Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lesbo Amwua Mke Wake!

Jamani, tumezoea ndoa za mke za mume. Mara kwa mara tunasikia kuwa moja kamwua mwenzie. Lakini hapa Marekani mikoa kadhaa kama hapa Massachusetts, mwanamke anweza kuoa mwanamke au mwanaume anaweza kuoa mwanaume. Gay/Lesbian marriage. Nao pia kumbe wana matatizo kama waliokwenye ndoa za kawaida. Wanaachana, wana wivu, wanagombana, wanapigana na hata kuuana.

Leo kuna habari kuwa mwanamke kamwua mke wake hapa Massachusetts.  Ndiyo ni malesbo. Habari zinasema kuwa ndoa ya ilikuwa na matatizo mengi, hatimaye moja kamwua mwenzake.

NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (AP) - Prosecutors say a Rhode Island woman had a turbulent relationship with her wife and they both faced severe financial problems before she strangled her spouse in their Massachusetts home.

Prosecutors allege 45-year-old Cara Rintala tried to cover up the killing by cleaning the crime scene and throwing paint on the body of 37-year-old Annamarie Rintala.

A Hampshire Superior Court judge on Friday ordered her held without bail, but her attorney may ask for another bail hearing after reviewing the case again.

Cara Rintala is charged with the March 2010 slaying in Granby. She was arrested in Narragansett, R.I., and has pleaded not guilty to murder.

Annamarie Rintala's body was found in the basement of the home. The victim worked as a paramedic.


  1. Hii ikumbushe tu kuwa WASAGAJI na WASENGE ni watu tu hata kama vigezo vya kikuna chakula cha usiku ni tofauti!

  2. Mimi sijaelewa heading yako. Lesbo ni kama kuwatukana. Je uha shoda nao?
