Monday, September 22, 2008

Latoya is Out! - Big Brother Africa 3

Haya mwaka jana MTanzania alishinda, mwaka huu MTanzania ni wa kwanza kuondolewa. Labda mwakani tutabahatika kushinda tena, lakini wamchague mwakilishi wetu kwa uangalifu.

Kwa habari zaidi za Big Brother Africa 3 BOFYA:


Kutoka Daily News/ Habari Leo

Monday, September 22, 2008 @20:02

Irate parents seek police help to stone vaccination officials

TANZANIA has for the past two years been on higher scoreboards at Big Brother Africa (BBA) reality TV show, but this year’s representative Latoya Lyakurwa failed to sustain that impressive run as she became the first housemate to be evicted from the House on Sunday.

Multichoice Tanzania Marketing Manager, Furaha Samalu said yesterday that Latoya is expected to arrive in the country today aboard a South African Airways plane.

Latoya predecessors Mwisho Mwampamba made it to the final while Richard Bezenhedount scooped the title and the 100,000 US Dollars that go with the honour last year.

Latoya was out of the game after spending less than 30 days in the House alongside Tawana and the two were visibly clenching and freezing on the couch when the Master of Ceremonies-KB finally announced that Latoya was the housemate to leave.

After the announcement, her smile remained fixed on her face and helplessly she embraced Tawana, her newly-formed close friend, bidding her farewell.

Latoya said she saw it coming that she would be evicted and that she would miss all the boys in the House. She watched with great envy as the Housemates welcomed back Tawana.

Latoya hailed Big Brother for presenting her with a great platform to market her for a month. “I really needed that”, she said.

She promised to get in contact with all the Housemates after the project has ended. “Everybody is special in their own ways. I’ll get into contact with everyone. I’d love to go to Nigeria, Botswana, Angola...”


  1. Maybe they should have sent Kanumba instead

  2. Kanumba angekuwa anajisifu masaa yote wangemtoa haraka kwa kumchoka.

  3. Da chemi naomba ufafanuzi kutoka kwako unaposema next time tuwe makini zaidi tunapochagua mwakilishi. nilifurahishwa sana na kauli zako wakati wa BB2 ulipokemea tabia mbaya ya Richard."Fingergate" scandle. sasa kwa mtazamo wangu huyu dada hajafanya hata nusu ya yalifanywa na Richard ukizingatia alikua mume wa mtu na bado aliibuka mshindi. nashangaa sisi wanawake ndio tumekuwa mstari wa mbele kumshutumu huyu binti, kwa lipi baya alilolifanya. mchezo wenyewe sio maadili ya watanzania na africa kwa ujumla. au ndio mfumo dume? kwa nini watu wasijiulize ni kwanini BB wanawekwa pea ya watu sita sita? na kwa nini asiwekwe mwanake mmoja na wanaume kumi? nini dhumuni la BB? na ni nani anayejua kanuni za mchezo huu??.

  4. Anonymous wa 1:59am, asante kwa mchango wako. Kuhusu Richard, alituaibisha sisi waTanzania na tabia yake ya kishenzi. Lakini inaoyesha jinsi nchi za Afrika zisiothamini wanawake na wanakubali wanyanyaswe. Angefanya alivyofanya hapa USA angekuwa ndani saa hizi.

    Kuhusu Latoya. Nilitoa hiyo comment kuwa tuwe makini, kwa sababu hakunufurahisha kutuwakilisha kama MTanzania. Kwanza simjui na ilikuwa mara yangu ya kwanza kumsikia. Niliposoma profile yake, na hasa interests likes sikuona UTanzania zaidi ya yeye kuvaa sports jersey ya TZ. Asingesema ni MTanzania utadhani katoka somewhere USA.
