Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Madaktari wa Kenya Hawampendi Babu wa Loliondo!

Madaktari Kenya wanalamika kuwa idadi ya wagonjwa wanaokuja kuwaona katika kliniki/hospitali imepungua. Wanasema kuwa wagonjwa wengi wamekwenda Loliondo, Tanzania kwa Babu na kudhani kuwa wamepona baada ya kupata 'kikombe'.

Madaktari hao wanawaonya kuwa wasiache kutumia dawa zao maana dawa ya babu si tiba ya kudumu bali ya kifikra.

Huko Kenya, waKenya wengi wameamua kwenda kwa babu baada ya kuona maajabu. Watu ambao walikuwa wagonjwa mahututi na hata vipofu wamepona maradhi yao baada ya kwenda Loliondo kwa Babu.


Doctors alarmed as patients seek Loliondo 'wonder drug'
Medical practitioners in Trans Mara District have raised alarm over a worrying trend of patients withdrawing from treatment after travelling to Loliondo, Tanzania for the "wonder drug cure".

Led by the area District Medical Officer of Health, Aggrey Ouko, the medical professionals said patients undergoing treatment for HIV, tuberculosis, diabetes, hypertension, among other life threatening ailments, were stopping treatment after visiting the ‘healer’.

He said records at various health facilities have shown a sharp decline in the number of patients attending the facilities after visiting Loliondo.

The officer reported that some HIV patients had abandoned taking anti-retroviral drugs under the belief they had been cured.

Lives at stake

Addressing an HIV advocacy forum in Kilgoris, which brought together local leaders and the Provincial Administration, Ouko said several lives of patients were at stake if no immediate action was taken to address the issue. He said some of the patients who had withdrawn from hospital treatment have developed Multi-Drugs Resistance (MDR), a condition that makes it possible for a disease-causing organism to resist distinct drugs.

Separately, doctors in Nakuru say that 30 years since the first HIV/Aids case was reported, self-stigmatisation remains a major barrier in provision of medical services to those living with the disease.

Lawrence Otemba, an advisor with the International Planned Parenthood Federation, says most of those infected still avoid seeking medical services for fear of discrimination. Dr Otemba said it’s important to increase care and support for those infected and also intensify the fight against stigmatisation of those living with the virus.

"People fear that if they come out and seek medical services they will be discriminated and as a result a lot of people do not even know their status," he added. He was speaking in Nakuru during a visit by a Japanese delegation to a project run by Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK).

Infected and Affected

The delegation was on a tour to evaluate the activities carried out by FHOK aimed at improving quality of lives of people infected and affected with HIV/Aids in Nakuru.

FHOK project Coordinator Jane Adero said that the formation of support groups in the town has assisted those infected to cope and live longer.


Trans Nzoia Residents Healed in Loliondo

Business came to a standstill in Kitale town following the return of a busload of Trans Nzoia residents, who had travelled to Loliondo to seek intervention from the famous traditional doctor Mzee Ambilikile Mwasapile. Curious residents jammed the main bus terminus to talk to the passengers about the doctor.

Most passengers looked tired from the long journey that had taken several days. Peter Kiarie, who said he has been diabetic for the last 20 years, could not hide his joy as he narrated to the Star how he is cured and is now back to his normal diet. "Immediately I took the magic drug from Mzee Mwasapile and followed his instructions strictly, I felt a strange feeling in my body, and then a sigh of relief for my 20 years of fighting with diabetes," he said.

He said the condition had almost broken his marriage and used up all his money buying expensive drugs to control his condition. Kiarie said after years of visiting several hospitals in vain in search of treatment, he is happy that God used Mzee Mwasapile to heal him. "The man is God sent and I believe very many will be healed through the process," he said.

He believes only those with a strong faith will be healed saying that not all who travelled to Loliondo village were cured. Kiarie said the drug was not allowed out of the "holy shrine" saying Mzee Mwasapile insisted that the concoction became poisonous once it left the place.

He believes that Mzee Mwasapile's shrine is a holy place that despite thousands of people jamming the small dusty village there were no scenes of immorality, theft or robbery. Kiarie also had boils on his legs and head but they disappeared after he drank the concoction.

An elderly woman who was on the trip said she had lost her sight seven years ago but could now see after drinking the concoction. "Before I went to Loliondo I could not read my Bible and was depending on my grandchildren. But I can now read my Bible. God is great," she said.

Bus conductor Stanely Mwangi said most of those who boarded two weeks ago could not walk and were literally carried into the vehicle, but he is surprised to see them walking without help and showing faces of good health. "I am equally surprised with the turn of events of the wonder drug, because when we left this place to Loliondo, I thought most of these people were going die on the way, but here they are," he said .

The patients interviewed also told the star that people close Mzee Mwasapile had hinted that the magical powers were to last till June of this year and thats why people were jamming the dusty village.

The bus company is making booming business as it makes a trip to Loliondo every Thursday. Each passenger pays Sh6,000 .The bus carries 41 passengers while the bus booking office in town has a conspicous sign post written " Loliondo hospital bus Direct". According to the director of the bus company James Wanyoike the demand for the services is growing fast and they are contemplating increasing the number of buses.


1 comment:

  1. Kwa kweli dawa ya babu ni ya ki-imani zaidi. Mimi nimeona watu wanaochakachua foleni kwa kujifanya VIP wengi wao baada ya kunywa kikombe cha babu hawaponi.

    Yaani kufuata masharti ni muhimu. Yale masharti anayotoa Babu ni muhimu sana. Kwa mfano watu wengi wanaenda huku wanapiga soga za mitaani na hawajiweki kiimani kabisa. Watu wengine wamekuwa hata wanakwenda na kuanza kufanya uzinzi na zinaa pamoja na ulevi huku wakidai wamekwenda kunywa dawa. watu wa namna hii wanapoteza muda.

    Yaani jitahidi uende na watu mtakaokuwa mnajengana kiimani na pia kufuata taratibu za mchungaji. Kwa sababu ukikiuka taratibu babu hakufanyi lolote lakini uponyaji ndio unakuwa umeukosa.

    Watu wengi sana wanaokwenda kuruka foleni kwa ujanja wa kushirikiana na maaskari wameenda na kurudi bila kupokea uponyaji.

    Dar es salaam
