Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Barack Obama Ashinda Uchaguzi 2008!

Barack Obama ni Rais Mteule wa Marekani!!!! Senator wa Delaware Joe Biden, atakuwa makamu wa rais. Mungu yu mwema! Waafrika na hasa sisi kutoka Afrika Mashariki Tujivunie!
Ataapiswha kuwa Rais siku ya Januari 20, 2009 huko Washington, D.C.! Atakuwa rais wa 44 wa Marekani.
Wengi Tunalia machozi ya furaha usiku huu! Sasa kiti cha USenator wa Obama, Illinois iko wazi na kiti cha Gavana wa Delaware kiko wazi.


  1. Heshima kubwa kwake na kwetu wote.


  2. Hii ni miujiza! Wamarakani wamebadilika. Lakini Mungu amlinde Obama. Wale weney ubaguzi wamepani kumwua someni ile Fox News message board inatisha!

  3. Ni uwezo mkubwa aliouonesha na kutokata tamaa kulikomfikisha hapa. Tukumbuke kuwa alitamani mbingu na alikuwa na yuko tayari kufa kama njia pekee ya kufika peponi.
    Tukumbuke kuwa kama anavyosema sasa ni kuwa ushindi huu ni mwanzo wa hatua za "mabadiliko tuaminiyo"
    Kila la kheri kwa historia hii inayoanza kuandikwa

  4. "Where were you? Where were you?" you will be asked, "..when history was made?"

    Well, I, watched most of the proceedings of the early evening hours at home.
    Despite the overwhelming indication of an Obama win, I was still a bit persimistic, and decided to wait till it was a clear before I stepped out to celebrate with the masses.

    I spent time flipping bwteen NBC, CBC, ABC and CNN and Fox (yes, I watched "Faux" News :-D).

    CNN were the most conservative in terms of calling different electoral colleges as a win for one candidate or another, so I used their vote count as my barometer. When they reached 199 for Obama with Carlifornia, Washington and Hawaii yet to close the polls, and things in Florida looking good; I felt comfortable enough to hit the streets.

    I ended up at this establishment that serves Tuskers. (I am really a Serengeti person; followed by Kili. And even when it comes to Kenyan beer; I prefer Pilsner Ice; but Tusker is the only east African beer you can get in Canada) and how fitting it was that I was sipping a Kenyan beer when it was announced that a descendant of a Kenyan won arguably the biggest election in recent world history).

    It was amazing how wild the Canadians went (black, white, brow, etc). Frankly, if they had a say in all this, Obama would have been declared president on June 19th, hehe. Not even the Canadian election last month drew this month attention.

  5. saa saba usiku nimeshangalia saaana huu ushindi.

  6. Long time coming! A true testimony that dreams do come true. I'm feelin all pumped up right now, all emotional and everything. Dude got guts of steel!!. With all the challenges and obstacles he'd been thru?!!.

    Just Imagine, a skinny black kid, biracial, raised by a single mother (absent father), with a weird name (to US) like BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, yes say it loud, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA...that boy is now the president of the greatest nation. I really can be what I wanna be.Yes We Can!

    God Bless Barack Hussein Obama, God Bless USA!
    God bless the world!

  7. Hao wenye nia mbaya na Obama; wabaguzi wasio na aibu na wasiopenda mabadiliko, wanayotaka kwa uwezo na Mungu hayatatimia - nawakemea, washindwe na walegee kabisa.

  8. PS: Da Chemi nafikiri ulimaanisha Sen wa Delaware. VP-elect Biden ni Senator pia

  9. ohh and one more thing about kiti cha usenator cha Obama na cha Biden. Sio kwamba viko wazi per se; kwa katiba ya marekani viti vinabaki ni vya Democrats hadi uchaguzi mkuu wa senate na congress, 2010. Kile cha Obama nasikia anarithi Jesse Jackson Jr. mtoto wa rev jackson

  10. Nadhani kwa mujibu wa katiba, Gavana wa Illinois na Delaware wanateua wa kujaza nafasi hizo. Wanaposema vitabaki kuwa vya Dems ni kwa kuwa magavana wa huko ni Dems na wanahitaji 60 seats kukamilisha kazi bila zengwe. Hiivyo watateua Dems pia
