Friday, December 07, 2007

Prof. Pius Yanda wa UDSM apata Nobel Prize

Prof. Pius Yanda wa UDSM

Asante mdau Vicensia Shule, kwa kunidokeza hii habari muhimu. Maana kelele zimepigwa sana kuhusu akina Al Gore.

Vicensia anasema: " Naomba mnisaidie kuwapa taarifa waTz wenzetu kuwa mshindi mwenza wa tuzo ya Amani ya Nobel mwaka huu ametoka Tanzania na anaitwa Prof. Pius Yanda wa chuo kikuu cha Dre es Salaam. Hii nondo ni kubwa ila imepita kimya kimya sana jamani. US AlGore amekaribishwa ikulu kwa Bush, tunakumbuka mapokezi wa Prof. Wangare Mathaai Kenya. Tanzania tunawaza nini jamani? Huyu rais wetu vipi uwiii, na huyu waziri Prof.Msolla wala sijamsikia, nimesikitika sana.Huyu si Bongo Celebrity pia? Ni wazo tu"

Nakubaliana naye maana huko Tanzania, kelele zimepigwa sana kuhusu ushindi wa Richard (Big Brother) na Richa (Miss Tanzania) lakini hii habari inaelekea kupita kimya kimya. Je, atafanyiwa party kubwa kubwa za kumpongeza na kumtambua ndani ya Tanzania? Hizi ndo ushindi zinazotoa heshima kwa nchi yetu Tanzania.

UDSM don becomes a joint recipient of Nobel Peace Prize



The University of Dar es Salaam has announced that one of its dons, Prof Pius Yanda, was among co-authors who on October 12 this year jointly received the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. In a statement released in Dar es Salaam on Thursday, the university's public relations office said Yanda was a joint recipient of the world`s top prize with former US vice-president Al Gore for co-authoring the Inter-Government Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) report.

Yanda, according to the statement, is a professor of Physical Geography specialising in natural resources management and environment and is currently engaged in a research project that provides high resolution information on predicted future climate change and associated impact on natural and social systems in various parts of Tanzania.

The project is conducted in collaboration with Michigan State University of the US and the Livestock Research Institute of Nairobi. However, in the IPCC report, the statement said, Prof Yanda participated in the project, entitled `Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability,` with specific focus on Africa.

Findings presented in the report include that of vulnerability of Africa to climate change and climate variability, a situation aggravated by the interaction of multiple stresses occurring at various levels and law adaptive capacity, noted the statement.

Another finding states that climate change could result in low-lying lands being inundated, with resultant impacts on coastal settlements. The report also notes that human health, already compromised by a range of factors, could further be impacted by climate change and climate vulnerability.


  1. tafazali weka hii mada inahusu hair products
    ili kujua kwanini dawa za nywele,na nywele za bandia zinatengezwa china,korea na watu wafanye nini kuhusu hilo swala wakati watumiaji wakubwa ni sisi weusi


  3. Richard kabaka na ni shujaa. Huyo Prof. Yanda anataka kuokoa dunia na tumenyamaza. Kweli sisi wabongo tuna mawazo finyu.

  4. Wajaameni!!!

    Ni vyema kujua ukweli...From the official website of nobelprize
    It clearly indicates that Prof Yanda is NOT one of the laureates.This year award went to Al Gore and IPCC as organisation.
    Perhaps he had a significant job for IPCC but magazeti yetu yakaandika kama kawaida yao bila kuelewa mambo.His work was among the work used by IPCC

    If a organisation gets the award we cant say its a ward to specific persons eg. Previously UN (2001) got it and they shared with Kofi Annan (his person efforts were recognised)

    ElBaradei and the International Nuclear watchdog also shared it some years back.Though he worked for IAEA still kulionekana na nguvu zake binafsi katika hilo.

    Prof Wangare Maathai was the last person to receive the prize alone,

    the press release from IPCC which didnt mention names of the said co author apart from mentioning previous chairmen and the current one Rajendra.

    Cv ya prof Yanda which indicates that he has done substantial work for the IPCC (leading author African chapter)
    2005 – 2006: Participated as a Lead Author in the Preparation of Chapter 9 (Africa Chapter) of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report on Vulnerability, Impact and Adaptation.
    He has one publication related to IPCC with, (note his rank among the authors) Vogel, C., Nyong, A. Boko M, Niang-Diop, I., Tabo, R. Osman Elasha, B.,Githeko, A., Yanda, P.Z. , and Medany, M. (Forthcoming). Africa chapter – Chapter 9. Accepted for Publication In: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) (Working Group II). Fourth Assessment Report
    Hongera Prof Yanda kwa kazi kubwa uliyochangia.... Hongera mno.

    ANOTHER way of getting light on this matter is to google Prof Pius Yanda and then U google Al Gore utakuta kuhusu Yanda news za nobel price zinatokea kwenye magazeti yetu tuuuuu.

    The Nobel Peace Prize 2007
    "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change"

    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Geneva, Switzerland Founded in 1988 1/2 of the prize

    Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr.USA
    1/2 of the prize born 1948

  5. Asante anony wa dec 8, 2:30 kwa kuweka kumbukumbu vizuri. Bila kupuuzia kazi ya Prof. Yanda, waandishi wetu kama kawaida wamepotosha (subiri kidogo Vicencia siyo mwandishi ila shule imepanda kama jina lake lilivyo) Sijui ushujaa wa kuweka maoni kama hayo with so much authority kautoa wapi. Hiyo kamati IPCC ina watu zaidi ya elfu moja kumsingle out Prof. Yanda ati tu kwasababu ni Mtanzania ni kupotosha umma. Chemi linapofika suala la ushabiki huwa mara nyingi unapoteza kabisa objectivity. Kwenye hili bila shaka ulitakiwa kumwekea maelezo yake lakini vile vile ukaweka rekodi sahihi.
