Monday, April 13, 2009

Ruksa Kwenda Cuba! - Rais Obama

Aisei, Rais Obama kafanya mazito. Baada ya miaka zaidi ya arobaini sasa ni ruksa kusafiri kutoka Marekani kwenda Cuba na kutuma pesa Cuba. Ni makubwa! Cuba si kisiwa kilicho kilomita 140 tu kutoka Marekani. Lakini serikali ya Marekani ilizuia usafiri na biashara kati ya nchi hizo shauri ya Cuba kuwa nchi ya KiComunisti.


Obama to ease Cuba travel restrictions

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Obama administration has decided to loosen restrictions on travel and remittances to Cuba for Cuban-Americans, senior administration officials said Monday.

The changes in Cuban policy will be unveiled before President Obama's trip to the Summit of the Americas.

The White House plans to announce the change later Monday.

The decision represents a significant shift in U.S. policy toward Cuba.

It comes days before Obama leaves for the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago.
Before he was elected, Obama promised to lower some of the barriers in Cuban-American relations.

Provisions attached to a $410 billion supplemental budget Obama signed in March also made it easier for Cuban-Americans to travel to Cuba and to send money to family members on the island. In addition, they facilitated the sale of agricultural and pharmaceutical products to Cuba.
The provisions loosened restrictions enacted by President Bush after he came to office in 2001.

Several members of Congress see broader relations with Cuba as vital to U.S. interests. A group of senators and other supporters unveiled a bill March 31 to lift the 47-year-old travel ban to Cuba.

"I think that we finally reached a new watermark here on this issue," said Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-North Dakota, one of the bill's sponsors.

Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana, another sponsor of the bill, issued a draft report in February that said it was time to reconsider the economic sanctions. Lugar is the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Leaders of the Congressional Black Caucus also said it is time to change U.S. policy toward Cuba after returning from a meeting in Havana last week with both Fidel Castro and Cuban President Raul Castro.

Other lawmakers, however, remain adamantly opposed to easing sanctions on Cuba, arguing that such a move would only reward and strengthen the Castro regime.

Reps. Chris Smith, R-New Jersey, and Frank Wolf, R-Virginia, last week urged Obama to refrain from easing the trade embargo or travel restrictions until the Cuban government releases all "prisoners of conscience," shows greater respect for freedom of religion and speech and holds "free and fair" elections.

"Over the past 50 years, the Castros and their secret police have been directly responsible for killing thousands of nonviolent, courageous pro-democracy activists and for jailing and torturing tens of thousands of others. And they continue to this day to perpetrate their brutal crimes," Smith said.

Rep. Barbara Lee, D-California, chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said it makes no sense to continue what she characterized as a failed policy.

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but by any objective standard our current policy toward Cuba just hasn't worked. Simply put, it's time to open dialogue and discussion with Cuba," Lee said in a statement

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