi sasa "it seems that you are protesting far too much about this gay-choko issue. I begin to think that you are one of them. I really hope you are not."

    Wasenge wapo hata bongo tena tangu zamani sana, kwahiyo msijifanye eti usenge ni kitu kipya katika jamii za waafrika. Kama unakubaliana na usenge au hapana, "its just a matter of individual opinion".

  10. mbona usenge ni kitu cha kawaida. kila mtu ana matamanio yake. binadamu ni kuheshimiana. kama mimi napendelea kuwa na mwanaume. hisia zangu kwa wanawake hazipo..kwa hivyo sina tofauti na yule anayependa mwanamke.

  11. Mkundu mtamu, anaejua utamu wake ndiye
    ajuae thamani yake, asiejua hawezi
    kuuthamini, ataona mchafu, wanuka lakini
    kwa mabasha ni mtamu kama halua. Ndiyo
    maana watu hupoteza vyao kwa mkundu.
    Usiuziwe ila mkundu wenyewe ukufilisi. Kuna
    mabasha wachanga hawa mara nyingi
    waoga na wasumbufu, wapo wasenge baridi
    hawa wengine huwaita boko mchicha miba
    unaliwa na unachoma, yaani wanabanduliwa
    na wanabandua. Kuna mabasha wapevu
    hawa wamekomaa wanajua msenge anataka
    nini na nini afanyiwe, mabasha wapevu
    hawachagui mikundu, iwe ya wasenge wa
    kike au wasenge wa kiume wao hufira tu.
    Kuna mabasha waliokubuhu hawa mara
    nyingi huwa wamefilisika kwa ubasha,
    hawana kitu na wameshalemaa kwa mikundu
    na hawaipati, mara nyingi huvamia wale
    wasenge waliokubuhu ambao hawana soko,
    pia huwa hawapendi mikundu ya wasenge
    wa kike wao ni wasenge wa kiume tu. Mimi
    Basha Mpevu nanyonya mkundu natia ulimi
    na kusafisha kuta za mkundu, pia huupuliza
    mkundu mpaka hujambe kushiria kuwa sasa
    wataka mboo:
