Sunday, February 17, 2008

President Bush in Tanzania

From Michuzi Blog


American President George Bush arrived in Tanzania last evening to a rousing welcome at the airport and by Dar es Salaam residents, who had lined up the streets for more than five hours to catch just a glimpse of his motorcade.

His visibly thrilled host, President Jakaya Kikwete, and First Lady Salma Kikwete, received President Bush and his entourage at Julius Nyerere International Airport, where normal activity came to a standstill during the welcoming ceremony that took about an hour.

The entire Cabinet, including Vice-President Mohammed Shein, was at the airport as Mr Bush began his four-day State visit. Air Force One touched down at exactly 6.30pm.

Mr Bush was accompanied by First lady Laura Bush and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.
He was given a 21-gun salute and the National Anthems of the two countries played by members of the TPDF.

Later, President Bush, who was dressed in a navy blue suit, white shirt and red tie just like his host, inspected a guard of honour.

He also sampled Tanzanian culture as a variety of cultural troupes entertained him at the airport. The US President danced and hugged two dancers as he made his way to the motorcade, comprising specially airlifted Cadillac limousines that drove him to the city.

He arrived from Benin and will leave on Tuesday for Rwanda.

It was a show of might at the airport from the time the two-plane entourage arrived up to when the two-kilometre long motorcade sped to the city centre.

US and Tanzanian security personnel kept everything at the airport under check.

City residents who had gathered along the route from the airport were forced to trek long distances as daladalas were in short supply due to the closure of some roads as part of the security arrangements for the visiting American leader..

1 comment:

  1. It's fairly rare for international attention to be so focused on Tanzania. I hope this is an opportunity for the media to highlight some of the incredible local people making a difference in this beautiful country, like the kids in the video at and Mama Lucy Kamptoni, the passionate local woman who founded their amazing school using the income from her poultry business. Learn more at or on my blog at
