Monday, February 20, 2012

Mtoto wa Gaddafi Aomba Msaada!

Hao matapeli wanazidi kuchekesha!

How is everything over there?

I know this letter will definitely come to you as a huge surprise, but I implore you to take the time to go through it carefully as the decision you make will go a very long way to determine my future and continued existence.

My name is Saadi Gaddafi, I am the son of the late Muammar al-Gaddafi and the National Security Adviser of Libya. I am at the moment very depressed as I write to you. I got your mail from search engine and I really think you can be of help to me. At the moment I have been banned from traveling and some of my assets have been frozen already and that of my late father (Muammar al-Gaddafi ) and families.

Due to the situation at hand, I do not possess the right to move about as I will be arrested and prosecuted in an international court of justice. In my possession right now is my internet connection, it is the only means I am able to make contact with the outside world. Also as another measure that has been taken by the international community, our asset i.e the assets of Muammar al-Gaddafi and family worldwide have been frozen due to the actions of my late father.

The above mentioned reasons are what have compelled me to write you this mail as I seek to partner with a trustworthy person who can assist me in transferring some of my monetary assets worth about 5,000,000 GBP (FIVE MILLION GREAT BRITISH POUNDS). This funds has been lodged in a bank account in the United Kingdom and as things are shaping now this money is likely to be discovered soon, all the legal documentation concerning the deposit are with me, I will only authorize the power of attorney and next of kin certificate making you the new beneficiary of the deposit so that the bank will transfer the funds into your account immediately, so I seek your assistance in helping me transfer this money into your account so that it is not discovered. I am ready to offer as much as 30% of this money to you if you render to assist in transferring this money and the money is transferred successfully,
Please i want this to be a confidential deal between both us and if you are not interested in this deal, kindly delete this message from your email box  without keeping any content of this message and never act like if you received any mail from me, because i will not be pleased to lose this money in any way.
This is my personal email i created this email today just to have a confidential communication with you, if you know you can assist me out from my present pain and stress, you are free to contact me.

Please be honest and truthful because some of my assets have been frozen already, and i don't want to lose this money.


Saadi Gaddafi.


  1. Nigerian wako kazini,hao ni matapeli wa kimataifa

  2. Yaani mtu yeyote atakaeamini kuwa ujumbe huu umeandikwa na Saadi al-Gaddafi anapaswa kupelekwa hospitali ya wagonjwa wa akili haraka sana. This must be the work of some demented Nigerian con man. They are the experts in this business. Any way, this is good entertainment.

  3. Hawa matapeli basi waende shule kidogo ili waweze kuandika kitu kinachoweza kum-convince mtu. Yaani Kiingereza alichoandika tapeli huyu ni kibovu kupita kiasi.


  5. Nigerian email scams have become nearly as commonplace as the Internet itself. But one Australian woman wound up in jail after turning the tables--to the tune of $30,000--on a group of con artists.

    The Courier-Mail reports that Sarah Jane Cochrane-Ramsey, 23, was employed as an "agent" in March 2010 by the Nigerians, but didn't know they were scam artists. Her "job" was to provide access to an Australian bank account opened in her name where the Nigerians could then transfer money they had received from a phony car sales website. Cochrane-Ramsey was told she could keep eight percent of the transfers.

    But, then she decided to steal from the thieves themselves. According to the Courier-Mail, she received two payments, totaling $33,350, but spent most of it on herself.

    If you're not familiar with the so-called Nigerian Scam, also known as the (419) scam, or Advanced Fee Fraud, here's a brief explainer: the fraud works by convincing an individual to give money and/or bank account access to a third-party in exchange for future financial rewards.

    Most commonly, the scam artist will claim to be a wealthy Nigerian individual looking to move his vast financial resources to another country. He then promises the fraud victim a hefty payment in exchange for a temporary loan or bank account access in order to facilitate the move. Of course, the fraud victim never receives the promised payout and instead usually ends up losing thousands of dollars in the process. According to Scam Busters, the Advance Fee Fraud scams often target small businesses and charities. And while the scam has been around for years, the U.S. Financial Crimes Division of the Secret Service still receives a reported 100 calls a day from people claiming to be victims of a (419) crime.

    But, back to the Cochrane-Ramsey case. The real victims who thought they were buying cars online reported the scam to the police, who traced the account back to Cochrane-Ramsey. She was ordered to appear in Brisbane District Court and plead guilty to one count of aggravated fraud.

    For now, the court judge is allowing Cochrane-Ramsey time to come up with the money to pay off the fraud victims while she awaits sentencing in March.

    Interestingly, Cochrane-Ramsey is not the first person to turn the tables on Nigerian scammers. In 2008, the radio program This American Life ran a story on some anonymous pranksters who sent a Nigerian scam artist on a wild goose chase that spanned 1,400-miles into war-torn Chad for a promised cash payout at a local Western Union branch.

    And they convinced him to do this while carrying an anti-Muslim/pro-George W. Bush note, which stated his intention to rob the Western Union. Their entire plan was spelled out on this website, dedicated to turning the tables on Internet con artists (Warning: contains Not Safe for Work language).

    You can listen to the episode of This American Life here.
