Saturday, July 23, 2011

Milupuko na Mauaji Norway!

Wadau, watu 91 walikufa nchini Norway jana baada ya majengo ya serikali kulipuliwa na bomu mjini Oslo halafu vijana waliokuwa kwenye kambi kwenye kisiwa kuuwawa na mtu aliyejifanya polisi. Habari zinasikitisha. Kwa kweli nani alitegemea kusikia habari kama hizi kutoka nchi kama Norway. Mtu mmoja ndiye aliyefanya huo ushenzi, polisi wamemtambua kama Anders Behring Breivik (32) raia wa Norway. Habari zinasema ni Mkristo mwenye Itikadi kali (yaani Christian fundamentalist). Mungu alaze roho za waliokufa mahala pema mbinguni. AMEN.

Oslo, Norway (CNN) -- A young man who survived a gunman's rampage on Norway's Utoya island says he is alive because he played dead, grabbing on to bodies around him, an account that came as authorities on Saturday raised the death toll from the attack a day earlier to 84.

Adrian Pracon's account provided the clearest detail to date of Friday's shooting attack at the ruling Labour Party's youth camp that police said left at least 84 dead people. The attack came shortly after an explosion in the Norwegian capital of Olso that killed seven people, raising the combined death toll in both attacks to 91.

Kwa habari kamili na picha someni:


  1. Da Chemi naona umeshindwa kulaani na kutukana kama ufanyavyo pale anapohusishwa muislam na shambulio kama hili?!

    Hata headlines za vyombo vya habari haziandiki kwamba "MKRISTO MWENYE SIASA KALI ALIPUWA JENGO NA KUUWA RAIA WASIO NA HATIA"!

    NB: Hili liwe fundisho, si sawa ku "lable" jamii nzima au dini flani kwa tukio lilofanywa na mtu mmoja kwa kisingizio cha jamii yake au dini yake. Vizuri ahukumiwe yeye kama yeye tu, sio sababu jina lake ni Hassan basi iwe ndo waislam wote au sababu ni Erick basi iwe ni wakristo wote.

  2. Hao Christian fundamentalists pia ni wabaguzi.

  3. OSLO (Reuters) - The Norwegian charged with killing at least 92 people in a gun and bomb massacre had belonged to an anti-immigration party and wrote blogs attacking multiculturalism and Islam.

    Police said Anders Behring Breivik, detained by police after 85 people were gunned down at a youth camp and another 7 killed in a bomb attack on Friday, was unknown to them and his Internet activity traced so far included no calls to violence.

    In comments from 2009-2010 to other people's articles on website, which calls itself critical of Islam, Breivik criticised European policies of trying to accommodate the cultures of different ethnic groups.

    "When did multiculturalism cease to be an ideology designed to deconstruct European culture, traditions, identity and nation-states?" said one his entries, posted on February 2, 2010.

    Another entry dated February 16 last year said: "According to two studies, 13 percent of young British Muslims aged between 15 and 25 support al Qaeda ideology."

    Breivik wrote he was a backer of the "Vienna School of Thought," which was against multiculturalism and the spread of Islam.

    He also wrote he admired Geert Wilders, the populist anti-Islam Dutch politician, for following that school of thought......

  4. OSLO (Reuters) - The Norwegian charged with killing at least 92 people in a gun and bomb massacre had belonged to an anti-immigration party and wrote blogs attacking multiculturalism and Islam.

    Police said Anders Behring Breivik, detained by police after 85 people were gunned down at a youth camp and another 7 killed in a bomb attack on Friday, was unknown to them and his Internet activity traced so far included no calls to violence.

    In comments from 2009-2010 to other people's articles on website, which calls itself critical of Islam, Breivik criticised European policies of trying to accommodate the cultures of different ethnic groups.

    "When did multiculturalism cease to be an ideology designed to deconstruct European culture, traditions, identity and nation-states?" said one his entries, posted on February 2, 2010.

    Another entry dated February 16 last year said: "According to two studies, 13 percent of young British Muslims aged between 15 and 25 support al Qaeda ideology."

    Breivik wrote he was a backer of the "Vienna School of Thought," which was against multiculturalism and the spread of Islam.

    He also wrote he admired Geert Wilders, the populist anti-Islam Dutch politician, for following that school of thought......

  5. Every christian is either a fundamentalist and/or white supremacist. Even Black (African) christians are also white supremacists.
