Saturday, June 21, 2014

Dr. Francis Manda's Male Chauvinist Views

For Immediate Release
20th June 2014

Dr. Francis Manda

THE Non Governmental Organisations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) condemns in the strongest terms the sweeping statement by Dr Francis Manda that Zambian women had lost their cultural values.
Dr Manda’s statement epitomizes the entrenched gender prejudices against women and the patriarchal nature of our society. It is totally unacceptable for Dr. Manda to say Zambian women had lost their cultural values because of the misconduct of a few. Just like some men, there are women who misbehave in public. For example, should all men be condemned just because of the few grandfathers and fathers who defile babies?
It will be unfair for anyone to suggest that men had lost their values just because of the many men we see every day in bars and on the streets drinking alcohol. Society’s moral decay should not only be made dependent upon the conduct of women. Issues of moral decay need to address both men and women.
While NGOCC does not support immoral conduct by either women or men, it is wrong to suggest that there is too much careless drinking among women in Zambia, especially in the absence of any credible baseline. We would like to remind Dr Manda that both men and women are equal and enjoy equal rights.
It is strange that Dr. Manda wants to ascribe the responsibility of parenting to women only to the exclusion of men. It is the responsibility of both men and women to take care of their children. The Zambian women demand an apology from Dr Manda over his imprudent statement.
Zambia has well respected women who are role models and it is unacceptable to denigrate all Zambian women in such a manner.

1 comment:

  1. We do not need leaders who think so primitively in 2014!
