Thursday, November 08, 2012

Website ya Rais Romney ilikuwa Hewani Leo Asubuhi!

Yaani hadithi za Gavana Romney haziishi. Leo asubuhi Website ya "Rais Romney" ilikuwa hewani. Imeshatolewa. Nadhani walikuwa na Timer kwenye hiyo site na walisahau kuizima aliposhindwa uchaguzi.

Romney alivyokuwa anajua kuwa atashinda uRais aliandika hituba ya kukubali ushindi na hakuandaika ya kushindwa. Ndo maana ilichukua muda kukukabli kushindwa.

Rais Barack Obama  wa chama cha Deomcrats alichaguliwa kuwa Rais wa Marekani kwa miaka minne zaidi katika Uchaguzi wa Novemba 6, 2012.

Mnaweza kusoma habari zaisi kwa KUBOFYA HAPA:


  1. I couldn't imagine being pissed for 8 years straight over something I can't change. After the 2000 elections with Bush & Gore I learned to accept the things I can not change without bitterness. We tried again the following election with Mr. Kerry But we hit the jack pot with President Obama. (twice)

    Maybe now would be the time for you to turn your focus towards who will be your choice in 2015-16. That's what matters now cause if you stay distracted by you failure you will never be able to prepare for another attempt at success.
    I'm putting my money on another DEM in the office. Can you say President Hillary R. Clinton? It's got a nice ring to it don't it?

  2. Donald Trump would have defeated Obama

  3. Republican's main reason for their defeat is hatred. Racist attitudes toward minorities belongs to the bygone era and has no room in today's Politics.

    GOP continues to maintain traditional mindset that only white middle class suburban Males qualify to lead.

  4. Soul searching? Is there somebody who doesn't understand that Republicans scared people with their statements about rape, women's health, religion, education and even economy. They have to understand that the world is moving forward. Next 4-8-12 years will bring more and more voters who don't want to live in the past while being brainwashed with religious dogmas and aynrandian ideas. Unfortunately "conservatives" (by definition) have problems with adapting to the ever changing world.
