Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mapinduzi Misri?


CAIRO (AP) - Egyptian security officials say at least 25 protesters and 10 policemen have died in this week's anti-government protests.

They say the death toll was likely to significantly rise as more reports come in from hospitals and morgues around the country. They also say that at least 750 policemen and 1,500 protesters have been wounded in clashes.
The officials were speaking Saturday on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to share the information with the media.

The protests are the most serious challenge to President Hosni Mubarak's 30-year authoritarian rule. Mubarak, in an attempt to contain the unrest, said on Friday he was firing his Cabinet and sent army troops out to the streets to restore order, but protests and a wave of looting are continuing.


Bila shaka mmesikia kwenye taarifa ya habari kuwa dunia ya waarabu unawaka moto. Vijana wamechachamaa wakitaka mapinduzi. Tuone mambo yatakavyokuwa lakini mimi nawaombea amani.

Ndugu Zangu,

Kuna Mapinduzi yanayoongozwa na vijana kwenye Dunia ya Waarabu. ( The Arab World). Tumeona Tunisia. Kule Yemen moto bado unawaka. Na sasa Egypt. Hali si shwari. Vijana wako mstari wa mbele; wanataka mabadiliko. Wamengia mitaani kwenye mji wa Suez. Kesho ni Ijumaa. Uarabuni, kama ni shughuli, basi huanza baada ya swala ya Ijumaa. Kuna dalili, kuwa Cairo yaweza kuwaka moto kesho. Mohammed ElBaradei katua Cairo, naye anasema ametua ili nae aingie mitaani kuandamana na vijana kushinikiza mabadiliko.Kama kivumbi kitatimka kesho Ijumaa, basi, Polisi wa Misri wanatazamiwa kutumia nguvu kupita kiasi. Je, nguvu hizo zitatosha kuzunia nguvu ya umma unaotaka mabadiliko? Tusubiri tuone.

Angalia picha za matukio:

Dar es Salaam


  1. I just wanted to note that tomorrow is a big day in Cairo, and the government is already getting reading..

    Twitter, Facebook, and SMSing services .. already all blocked..
    There is strong rumors that tomorrow the Internet and Blackberry services will be down..
    Also by kidnapping journalists, and media people, I believe they most probably planning to isolate the country from the world..

    This is a heads up to you, if anything happened, which is most expectedly will be the case.. Please please make our voices heard.. Egyptians are fighting a brutal dictatorship, and they need every form of solidarity till victory prevails!

  2. Na sie tunaelekea huko huko tusipo angalia. Maana tabaka linazidi kuachana mno na dalili za watu kuchoshwa zimeshaanza kuonekana. Mungu tusaidie

  3. KUBLOCH, FACE BOOK AU TWITA, HAISAIDII KWANI `WAKATI UMEFIKA' mimi kwa uoni wangu mdogo, ningewashauri hawa watawala kugunuda kuwa kuna `makosa wanafanya ya kuwasahahu walalahoi, wakajiona wao wanaishi dunia moja na walalahoi dunia nyingine...ndani ya nchi wanayoitawala.
    Ni wakati wakuamua, kama unaona huwezi kuishi katika `mabadiliko' unasema basi mimi naachia ngazi , wape wanaotaka watawale...Kwani uongozi ni lazima, kwanini watu wang'ang'anaie hiyo `dhima' ambayo ni nzito sana kuibebe. Uongozi ni dhamana nzito...sijui watu wanauelewaje uongozi hawa wa kuitawala nchi...imeanzia huko kulikujulikana kuwa `hakuna matata' sasa sijui huku kwetu...sijui...
    Niwaambieni, `mabadiliko' haya yalishaandaliwa miaka kadhaa nyuma, sasa ndio utekelezai umeanza na unaitwa `nyakati' haya!

  4. Mapinduzi kama haya ni ya kuigwa kwani tunayahitaji sana sisi Africa ya wabantu kuondoa udhalimu wa madikteta na mafisadi kwa kuwashikia mawe na virungu.

  5. Mtanzania HalisiJanuary 28, 2011 7:00 AM

    An unstoppable wind of change is sweeping across the Arab world. No amount of bullets or violence against unarmed civilians will stop this wave. It is worth recalling the clamour for multiparty democracy in sub-Saharan Africa back in the early 1990s. The African despots of the time failed to stop the juggernaut, and many were swept from power in the first multiparty elections held in their countries for many years.

    Arab dictators should understand that trying to stop the current wind of change is akin to trying to stop mangoes hanging from a mango tree from ripening.

    Haya ni matokeo ya watu kukandamizwa muda mrefu. Huwa inafika wakati watu wanasema," Tumechoka na liwalo na liwe". Hili ni wimbi ambalo watu kama Mubarak hawawezi kulizuia.
