Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tatizo la Maji Dar!

Hivi jamani, kwa nini baada ya siku kumi maji bado ni tatizo mjini Dar es Salaam. Na ni miaka mingapi baada ya Uhuru? Ni aibu kwa Dar kuwa na tatizo la maji kama Harare au Monrovia enzi za vita! Aibu kubwa sana.

Wale wataalam wa maji waliosomeshwa na Chuo cha Maji nk. wako wapi? Kuna nini hasa kinachofanya maji yaye ya shida hivyo wakati tumebarikiwa ma maziwa makubwa kama Ziwa Victoria, Tanganyika na Nyasa na mito kibao!

Nakumbuka enzi zile sisi tuliokuwa tunaishi Chuo Kikuu cha DSM tulikuwa tunachekwa kwa sababu ya matatizo ya maji. Walikuwa wanashindwa kuyapandisha mlimani eti.

Serikali infanya nini kutatua matatizo ya maji? Wasipofanya kitu tutasikia watu wanaugua kipindupindu na magonjwa mengine ya kuharisha.



Dar vendors pray for prolonged water scarcity

By Correspondent Gadiosa Lamtey

An acute water shortage that had hit Dar es Salaam and its outskirts for the past ten days, had turned into a blessing in disguise for others.

Vendors selling the precious liquid have been making lucrative business, praying for the scarcity to continue a little bit longer.

A vendor, Hamisi Majaliwa, said God had listened to their prayers as they could now afford to celebrate the year end festivals.

``The scarcity guarantees my daily bread. I no longer worry about celebrating Christmas because I have earned quite a sum over the past few days,`` said Majaliwa.

A survey conducted by The Guardian across the country`s commercial hub found out that the scarcity was getting worse, with a 20-litre gallon of tap water selling at between 800/- and 1,000/- respectively.

The high prices have forced some low income earners in the city to resort to drawing water from the drainage system, thus inviting grave health risks.

Margaret Richard, a resident of Ubungo suburb, said she resorted to buying bottled water as it was safe to cook and brush her teeth with.

``I am skeptical with the water sold by street vendors,? said Margaret.

She said the scarcity had made vendors fetch water from any place for the sake of money, while ignoring all the health risks.

``Worse still, their prices are unfair,`` she said. Margaret, however, wondered how the unemployed and housewives afford buying water from street vendors.

``I can`t blame vendors because survival is for the fittest. Everyone must earn their bread. However, I call upon Dawasco to speed up their efforts to restore water supply.

Dar es Salaam is densely populated. No one will survive should it happen that there is a cholera outbreak,`` said Margaret.

Alfa Laizer of Kinondoni said some people had already suffered after consuming salty water drawn from shallow wells.

Laizer said: ``Salty water is only good for washing clothes and house cleaning, but you can`t use it to cook or drink. Some people are already becoming allergic from bathing salty water.``

``We are not comfortable with what is going on, although we are aware what the problem is.

The authorities should find a solution before the situation gets worse, especially for children,`` he said.

A resident of Chang`ombe, Fatuma Kamugisha, said water had become as precious as gold but the digging of boreholes had in a way helped to avert the problem.

When contacted for comments, Dawasco public relations officer Mary Lyimo said their engineers were busy working on a defective transformer.

``Since last Saturday, our engineers have been tirelessly working on the transformer and by tomorrow (yesterday) things will be back to normal,`` she confidently said.

Last week, Dawasco announced that the city would temporarily go without water because of a defective transformer that supplies power to water pumps at Lower Ruvu.

As we went to press, Dawasco public relations officer Mary Lyimo said water supply had been restored in several Dar es Salaam suburbs, except Magomeni, Sinza, Mwenge and Ilala.

She said problems affecting such areas would be sorted out within the shortest possible time
``It will not take long to normalize the city supply. The delay has been caused by low pressure from our pumping machines,`` she said.

SOURCE: Guardian

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