Saturday, November 06, 2010

What Has Juma Been Up To?

You may remember him from the movie Bongoland as Juma, the movie that put him on the world map. He is a self created artist with a solid inspirational vision for his future.

His real name is Mukama Morandi. He stands at 5’11 and weighs close to 180 pounds on a good day. When you meet Mukama, you automatically think “this guy is somebody”. 

It is difficult to describe, but he has an overwhelming presence that makes you do a double take each time you see him. Maybe it is his height but then again maybe it is his smirk smile. His stature was good enough to win him a leading role in Bongoland.

For the whole story click HERE

1 comment:

  1. Ndio Bongland, nchi ya kutumia akili! Hii movie mmmmh, safi sana!
