Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Magodoro, Milango ilisaidia Kuokoa maisha katika Ajali ya MV Spice Islander

Wadau, kwenye miaka ya 1980's kulikuwa na jali ya mashua Zanzibar. Magodoro yalisaidia kuokoa maisha ya watu katika ajali hiyo.

Lakini sheriza za bahari zinasema kuwa meli lazima iwe na Lifejackets na boti za kutosha abiria kwenye meli! Kwa vilie meli MV Spice Islander ilikuwa na watu wengi kuliko kiasi chake cha kubeba watu 600,  hazikutosha!  SERIKALI MKO WAPI HAPO?

Kutoka IPPMEDIA.com
 Survivor: Mattresses, Doors Saved Our Lives

By Judica Tarimo

12th September 2011As the nation enters the second day of mourning the MV Spice Islanders tragedy, one of the survivors, Kassim Abdalah said yesterday that most passengers used mattresses and wooden doors to keep afloat.

According to the survivor, they started the journey at Zanzibar Port around 10.00 pm on Friday heading to Pemba.

“But even before we started the journey, most of us (passengers) were not comfortable with the condition of the ship…the vessel was tilting, something that worried many passengers, including me,” narrated Abdallah, a resident of Kisiwani Kojani.

He said a short distance from Nungwi Bay some passengers started sensing abnormal movements of the ship.

“It seemed as if the ship was sinking… fear and tension gripped most passengers on board,” he explained, adding: “The situation worsened when we arrived at Nungwi Bay after one of the ship’s engines stalled.”

Fearing for their lives, some passengers, especially women, started crying, with others asking the ship’s captain to assure them of their safety, after the engine ceased.

This forced the captain to make an announcement…urging passengers not to panic, saying the ship could still travel on one engine. “According to the captain we would arrive safely despite of the problem. Since we (passengers) are not experts, we believed him, and the journey continued,” he said.

They proceeded with the safari, but when they were some five kilometres from Nungwi Bay, the second engine ceased, shocking everybody and triggering more panic and outcries amongst passengers, as sea water started entering the ship.

“The ship had started to sink, slowly! Every passenger prayed to God for some miracles to save our lives. There was nothing we could do except to pray,” he explained.

“It reached a point when almost half of the ship was covered with water…it is at this point when many children and infants died, as adults, like me, struggled to save our lives,” said Abdallah.

The ship’s captain, assisted by five sailors, threw life buoys into the Ocean, and all of them jumped onto them and started helping other passengers out of the sinking ship onto the rescue facility.

“Unfortunately the rescue facility could not accommodate all passengers, because the carrier capacity of that facility was low compared to the number of people needing help,” the survivor explained.

“Fortunately as we desperately sought ways to save ourselves, we realized that, there were mattresses and wooden doors on top of the ship…they belonged to businesspeople plying between Pemba and Unguja.”

“So, one of us (passengers) threw the mattresses and the doors to the ocean which we used as rafters to rescue passengers. Honestly speaking, these mattresses and doors, saved lives of many more passengers,” he added.

Abdallah said while the rescue continue, a group of 40 passengers, including him had clung to the ship, in anticipation of assistance from relevant authorities and anybody else who might happen.

“No rescue came and the whole ship sunk, taking with it 25 passengers who probably died. I and 14 other passengers used mattresses and doors which were floating on the surface to remain afloat. We held onto the mattresses and doors, for hours---from around 1.00 am until morning,” he said.

While on the Ocean, waiting for help, he said: “We saw an airplane, afar. We raised our hands and water pipes—hoping it would spot us. Apparently noticing us, the plane circled above for a while…before flying away.”

“Not long after a boat come to our rescue. Before helping us out of the water, people on the boat spent sometime, taking our photos,” said Abdallah.

“After this the boat came close to where we were, picked us up and put all of us onto it…in short the mattresses and doors, saved my life and those of many other passengers, in the tragedy,” he concluded.


  1. Is it true that MV Spice Islander is owned by Baba Ridhiwani?

  2. With more than 120 tons of sugar, rice and wheat flour on board, the boat was carrying double the allowed payload, Aboud said.

    The ferry's manifest showed it was traveling between the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba with more than 600 registered passengers, according to the minister. But dozens of additional passengers, who were apparently not registered, had made their way on board, Aboud said.

    The boat had a capacity of 620 passengers, but more than 1,000 people were on board.

    The ferry, which capsized in predawn hours local time, sank in deep waters.

  3. Serikali iiache siasa kwenye uhai wa watanzania,SUMATRA kazi yao ni kukusanya faini tu za watu bila kutimiza wajibu wao..vyanzo vya ajali za barabarani na majini mara nyingi ni mwendo kasi,ubovu wa hivyo vyombo,kubeba mizigo kupita kawaida...........serikali tuchukue hatua,tume zinaundwa na sitashangaa kama hii ajali tume ikiundwa,lakini JE? Tunafanyia kazi maoni ya hizo tume? TUACHE SIASA KWENYE UHAI WA WATANZANIA JAMANI...!!!!

  4. People in third world countries will do what they need to get around. Land travel on Island Nations is not possible and ferries become their buses. Where it should be a matter for the government to regulate the commerce and transportation, bribery of politicians and payoffs to local administrators becomes rampant in such poor areas.

    Here in the United States our infrastructure is crumbling under normal conditions, this has been exacerbated by natural disasters of late. Still now our government is for some reason unable to provide the services needed to keep them in a good state of repair. Why is this? Is our system of government any better? the results of the Recent floods in the East and Fires and/or droughts in the Southwest are only the first of many things to come if this situation is not changed.

  5. Kwanza nawapa pole wafiwa na watanzania wote tupo pamoja katika msiba huu.Mimi nilifikiri kuwa serikali hii ya ccm ingekuwa imejifunza toka katika ile ajali ya mv bukoba kule kanda ya ziwa kwa kuweka sheria na utaratibu wa kudhibiti vyombo vibovu na kujaza kupita kiasi.Na hili suala la kusubiri wazamiaji toka afrika kusini mimi haliningii akilini hata kidogo,kama tuna jeshi la wanamaji na polisi wa kikosi cha maji kwanini mpaka leo hatuna kikosi maalum cha wazamiaji iwe toka jeshi la maji au polisi?nini faida ya kuwa na jeshi la maji na polisi wa kikosi cha maji kama kuzamia majini hadi tusubiri afrika kusini?mimi naona hakuna faidi;kwahiyo vunja ilo jeshi la maji na hicho kikosi cha maji cha polisi maana wanakula mishahara mikubwa ya bure!

  6. Suala la bahari ni katika orodha ya mambo ya muungano limechomekwa,sa sa nauliza kwanini mamlaka mbili hizi ya tanganyika na zanzibar hazitoi ushirikiano hasa katika communication za usafiri,inaseme kana meli hiyo ilionodka Dar es salaam ilikuwa imejaa na kulamishwa kushusha mzigo.

    Sumatra walijua nini kinaendelea katika boti hiyo na ilikuwa ikielekea pemba,sasa kwanini walishindwa kuwasiliana na mamlaka ya bandari zanzibar kwa kuwapa riport kutochukua mzingo mwengine au abiria ?

    Mimi sikubaliani na Sumatra kujitoa katika hili kwani wao ndio wahusika wakuu walitakiwa wao kutoa habari kwa mamalaka ya zanzibar.

    Ninachoshangwa serikali ya muungano iko katika ushirikianao na zanzibar katika kunyonya fedha tu,kama TRA zanzibar kukusanya mapato,na mapato yanayotokana na bahari kuu ya zanzibar na tanganyika ambayo imo katika muungano,mapato hayo yanatokana na meli zinazo pita,na samaki.

    Jee huu kweli ndio muungano ? Mkubwa kumnyanayasa mdogo ? Ikiwa suala la bahari na usala wa baharini ni muungano,kwani serikali ya muungano ishindwe kutoa mchango kwa KMKM kuwasaidia vifaa vya ukowaji kwa zanzibar ?

    Ikiwa kweli huu ni muungano,kwa nini serikali ya muungano ambayo husimamia sumatra inashindwa kuwasilina na mamlaka ya zanzibar katika hali ya usalama wa abiria na mizigo na mengine ?

    Mimi sina imani na muungano tulio nao,JK na PINDA shame on you.
