Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Msaidie mtoto Zawadi Rajabu Minneapolis, Minnesota

Zawadi Rajabu in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Habari wana Umoja,Just wanted to share with you the slide show prepared by Startribune for you to "meet" and maybe connect with Zawadi the young energetic 5 year hold. You can also read the article prepared by Startribune by visiting their website Umoja Society would like to inform you that there will be a fundraiser to assist the Rajabu family with their necessary medical and living expenses.

Sophia Rajabu and her daughter Zawadi are currently in Minnesota for the purpose of pursuing critical treatment for Zawadi. Sophia, a low income single mother, has left two other children behind, an older daughter and a younger son, in Tanzania as she seeks medical treatment for Zawadi. She is the sole provider for her young family.

Zawadi is an energetic 5 year old girl who was born in Sombetini, a small community in Arusha, Tanzania. She was born with a birth defect known as club-feet, a condition which has forced her to walk on both her ankles.

Zawadi was blessed by the kindness and generosity of an American organization known as Siouxland Tanzania Educational and Medical Ministries (STEMM; STEMM sponsored young Zawadi’s successful corrective surgery, which was performed on December 12th, 2007, at Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota.Umoja Society will host the fund raising event for the Rajabu family (please see below for event details).

We would like to invite the community here to open their hearts and donate funds so that this family can meet their immediate necessities, both here in the USA and back home in Tanzania during Zawadi’s long recovery journey.

Please invite your friends and family to support the family by attending the event or sending a donation. Zawadi and her mother, Sophia, are currently residing with Smart and Dr. Jessica Baitani at their home in New Hope.

LOCATION: STUB HALL, Lutheran Seminary 2481 Como Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108

DATE: Saturday, January 19, 2008

TIME: 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

More on Zawadi click here

1 comment:

  1. Hiyo Club foot mbona inatibiwa pale MOI na watoto wanapona vizuri tu. Mtoto wa mfanyakazi mwenzangu alikuwa nayo akafanyiwa operesheni pale MOI Dar na Dr Shariff mwaka 1996, alipona vizuri, sasa hivi anatembea vizuri sana na anavaa viatu kama kawaida, na yuko katika shule ya sekondari.
