Monday, July 20, 2009 Online Magazine

Saluting service" in our nation

Check out's Summer 2009 National E-Magazine

The theme for this issue is "Saluting Service."

This issue shares a host of stories and reflections --- from President Obama's inspirational words about the importance of service to stories sharing coverage of history-making national celebrations, recognitions, events, resources and research. Also, see the story about CNN's upcoming Black in America 2 series as well as the various reviews of key conferences, books and CDs.

We hope that you will enjoy it, submit your news to, advertise your products and services as well as share this vital resource with others. Our first priority is sharing positive, useful news, information and resources with our families, communities and workplaces as well as reaching both diverse and mainstream audiences in the U.S. and beyond. Give us a call at (413) 734-6444 or send email to:

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