Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Simu ya Kifo kweli!

Siku hizi watu wengi wana simu za mkononi. Lakini zina athari zake. Siku nyingi watu wamesema zinapunguza nguvu za kiume au kuua mayai ya mwanamke! Mara waseme zinaleta tumours (uvimbe) kwenye ubongo.

Sasa leo kuna habari kuwa baba moja huko Korea ya Kusini kafa kazini kwake baada ya simu yake ya mkononi kulipuka kwenye sharti yake na kumwua. Wanasema betri ndo ililipuka ndani ya poketi kwenye sharti aliyovaa. Simu enyewe iliyeyuka kifuani mwake! DOH!


SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- An exploding mobile phone battery apparently killed a South Korean man in the first such known case in this gadget-obsessed country, police say.

The man, identified only by his family name Suh, was found dead at his workplace in a quarry Wednesday morning and his mobile phone battery was melted in his shirt pocket, a police official in Cheongwon, 135 kilometers (85 miles) south of Seoul, told The Associated Press.

"We presume that the cell phone battery exploded," the police official said on condition of anonymity.

The official said the phone was made by South Korea's LG Electronics, the world's fifth-biggest handset maker.

LG Electronics confirmed its product was involved in the accident but said such a battery explosion and death was virtually impossible.

1 comment:

  1. Itabidi nitupe cellphone yangu! Naigopa!
