Monday, March 29, 2010

Tumwombee Rais Obama

Wadau, nimepokea hii kwenye e-mail. Ni kweli kuna watu wanamwombea rais Obama mabaya. Kuna watu wanaomba hata afe wakidai eti ni mkomunisti! Zaidi ya hiyo wanachukia kuongozwa na mweusi. Habu ona zile rallies za Sarah Palin, na Tea Party ni akina nani wanaoenda? Tumwombea uzima Rais Obama!

Pray for our President

If you have not noticed...few Presidents have ever worked this hard for our country, having to deal with such hatred and ill-will. Many wonder, does he ever sleep? Only God can sustain such energy, knowledge and person. Will you please join in this prayer?

Let's keep this going!

Lord, We pray for optimum health, mental clarity and political prosperity for President Barack H. Obama. We pray that what he lacks in political 'experience' you make up for with supernatural wisdom and power.

We also pray that when his enemies come upon him they will stumble and fall; and that your love will fill his heart to the end that 'Your will' be done through him.

We pray mightily for his protection. As we plead the Blood of your son, Jesus, over him and his family. We reverently ask you to dispatch legions of angels to protect them from all hurt, harm, danger as he serves as the President of the United States of America.

We thank you and praise you for answering our sincere prayers, in Jesus' precious name, AMEN.
All you are asked to do is keep this circulating if you are so inclined.

May God bless and keep you...


  1. Naona uko ki udini zaidi..! How comes utuekee sala ya kikristo wakati wanao muunga mkono na kumtakia mema Obama ni mchanganyiko wa dini zote? Ina maana ulishindwa kuweka sala isio egemea dini yoyote? Any way nadhani ungeandika wakristo tumuombee Obama, kisha ukaweka hiyo sala yako ilojaa damu ya yesu!

  2. wewe boya kweli badara ya kumuombea bwana yako aliyekufa unamuombea obama atakusaidia nini muombee bwana yako mungu amsamee zambi zake

  3. Tumwombee! Waislamu, wakristo, wahindu, mabuda, hebu tumwombee. Maisha yake yako hatarini. Wala KKK wamefufuka!

  4. Dah wadau alichoomba DaChemi ni kumuombea Obama, kwa ivo kama unataka kuomba muombee kama hutaki pia ni sawa tu, lakini haya ya Kumuombea mume wake na mangine ya damu ya Yesu sidhani kama hapa ni mahala pake, pia sidhani kama hiyo ndio iilikuwa nia ya Da Chemi kuweka mtundiko huu.

  5. Kuna haja ya kumuombea manake inaelekea hawa "red necks" wako tayari kufanya lolote.
