Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why President Obama Should be Re-Elected!


President Obama is an intelligent, tough, and educated man, who has done more positive things for the U.S. (all Americans) in THREE years, than most Presidents (including GW Bush) have done in EIGHT years, in spite of the Obstructionist Republicans:

For example, here are the Top 7 Legislative and Foreign Policy Achievements Under President Obama’s Leadership and Administration . . .

1. Over 200 beneficial legislative and foreign policy accomplishments for the U.S. in his first three years, includingBanking and Financial Reform - 48, Civil Rights - 16, Economy - 41, Health Care Reform - 16, Housing - 15, Infrastructure - 23, Military and National Security - 33, Military Veterans and Families - 25, Taxes - 31, Recovery, Progress and Change - 24 . . . . . The sources for my stats: Google ’Obama Achievements’ or “Obama’s 244 Accomplishments’. . .

2. The death of Terrorist Osama bin Laden and many High Ranking Terrorists. U.S. drone strikes have killed over 2,150 al-Qaeda terrorists. (U.S .Drone strikes under President Bush killed less than 450 terrorists). . . .

3. Iraq withdrawal - Ending UNnecessay War by Bush Administration, costing Thousands in lives/Billions in U.S. dollars. . . .Libya/Death of Gadhafi - who planned the downing of U.S. flight 103, which killed many Americans. . . .

 4. New START Treaty (U.S. / Russia) Reduces nuclear arms with inspection verification, while ensuring U.S. will have proper arms to deter an invasion. . .

5. STOCK Act (Stop Trading on Congress Knowledge) - Congress and many executive branch members and aides can’t use inside job information to trade stocks/securities - doing so is criminal. . . . .

6. Affordable Healthcare Act . . .

 7. 27 consecutive months of JOB growth, 4.2 million created. . . . Also, Rescued U.S auto industry (GM is now #1 worldwide in sales/profitability), but Romney and Republicans wanted to block this rescue.

President Obama has also demonstrated that he is a good and smart man and wants the best for Americans, and he understands that the U.S. must have Shared Sacrifice and reforms on the spending AND revenue side so that our country can rebound from the disastrous policies of the 8 years during the Bush Administration.

Just imagine the other great positive things he could do FOR JOBS and OUR ECONOMY in the U.S. if he did not have the Republicans trying to block and sabotage his every move . . . . Obama is NOT the problem. We are being constantly and aggressively told that he is the problem and if we buy into that, then we are set up to buy into returning to the Bush/Cheney era, which IS the problem.

It literally is a con. Obama inherited the problems, he didn’t cause them, and ever since the Republicans have repeatedly, blatantly, stubbornly, relentlessly, and belligerently done everything they could to fault and block ALL efforts to address the problems.

The Republicans are obstructionists and they have put greed, bigotry, AND/OR their political ambitions above all else, at any cost to the people, and are striving to have Obama fail, which really means America fails. Take notice that the Republicans are willing to DESTROY our great country for their greed, bigotry, and/or political gains, and they are willing to focus primarily on protecting the greed (ie. Tax cuts, Outsourcing jobs, Undeserved Compensation, Deregulations, Loopholes, etc.) of the Top 1% of wealthy Americans and Corporations, to the DETRIMENT of the remaining 99% of Americans.

Didn't we learn anything from electing that meat head Bush? If you want the U.S to move FORWARD in a positive, effective, fair, and successful way, then WAKE UP and DON’T VOTE for Republicans . . .Vote for Democrats (Senate and House) Governors, etc. and re-elect Obama 2012!

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