Friday, December 14, 2007

Ameolewa na wanaume kumi kwa wakati moja!

Mwenye waume 10 Eunice Lopez

Si ajabu kusikia mwanaume ameoa wake wengi. Lakini ni ajabu kusikia kuwa mwanamke ameolewa na wanaume wengi! Sasa huyo mama wa huko Miami, Florida katia fola!

Eunice Lopez (26) ameolewa na wanaume 10! Ni ndoa za makaratasi hizi! Lazima. Unamjua mwanaume gani ambaye atavumilia kuwa na mume mwenza?

Majina ya ndoa zake na waume wake yako chini. Lazima kuna njama na ofisi ya County Clerk kule. Maana huwa wana kuwa sharp kujua kama mtu kafunga ndoa na hakuna divorce.


Woman Married To 10 Men At Same Time
26-Year-Old Accused Of Being Bigamist

December 14, 2007

MIAMI -- A 26-year-old Miami woman was married to 10 men at the same time, prosecutors allege, in a marriage-for-pay scheme to enable the men to remain in the United States.
Eunice Lopez was charged with nine counts of bigamy Wednesday.

The charges say she married the men between 2002 and 2006 without divorcing any of them. In one case, she married two men in the same month.

On June 22, 2002 Lopez married Mauricio Carlo Matos as evidenced by a Certificate of Marriage filed with the Miami-Dade County Clerk of the Court on June 27, 2002.

On Aug. 11, 2003, while still married to Natos, Lopez married Jose L. Ramos. A Certificate of Marriage was filed with the clerk of the court on Aug. 19, 2003.

On March 5, 2005, while still married to Natos and Ramos, Lopez married Antonio Roberto Cordeiro. A certificate of marriage was filed with the clerk of the court on March 15, 2005.

On Nov. 5, 2005, Lopez married Humberto Navarro Suarez. A certificate of marriage was filed on Nov. 8, 2005. Lopez was still married to Natos, Ramos and Cordeiro.

Just 12 days after her marriage to Suarez, Lopez married Leandro Abelha on Nov. 17, 2005. The same day a marriage certificate was filed with the clerk of the court.

On Jan. 6, 2006, Lopez married Euclides Yepes Ceballos. There were still no divorce proceedings on file for Lopez with the clerk of the court, but a marriage certificate was issued on Jan. 9, 2006.

On May 11, 2006, Lopez married Martin Errazola Alvarez. The same day a marriage certificate was filed with the clerk of the court.

On June 2, 2006, Marco Antonio Serrano and Lopez were married. Again, on the same day, a certificate of marriage was filed with the clerk of the court.

On July 24, 2006, Diego M. Hernandez-Figueroa and Lopez were married and the same day a certificate of marriage was filed with the clerk of the court.

On Nov. 21, 2006, Lopez married Fernando Jose Urroz Leguisamo. A certificate of marriage was filed with the clerk of the court the same day.

She was held at the Women's Detention Center on $75,000 bond, but posted bond Friday morning, according to the state attorney's office.

The investigation is continuing.


  1. Chemi, hii ni kali. Nadhani inavunja rekodi za baadhi ya akina dada wa kizaramo hapa bongo. Hawa wa hapa wanaweza kuwa wameolewa na mibaba miwili au mitatu hivi kwa wakati mmoja. Tofauti pia ni kuwa huwa hakuna vyeti vya ndoa hizo.

    Huyo mama huko Amerika ametia fora. Yaelekea alikuwa anafanya kwa ajili ya fedha? Je, huyo mfungishaji naye alivuta kitu kidogo? Maana si bure. Mtu anarudi mara ya tatu mpaka ya tisa na bado kweli sura yake isiingie kichwani? Computer nazo ziligoma? Maswali ni mengi hapa.

    asante Chemi kwa habari motomoto unazotuletea kutoka huko majuu.


  2. Mwanamke hawezi kuhudumia kinyumba wanaume kumi. Waeili tu ni kazi. Hizo ni Green Card marriages yaani ndoa za makaratasi. Shauri zake, na hao wanaume watakoma.

  3. Ni 'kutia fora' sio 'fola'

  4. Angekuwa ni mwislamu ingehusishwa na dini.Lakini kwa sababu sio basi sio news sana.
