Thursday, October 04, 2007

Danny Glover kaiba Script ya Med Hondo!

Med Hondo
Danny Glover
Leo nimesoma habari ya kusikitisha sana. Mcheza sinema Danny Glover, eti kaiba script ya Mtunzi Med Hondo (Mohammed Abid Hondo). Hiyo script inahusu mapinduzi kule Haiti. Weusi wa Haiti walitwaa uhuru wao kutoka kwa wazungu zaidi ya miaka 200 iliyopita. Kiongozi wao alikuwa Toussaint Louveture. Hapa USA wacheza sinema wengi wamezungumiza na kutuma resumes na headhsots zao, nikiwemo mimi ila kupata nafasi ya kucheza katika sinema hiyo ya kihistoria.

Danny Glover na kampuni yake walikuwa wanafanya maandalizi ili ipigwe hivi karibuni. Sasa inaelekea itakuwa kesi mahakamani. Labda Glover akubali kuwa Med Hondo ndo alikuwa na Original Idea na kumpa heshima yake.
Moja ya sinema ya Med Hondo ni Sarraounia ambayo ilikuwa moja wa sinema maarufu za kiafrika miaka ya 80.

Sinema ya Toussaint itachezwa na akina Don Cheadle, Angela Bassett, Wesley Snipes, Mos Def , Chiwetel Ojiofor na wengine.

Chini ni barua ya wazi kutoka kwa Med Hondo, kwa Danny Glover. Kuona na cheti cha usajili bofya hapa:


And to Whom It May Concern,

In 1991,you came to Paris with your wife and your daughter asking to see my film Sarraounia . I arranged a screening at the Claude Lelouch Theater in Montmartre. You were ecstatic and expressed your desire to work with me. You asked me about my next project and I informed you that I had a script about Toussaint Louverture, written by Claude Veillot and myself. You screamed with joy at the idea of playing the role of this great liberator of black people. We agreed to produce it together and I asked Mrs. Georgina Caspari to translate it into English specifically for you. I sent you this version of the script.

Later on, a new version was developed again by Claude Veillot and myself and translated by James Leahy, all under contract with MHFilms. You participated financially to the translation into English of both versions of the script.

After that, you suddenly vanished into thin air, replying neither to my numerous letters, nor to my phone calls. I learnt in the press that you intended to direct this film yourself and to produce it alone. I was deeply hurt by this immoral act. You even went as far as claiming that you “commissioned” me to write the script. This is what I learnt through a letter from your company, Louverture Films (sic).This is an unqualifiable lie. It was I who initiated the project and I registered my script on June 10,1990 (#82121) at SACD (Société des Réalisateurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques), a world-renowned institution. This happened one year and four months before you and I first met 1.

It is rather saddening that your attitude and actions, in addition to the legal issues they raise, are also a disgrace to the human values for which Toussaint Louverture sacrificed his life.
Mr. Danny Glover, you belong to the category of people who proclaim from the rooftops that they love Africa and want to help… Amazing, isn't it?


1 The script was sent to Haïle Gerima.
The copy was registered at the Writers Guild of America by Charles Burnett.


  1. DUh! Hii nayo kali!
    Kazi kweli kweli !Kama Danny anaweza kufanya kitu hicho, inasikitisha sana!:-(
    Ngoja tusikie naye atajibuje!

  2. Yaani kama Med Hondo asingekuwa na evidence nami ningekuwa na wasiwasi kama ni kweli. Lakini vyeti vipo.

    Ni aibu kweli ndo maana kila akitaka kuanza ku-shoot hiyo sinema anapata matatizo.
