Thursday, May 21, 2009

ITV Kufungwa Tanzania?

Jamani, kuna mdau amenitumia hii habari kwa e-mail. Sijui kama kuna ukweli, lakini mbona ni habari ya kutisha!


I have had a number of opportunities (since I left Busanda) to meet with several officials in the government who have assured me that ITV will be shut down sometimes this week after Mr. Mengi has failed to give "sufficient reasons" why his flagship TV station should not be shut down following the spat between him and Rostam Aziz.

The little flies who were in Dar, Arusha and Dodoma looking for some "dirt" have collected enough evidence to show that there is an understated collaboration between some rogue intelligence officers and some of the politicians who were removed from power last year. These rogue elements in the service command unchecked influence and power that no one can challenge. It is from that collaboration and meetings that intensified sometimes in April (soon after Mengi went public with his allegations) the decision has been taken to tame Mengi and his media outlets and even possible silence him.

He has been marked as the individual who pose the most lethal threat to the plan of Agenda 21. So, together with him there are number of news outlets that have been marked as well the most prominent of them is this esteemed forum. JF will face a clear threat either to tone down its criticism or required in some way to abide by certain standards that are being drawn especially after the "zeutamu" saga. As I fly back to Dar, I believe the plan to shut ITV is being timed with JK out of the country but with all his blessings.

As a step toward that goal, Mr. Mengi will be required to give a testimony or explanation to a government entity, the outcome however has already been predetermined. NO NEED to fight. Any resistance will be futile.


  1. Kama kweli serikali itaifunga ITV itajifedhehesha mbele ya dunia. Lakini, hili lisingenijalisha, iwapo fedheha hii ingeikumba serikali peke yake. Tatizo ni kuwa nchi yetu itafedheheka, na hapo mimi kama raia nina wajibu wa kusema kuwa hakuna serikali ambayo naiheshimu kuliko ninavyoiheshimu nchi.

    Kauli iliyotolewa na waziri mhusika kupiga marufuku malumbano ya Rostam na Mengi haikuwa na mantiki ya kuridhisha. Waziri alichotakiwa kufanya, kama kweli aliona mwenendo wa malumbano yale ulikuwa sio sahihi, ni kuonyesha kinaganaga wapi wahusika walikuwa wanakosea, na kutoa mwongozo, ili malumbano yaende katika njia sahihi.

    Malumbano yanayofanywa kwa njia ya kujenga hoja na kuthibitisha hoja ni ya manufaa kwa umma, ni elimu, na ndio njia madhubuti ya kukomesha majungu. Serikali ilipaswa izingatie hilo na iwajibike kuhakikisha kuwa malumbano ya aina hii yanaendelea. Kupiga marufuku malumbano kama serikali ilivyofanya, ni kuhujumu uhuru na haki za binadamu na maslahi ya Taifa.

    Mimi naamini kuwa waTanzania ni watu wenye akili, wanaoweza kutambua wao wenyewe upuuzi au uzito wa hoja zinazotolewa na Rostam na Mengi. Kupiga marufuku mijadala ni kusema kuwa raia ni mbumbumbu. Sijui kama waTanzania wanakubali kuwa wao ni mbumbumbu au la. Mimi daima nimeamini kuwa wao ni watu wenye akili timamu. Labda ninakosea kwa kuamini hivyo, na kama nakosea, ruksa kunikosoa.

  2. Bwana Mbele nakubaliana na wewe kabisa .Isipokuwa sina uhakika kama hii habari ni ya kweli labda tusubiri tupate uthibitisho kwanza.Lakini kama ni kweli basi nitasikitika sana .Na kama ulivyosema hivi mpaka leo viongozi wanafikiri kuwa watanzania ni wajinga kama ilivyokuwa zamani. Ninaamini sana watashikwa na mshangao kuanzia sasa.maisha ya wananchi yapo on the blink na nina amini kabisa it wont be long kabla ya wananchi hawajawafundiha lesson hawa viongozi.muda si mrefu

  3. Serikali inachemsha. Imefika mahali inasahau kuwa iliwekwa na wananchi, sasa inataka kutuburuza. Nakubaliana na hoja za mdau hapo juu.
    Naongeza kusema serikali inatutia hasira kupitiliza. Inayajua madhara yake? Ni aibu kwa mawaziri hususani Mkuchika na Sofi Simba kuwa vibaraka wa mafisadi.

  4. Kwa mwendo huu, dhana ya uhuru na demokrasia ni kitendawili kinachohitaji mteguzi.
    Inatia kichefuchefu na inaboa (sijui nirahisishe vipi hayo maneno = ni ushenzi kwa ufupi)

  5. "resistance will be futile"

    Sorry but uhhh,I think you watched a little too much Star Trek when you were younger.

    This E-mail seems dodgy to me,so I'll be speaking in IFs;IF ITV is shut down in TZ it has nothing to do with Reginald Mengi 'feuding' with Rostam Aziz,it's more to do with the fact that ITV is more than likely not making as much money right now as it used to.In this day and age I think their business model simply does not bring forth much profit for all parties involved(including the TZ Government).

    At the end of the day who really cares,the last time I watched ITV was like 5 years ago and they were showing some 80's Sci-fi B-movie.Unless they've SIGNIFICANTLY changed their programming-that is,unless they've started airing modern sh*t-I think that closing ITV wouldn't be such a bad decision.Give more spotlight to the smaller guys y'know.

    And who knows,a new Channel might just pop-up out of nowhere with better content and shows in the not so distant future :)

  6. Tatizo la viongozi wetu wanataka waendelee kutuswaga kama n'gombe. Wamesahau kama mambo yamebadilika. Sasa si juzi. Watu wameamka. Na utandawazi ndio huu.
    Wangetaka watutawale kama Cuba. Ila wanakumbuka shuka wakati kumekucha. Wamuache Mengi aendelee na shughuli zake.
