Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wabaguzi Wazidi Kutishia Maisha ya Obama!!

Yaani hawa wabaguzi bado wanataka kumwua Rais Obama. Secret Service wanasema kuwa Obama amepata vitisho vingi dhidi ya maisha yake kuliko marais wengine! Jamani! Kisa, wanachukia kuwa mweusi ni Rais. Sasa hebu cheki hii habari. Mbaguzi kutoka Lousiana kafika kwenye mageti ya White House na silaha. Alisema eti anamletea Rais Obama zawadi. Kwa wasiojua Lousiana ni makao makuu ya wabaguzi KKK!

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Police arrested a man near the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday after he drove up to one of the building's barricades with a rifle in his vehicle and told officers that he had a delivery for President Obama, a Senate spokesman said.

A man drove to the Capitol with a rifle and said he had a delivery for President Obama, police said.

Sgt. Kimberly Schneider identified the man as Alfred Brock, 64, of Winnfield, Louisiana. She said Brock was charged with possession of an unregistered firearm and unregistered ammunition.

Brock drove up to the north barricade at the Capitol late Tuesday afternoon, saying he had a delivery for the president, Schneider said.

After further questioning, he admitted he had a rifle in his truck. He was arrested and taken to police headquarters for processing, she said.

A search of his truck turned up several rounds of ammunition, Schneider said. Police also checked the area around the barricade, but found nothing hazardous.

Threats against Obama have led to arrests in previous cases.

In one, federal prosecutors concluded that three people arrested with drugs and weapons in a suburban Denver, Colorado, motel posed a "true threat" to Obama during the Democratic National Convention.

In the second, a Florida man was charged with threatening bodily harm against the then-candidate in August. He has pleaded not guilty.


  1. Wakati ule wa kampeni labda wangefanikiwa, lakini sasa hivi hawaoni ndani tena. Maana jamaa kishakuwa Amiri Jeshi Mkuu, vyombo vyote vya dola vipo mikononi mwake, nani atathubutu??

    Nadhani analindwa kuliko mtu yeyote duniani. Labda kama ubaya uanzie ndani ya nyumba, lakini kutokea nje, labda mtu kajificha sehemu na silaha au amefanya safari akiwa na gobore lake, ninauhakika watashindwa.

    Da Chemi, uliona yule mama aliyemtolea shida ya nyumba mkutanoni. Kwanza alimuuliza jina, kisha akaenda kum-hug, pamoja na kuwa alikuwa homeless hakuwa hata na pa-kuoga(alikuwa analala ndani ya gari na watoto wake). Na akamuahidi pale pale kuwa "tutafanya chini juu, tukusaidie..." Imeripotiwa na MSNBC leo kuwa yule mama ameshapewa nyumba. Huyu ndiyo kiongozi. Hivi ndivyo walivyokuwa wakifanya manabii wetu waliopita. Viongozi wa leo duniani ni wachache sana hufanya hivyo.

    Tunamuombea Mungu amlinde ili aendelee kuwa mfano kwa viongozi wote duniani.

  2. Da chemi wanahangaika tu hao, mi nakwambia kwa jina la Yesu kristo wa nazareth ninae mwamini sana kuliko kitu chochote duniani hawawezi ng'o watu tunamuombea sana obama haiwezekani Mungu anyamaze asijibu maombi, wataishia kukamatwa hawafanikiwi ktk jina la Yesu kristo wa nazareth. atamaliza muhula wake salama salimini.

    Ms GB
