Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Kasubi Tombs Zachomwa Moto Uganda!

Hii habari mbaya sana kwa waGanda. Watu wananza kuhofia vita inaweza kuanza wakati wowote!

Kasubi Tombs ni sehemu waliozikwa wafalme wa kabila la waBaganda. Eneo hiyo ina miaka 150, na Umoja wa Mataifa wanaitambua kama sehemu ya kihistoria. Zaidi ya makaburi ilikuwa ni kama makumbusho ya historia ya waBaganda. Kulikuwa na vitu kama mikuki na ngao, na vifaa vingine waliotumia mababu yao. Wazungu walishangaa uimara wa jengo hilo na pia ufundi waliotumia kuijenga. Kuteketezwa kwa hiyo jengo ni hasara kubwa kweli kweli.

Website ya Kasubi Tombs ni :


WaBaganda wakilia usiku wa kuamkia leo baada ya kuona nyumba inayohifadhi makaburi ya wafalme wao kuchomwa moto na watu wasiojulikana.

Kwa habari zaidi someni:



By Steven Candia

8:50pm Tuesday:
The Fire Brigade receives a call about the fire.

The Fire Brigade dispatches the first fire truck.

The commander of the truck radios the headquarters, asking for an additional fire engine (truck).
9:09pm: The headquarters dispatches another fire truck as well as a water truck. The first truck heads back to the station with a shattered windscreen. Fire fighter Dennis Apienu is injured in the left ear. Other fire fighters are in disarray. The vandalised truck is driven by an alternate driver under Police escort.

The Police fire team regroups at the headquarters, calls for more security. A fire engine and a water tanker head to Old Kampala Police Station. Reinforced with two Police patrol trucks, the team makes a second attempt to reach the tombs but again come under attack and beat a hasty retreat.

Team gets back at fire brigade headquarters with both windscreens of the trucks damaged. In the meantime, the fire is still raging, although the roof had not yet caved in. The Fire Brigade calls for more security. Lt. Gen. Katumba Wamala, the head of the Land Forces, arrives and placates the crowd.

After Katumba’s intervention, the fire men make a third attempt to stop the fire. Armed with two fire engines and one water tanker, the squad makes it to the tombs, but the roof has already caved in, with huge flames still raging. Firemen, protected by the UPDF, reinforced with a bigger fire engine from the CAA, battle the inferno untill dawn.

6:37am, Wednesday

Crowds jam the smouldering ruins.
The source of the fire still a mystery.

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