Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Skandali ya Richard, Mshindi wa Big Brother Africa II

Spotlight iko tena kwa Tanzania baada ya ushindi wa Richard kwenye Big Brother Africa II. Natoa pongezi kwa Richard kwa kushinda japo nilikuwa na wasiwasi sana kuwa angetolewa shauri ya vituko vyake. Binadamu ni wa ajabu wanapenda vituko na nadhani Richard alijua hivyo.
Sasa msishangae kama ukisikia hizo dola $100,000 alizopata zinaenda kulipia mawakili wa kumtetea. Inaelekea kuna watu ambao hawajafurahishwa na matendo yake akiwa mgeni katika nyumba ya Big Brother huko Afrika Kusini. Kuna madai kuwa alimbaka mgeni mwenzake kwa kuingiza vidole ukeni mwa Offunneka Molokwu anayetoka Nigeria. Pia Richard alitamba kuwa chombo chake ni 'machine gun' na anaweza kuwafanya wanawake watatu bila matatizo.

Watetezi wa haki za akina mama hawawezi kufurahia ushindi wake. Mimi sishangai ushindi wake maana waafrika wanapenda wanaume wanao ringia vyombo vyao na ambao wanadai kuwa wanaweza kufanya ngono kwa muda mrefu na pia wanafanya wanawake wengi.

Habari za kuaminika zinasema kuwa mke wa Richard, Riki (mzungu kutoka Canada) ameomba talaka kwa sababu ya matendo yake ya ajabu kwenye Big Brother. Zaidi ya ile ya kubaka alidai kuwa anampenda 'mate' wake Tatiana Durao kutoka Angola. Huenda ndo maana hatukumwona kwenye sherehe za ushindi wa Richard.

Ubaya hii skandali inaweza kuua Big Brother Africa.

Kwa habari zaidi someni:





Big Brother ‘rapist’ wins

A man accused of televised sexual assault has won Big Brother Africa, says mark paterson in Johannesburg

The young man who caused a media frenzy after viewers claimed he had sexually assaulted a housemate live on Big Brother Africa yesterday won the reality show's first prize of $100,000.
Dreadlocked Richard Bezuidenhout, a 24-year-old film student from Tanzania, won the public vote, despite his role in an alcohol-fuelled threesome that has been dubbed 'Fingergate' by the African media. The girl he allegedly abused, 29-year-old Ofunneka Molokwu, a medical assistant from Nigeria, came second.

As reported on The First Post, viewers of the show watched in shock on October 28 as Bezuidenhout appeared to insert his fingers into Molokwu's vagina after an extended drinking bout that left her and another female contestant vomiting repeatedly before apparently blacking out. Paramedics had to be called in and the show's producers cut the live feed.

The incident, slammed as "cheap porn" by South African women's rights campaigner Lisa Vetton, led viewers to flood newspapers and internet message-boards across the continent with emails expressing their outrage. M-Net, which produces the show in conjunction with Endemol SA, has denied any non-consensual sex took place.

At the weekend, in a studio in Johannesburg, I had the uncertain privilege of viewing what had been billed to me beforehand as an 'uncut' version of the incident. It turned out that 'uncut' meant a 12-minute edit taken from more than two hours of relevant footage. Watching the tape in the company of three M-Net executives, I saw the housemates get plastered, fall over in a drunken heap, sob uncontrollably, and vomit - well, the women, at least.

Meanwhile, Bezuidenhout, a married man, unbuttoned his trousers, boasted about his "machinegun" and taunted the female housemates with a pledge to "bump" them all. The camera then cut to the bedroom, filmed in muddy black-and-white

night vision. Bezuidenhout was lying flat on his back in the middle of the bed. To his right, a huddled shape lay hidden beneath the duvet - Tatiana Durao, a 26-year-old Angolan with whom he has already had sex on the show. To his left lay Molokwu. Something was moving between her thighs - it looked like Richard's left hand. He seemed to be touching her private parts, and she seemed to be responding. She thrust her hips up and towards him, gripping his hand between her thighs. An idiot grin spread across Bezuidenhout's face.
The whole incident, rated suitable for 16-year-olds by the channel's censor, was filmed by a camera positioned so low that it looked right up between Ofunneka's thighs.

The Big Brother producers have consulted with lawyers over the incident. Molokwu has said on air that she has no recall of the events of that drunken afternoon - but that was before the series came to an end on Sunday, when she had yet to learn of the public outrage or see the incident from the perspective of the viewer. The big question is whether she was conscious of what was happening to her - and the footage I was shown suggests she was.

M-Net production executive Carl Fischer defended the show's treatment of its contestants to me, saying television executives were not just bound by the laws of South Africa but also by the Big Brother rules, which he described as "tougher than the Constitution". Of course, that worthy document doesn't demand that South Africa's citizens sign away all rights to freedom and dignity.


  1. Dada Chemi,

    Mimi napata shida na vijana wenzangu wanokuwa ma "super star". Wengi hawajui sheria, na jinsi ya "kucheza kwa step". U super star wa ghafla jalala, kila tatizo litaletwa kwako. Wengi wao wanaiga "super stars" wa Marekani. Wanashindwa kuelewa kuweza kubakia na kukomaa kama "super star" kwa hawa wenzetu ni gharama na akilizaidi.

    Sijui kwa haya madai kama Richard atasalimika. Tuombe kheri

  2. ilkua ni pombe na hata huyo ofunemama hana kumbukumbu yoyote na kama mnakumbuka ofuneka alikuwa nataka sana richard amkiss jamni watu hawana dogo?wangapi wanafanya mabo gizani?bora hata huyo richard......tunamtakia mema richard

  3. Oh man! This is f-ked up! What do South African laws on rape say? He could be in trouble. Drunkeness is not a defense.

  4. Mmeshaanza balaa tena, we Chemi acha upambe, yani inaonekana kama vile umefurahia jambo hili. Watu wana wivu sana hawatakosa la kusema kbs. Oh God guide Richard mana ulipoianza safari walikutia moyo lakini umepata mafanikio vinaibuka vikwazo.

  5. Hongera dada Chemi kwa kuwa mwana habari mmoja wa Tanzania asiemfagilia Richard.
    I had the priviledge of watching the events unfold in front of my eyes on that saturday afternoon... Richard is an embarassment to all decent Tanzanians and should have been removed from the show at the beginning when his aggressive tendencies toward women began to be apparent. According to south african law, what he did was rape. He should get himself a good psychiatrist with the money he won if he wants to be considered a decent human being. As for his wife, I do sincerely hope she does herself a favour and lets go of him. Any woman deserves better.

  6. "Something was moving between her thighs - it looked like Richard's left hand. He seemed to be touching her private parts, and she seemed to be responding. She thrust her hips up and towards him, gripping his hand between her thighs"

    Kwa quote hapo juu kama richard kweli alifanya hicho kitendo basi , binti alikuwa ana enjoy, which means, like the producers of big brother said, the whole incident was "consensual" Offunneka was enjoying it and from the looks of things she did desire richard all along.

    Sasa jamani where does this rape issue come from? Watu mna muhukumu mtu amabye kwanza he was drunk, and by the way, how can we expect to understand the behavior of someone who is locked up in a particular space for 3 months?

    Hiyo article kwanza it is written in bad faith because after reading it I do not see where the rape which is alleged is committed, the headline does not coincide with the story.

    Romances in the house were not confined to rich and tatiana alone there were about 3 other couples. Huyo mke wake richard naye fala tu she was the one who convinced him to participate in the first place. Sending your man to a house filled with beautiful young african women Excuse me?!

    Wstu acheni ku hate, the boy deserved the prize he made the whole show worth watching!

  7. MMMMhhh jamani ni lini binadamu mtaacha kuzusha.Na pia ni nani anaeweza kusimama mbele za watu na kusema mambo yake mabaya anayoyafanya.afadhali ya richard tuliemuona, wengine wana matendo machafu kupita kiasi na bado hayajajulikana.yeye ndio mshindi ameshinda na mungu amsaidie aweze kurekebisha matatizo yanayomkabili ya ndoa yake.nobody is perfect in this imperfect world.mtakieni la kheri kijana wa watu acheni majungu jamani.

  8. Anonymous wa 11:17PM, nimefurahi kuona pesa zinaenda Tanzania. Jinsi Richard alivyoshinda sijafurahia kabisa. Afrika bado wanashabikia unyanyasaji wa kijinsia wa akina mama. Sehemu nyingine angefungwa kwa vitendo vyake. Hata kama yule dada alikuwa amelewa jamaa kabaka!

  9. Haya matokeo mengine ya Richard kushinda... Wazungu wantusanifu waafrika kwa kumchagua


  10. Wewe Martin na Chemi wote mlaaniwe,mnamtakia mabaya mwenzenu na umajununi wenu,hukohuko.Rich Oyee, na akiweza, futa kabisa hiyoo mitoto Tatiana kwanza jina ya yeye tu natosa, bado-kipotable,akhaaa!!

  11. Hey Chemi did you watch the whole show? Because it seems like you are judging Richard for this one incident, which to tell the truth is very very minor.

    They were drunk. You are old enough to know how drunk people behave especially adults. Africa inashabikia unyanyasaji wa wanawake????. Richard was judged by his whole performace through out the show. He was very very entertaining, he actually made people pay attention and watch the show. Big brother was a game Richard played it well through out!

    This guy was real! he said it himsef when he wa asking people to vote for him, in the house he fought hard about his feelings towards tatiana, he even cried for his wife one time, and tatiana actually hit on him!So many times. The chemistry between the two was crazy! their affair made big brother very entertaining.

    Sasa haki za wanawake, wewe uko wapi wanawake dar wakipigwa vidole in public kwenye ma bar!. I have happened to come across so many such incidents, tena mtu mzima na heshima zake anafanya upuuzi kushinda hiyo! Pombe! Please stop judging the guy for a minor incident huyo offuneka haja complain, and from the article you yourself put up she was "enjoying" it! eti waafrika wanashabikia? na huko states how come strip clubs are so big!? And they are always jam packed with people of all races!?

    There so many incidents to point out and complain of womens rights, this is not a good one!

  12. inaelekea chemi unakitu siku zote hujawahi kuweka habari za richard ila kusikia hili baya lake mara moja umeliweka na kulikazania kabisa kana kwamba wewe ni ofuneka..kazi kwelikweli...muombeni tu kisitokee kitu kama hichoo maana umepigilia msumari wa mwisho ati jamaa kabakaaaaaaaaaa

  13. Anony wa 3:18AM, Ofuneka did not ask to be fingered therefore it is rape. Richard needs to beware the statute of limitations. He could be in trouble. Otherwise I also congratulate him for his win.

  14. wewe mumu you know as well as i do an african woman never goes straight to a guy and askes to get laid. The situation in which offunekka was alledgely "fingerd" needs no explaination she was in teh same bed with Rchard and was trying to get his attention while he was trying to comfort tatiana.

    Richard was guilty of many things such as smaking tati 's butts and fondling with her goodies , which she did not ask for but encouraged it and enjoyed it, there was a time though that she decided it was enough and talked to Richard about it.

    Sasa offcuneka hasnt complained watu mnatoka huko na mambo yenu and you are complaining on her behalf....amewaomba? And damn it how many women act in movies with open sex scenes?! Tena black women!!!Halafu movie zinakuwa mainstream and somtimes they win an oscar for it! hii issue ya offcuneka is not an issue when we look at the whole show in it's context and analyse the incident without bias.

  15. Anony wa 3:18AM, I doubt you watched the show or saw the events of that fateful saturday! You were not getting your protest posts on the Big Brother 2 Web portaldeleted by the second?. You were not blocked with 20 different usernames! No!
    Ungeona hayo matukio, you would be talking a different language.
    You would not be commenting like that.. It is only people like YOU who did not see what happened that talk like that..

    You wouldn't be even able to look your mother into the eye!
    What Richard did was disgusting period.
    He abused women and is a rapist!

    I can call myself a macho, but I for sure abhor any form of abuse toward women a derogatory behaviour towards women.. What Richard did was well out of order. That man has no place in civil society, let alone being called a "national Hero"

  16. Once again, it is just sad to see people trying to write off sexual harassment as something that the woman wanted. People are saying, "Oh Offuneka did not complain!" So she wanted it, she wanted him.

    Offuneka was drunk and did not see the tape, I am sure that once she sees the tape the Big Brother show is in for trouble. Already there is stir in Nigeria about it.

    Sorry is I sound 'WESTERNIZED' in my views on Sexual Harassment. I do not condone it whether people be drunk or not! Drunkeness is not an excuse to abuse women! And yes, once he touched the woman's genitals and then peneterated her that was rape indeed. Right now here in the USA there is a case of a woman who was raped while sleeping!

    It is a sad state of affairs to see people condoning sexual harassment as being macho! I looked at the photos of people at the airport on Michuzi's blog and wondered if people were there becuase Richard is a woman abuser or because of the money he won.

    I will never condone sexual harassment! This is coming from me, Chemi, who exposed Mzee Maumba in the Tanzanian media! Msimamo wangu uko pale pale.

    Meanwhile Richard congratulations on your win and for turning the world's attention once again to sexual harassment in Tanzania.

  17. chemi,mimi sijafuatilia hata kidogo kuhusu hiyo BBA
    however ,nilikuwa curious kujua juu ya skandali la rape.
    huyu dada mnigeria amenishangaza kama ni kweli ,alikuwa wapi siku zoote hizo kutoka aliponyanyaswa kijinsia hivyo ? nashindwa kuelewa ni kwa vipi aje kuleta habari za rape baada ya jamaa ambaye (aparently kama watu wanvyoandika she had a clash on )sasa amejinyakulia dola 100,000 zake
    please don get me wrong i'm not condoning acts zozote zile za unyanyasaji kijinsia isipokuwa naona kuna utata
    kwanza muhusika-mnigeria/popon
    pili-muda wa yeye kureact
    tatu-watazamaji wanadai alikuwa anampenda richard kimapenzi(romantically)
    nne/inne-kwamba ni yeye mwenyewe ameripoti kubakwa au ni (tabloids sources)na watu kama mimi na wewe jinsi tunavyoliona na kulivumisha

    tano -sijui kama alifanya juhudi gani huyo mnigeria za kumzuia au kujilinda wakati jamaa anmgusa kwa vidole
    lakini kama ni kweli jamaa alimfanyia dada wa watu(mpopo) without her consent kweli ni mbaya haina mfano!

  18. Chemi,
    Ni kweli katika comments zako unakurupuka na kumwaga lawama! In law, what matter is causality not what has to come after! Una nafasi nyingi saana hapo marekani unaweza chukua darasa la law, nenda hapo MIT or Havard.
    Anyway, swala la unyanyasaji linaanzia wapi? Kwani yeye Richard hakunyanyaswa, hizi ndo sheria na vituko vya akina mama hasa scandnavia countries vimeleta matatizo katika jamii! Hizi human rights zinazomuhusu mama ni kwanini zisimuhusu baba (mwanaume pia). Kama ni sheria ni sheria, kwanini sheria iangalie upande mmoja wa jinsia lakini pengine la!

    Simtetei Richard, ila nasema woote wana makosa, all three of them need to be charged and blamed with same accusations! Kuna wakati nachukia genderalism hasa zinapomgusa mwanamke lakini mwanamme hazimgusi!

  19. Chemi, wewe ni professional journalist from what I hear you have wide and extensive knowledge on ethical journalism, sasa hii post ina mapungufu mengi and do not be surprised when you receive a call from some lawyer.

    What you are doing is spreading disinformation and causing defamation to someone, you do not know, over the show you did not watch, using flimsy sources.

    Amebaka!? Wewe ulimuona anabaka?, Rape mind you is a very very sensitive word, especially to us men. You are alleging rape just like the journalist with the foolish title you quoted.Sasa ndo kusema you didnt see the confusion in the title and content of the article?

    Martin I actually followed the show online, day by day, big brother did allow comments on the issue, but if they consulted their lawyers on the situation, they were probably adviced to block and delete some of them especially comments that insinuated something serious which in their words did not occur, viewers had conflicting views on that scene.

    Personally i am against any sexual harrasment to anyone man or female, but this show should not be judged on a very minor incident, which has conflicting view points.

  20. Dada Chemi,
    Mimi sikubaliani kabisa na wewe kwamba ushindi wa Richard ni kwa sababu waafrika wanapenda ngono. Kama ni hivyo kwa nini Kweku Mghana alitoka mapema wakati wao walitengeneza love triangle in the house. Au hata Tatiana, aliyefall in love na Richard kwa nini apate kura moja tu ya kutoka nchi yake. Na bila kusahau dada wa kinamibia aliyekuwa very sex appealing viewers walimtoa mapema sana. Na pia mzambia na msouth africa ambao walifanya tendo la ngono live nao walitolewa na viewers bila simile.Ingekuwa tunapendelea ngono hawa wote tusingewatoa mapema ili tuendelee kufaidi ngono. tafadhali media zisiwapotoshe kiasi hicho; sisi wa huku Africa tuliokuwa tunafuatilia hicho kipindi kila siku kwenye TV ndio tunajua sababu kwa nini Richard ameshinda despite mapungufu aliyokuwa nayo na sisi binadamu wote tuna mapungufu Mungu ndiye mwamuzi na si mwanadamu. Please Ushindi wa Richard haujatokana na mapungufu yake bali the other good side of him, ambao ni ucheshi kila jioni watu walikuwa wanasubiria highlights ili wasikie Richard atasema nini cha kuwafurahisha na kuwachekesha (kucheka ni afya ati), intelligence na creative mind ambapo alionekana kinara siku za mwisho katika tasks walizopewa. Na hii iliwaprove watu wrong ambao mwanzoni walimwona kama hana kitu kichwani. Sifa nyingine waliyompendea watu hakuwa na majungu katika lile jumba, hata siku moja hujakaa ukimwona Richard akizungumza behind their backs kuhusu housemate yeyote yule. I believe isingekuwa mapungufu machache aliyokuwa nayo ushindi wake ungekuwa wa kishindo. Na kuhusu hicho kitendo alichomfanyia huyo dada wa kinigeria kwa nini sisi wa nje tumelivalia njuga wakati wahusika wenyewe wameshahojiwa na wamekiri walizidisha kipimo na kinywaji kilipelekea kuwa na hali waliyokuwa nayo na pia wataendelea kuwa marafiki daima. Excuse me, in a confined place, at the end of the stressfull week halafu wanapewa four bottles of vodka ambayo walikuwa wanainywa kavu, kwa nini mumlaumu Richard tu, wote ni wanadamu haiwezekani eti kwa sababu yeye ni mwanaume basi kile walichokunywa kiliwaingia wengine na Richard yeye hakuwa affected. Kelele kila siku zinapigwa kuhusu pombe na madhara yake yanajulikana, tusijipileke kimbele2 kuwalaumu wanaume kana kwamba wao ndio jukumu lao kuhakikisha kilevi hakiwacontrol, ni jukumu la wote chapwa...I believe Richard has a bright future ahead of him he is true to himself and very honesty human being, huwezi jua Mungu alikuwa ana makusudi gani na Richard apitie mazingira yale, time will tell. HII SAGA NI KAMA MPIRA WA MIGUU, WAKATI WA MECHI WA TIMU PINZANI WASHABIKI MIDOMO JUU MPAKA WANATOANA NGEU AU MPAKA KUUANA KWA SABABU YA USHABIKI. CHA AJABU WACHEZAJI WENYEWE BAADA YA MECHI YOTE YANAISHIA UWANJANI NA NJE YA UWANJA WANAKUMBATIANA NA KUPEANA PONGEZI. PLEASE TUSIONGEE ON BEHALF OF THE NIGERIAN AMBAYE BAADA YA KUTOKA AMEKIRI RICHARD NA TATIANA NDIO WALIKUWA HER BEST FRIENDS IN THE HOUSE AND THEY WILL FOREVER BE FRIENDS, HATA BAADA YA KUAMBIWA KILICHOTOKEA SIKU WAMELEWA. NA KUNA MDAU ETI AMEBANDIKA WEBSITE TUSOME WAZUNGU WANAVYOTUSANIFU, FOR GOODNESS SAKE WAAFRIKA TUTAENDELEA LINI?KWA NINI UISHI MAISHA UKIWA NA WASI WASI SIJUI MZUNGU ATASEMAJE...BELIEVE IN YOURSELF MATE...HATUTAENDELEA NAMNA HII

  21. Kwa kweli hata mimi Chemi kanishangaza sana as if alikuwa na jambo na Richard, sikutegemea ungeshabikia namna hiyo.Siyo vizuri namna hiyo muacheni mwenzenu asonge mbele kila mtu na bahati yake.USHAURI WA BURE, NAKUSHAURI NA WEWE UKAJIUNGE NA BB III PINDI ITAPOTANGAZWA TENA MANA NAONA UMEUMIA SANA KWA USHINDI WA RICHARD, NA INAONESHA HUNA UZALENDO KABISA.

  22. Hivi sijui nawezaje kuumia kwa sababu ya ushindi wa Richard. Labda nimeumia kwa sababu mtu aliyeonyesha kutokuheshimu wanawake kashinda. Kutokana na maoni ya baadhi ya posters hapa inaonekana Male Chauvinist Pigs wana define rape wanavotaka.

    Offuneka alikuwa 'impaired' yaani alikuwa hajijui. Kwa hivyo ni aggravated sexual assualt pia. Richard kamfanya alivyomtaka. Je, alimwomba amfanyie hivyo (kumtia vidole)?

    Ukweli mambo yaliyofanyika kwenye ile Big Brother II hao wenye show walitakiwa wasionyeshe. Wangefanya Black-out. Lakini kwa sababu walijua uchu ya wanaume kupenda kuona wanawake wananyanyaswa walitoa. Na kuna watu ambao wameona kanda nzima na wanasema makosa yalitendeka.

    Hatujasikia mwisho wa Big Brother II.

  23. The sight of a blind-drunk young woman being assaulted by a Big Brother housemate in what may be the most public rape ever has turned the stomachs of millions of television viewers.

    The incident, broadcast live by a pay-TV conglomerate across Africa, has prompted denunciations from the continent’s great and good. Viewers have flooded newspapers and internet message boards with emails expressing undiluted outrage.

    bigb.jpgMany of the emails contain photo clips from the programme that appear to show Richard Bezuidenhout (left), a 24-year-old film student from Tanzania, assaulting Ofunneka Molokwu, a 29-year-old medical assistant from Nigeria.

    Viewers of the incident, which took place on Saturday afternoon after an extended drinking bout which ended in copious vomiting and apparent blackout for Molokwu, remain adamant about what they saw: Bezuidenhout lay down next to the comatose young woman and penetrated her vagina with his fingers. He carried on despite the pleas of another female housemate for him stop. Under the law in South Africa - where, on average, a woman is sexually assaulted every 40 seconds - such an act constitutes rape.

    Source: TFP

  24. The governor of oil rich Delta State where Ofunneka hailed from has yesterday evening which was transmitted via Silver Bird Television promised to give her $100,000 that Big Brother organizers failed to give her on her return to Nigeria.
    He stated that Ofunneka is the true winner since the rest of Africa voted her to win. He also said that she lost the vote just because she is a Nigerian.
    He frown at the negative message the emergence of Richard as winner has sent across Africa.
    He also declared that Ofunneka has done much better image-making job for Nigeria than what has been done by our lobbyists over the years and over US$100,000 was spent.
    Some insiders believe :MNET has just chased herself out of Nigerian market especially now that their local HI-TV has taken over 80% of English premiership and LA liga matches.

    Read what we Nigerians have to Say:


  25. mi naona inabidi ufungue fungue vitabu vya sheria, mchizi alikuwa under umbrella ya sponsor wa shoo ambaye nde atakuwa responsible for damages, in short he was in that house representing the show. The show will deal with him according to the conditions he agreed but responsibility of his actions in there might not be tied to him. kwa hiyo quit hattin' Dont get me wrong dont agree with him and what went down but dont see any possibility of him being legally responsible. ukiweka maoni kapuni poa tu lakini yamekufikia nakuandikia. again quit hatting

  26. Anony wa 12:19 unachekesha kama walivyo waunga mkono wote huu upuuzi wa BB.
    Unamshangaa Mdau aliyeandika Website ili tusome jinsi wazungu wanavyotudharau na unahoji ni kwa vipi tutaendelea kwa kuwa na wsiwasi wa nini anachosema mzungu....LAKINI KUMBE HAPO HAPO UNAUNGA MKONO UPUUZI HUU UNAOITWA BB AMBAO TUMEUIGA KWA HAO HAO WAZUNGU UNAOSEMA HATUNA HAJA YA KUJALI WANACHOSEMA AMA KUWAZA JUU YETU!! the 100,000 usd question here now is...do we have to be copycats of everything thrown at us by the said wazungu?? Chemmi, usijali. tupo wengi mno wenye msimamo kama wako....

  27. anony wa 12:19... Lazima nicheke wazungu wanavyotusanifu.. Kwani watu wachache bara ya Afrika nzima
    kumchagua mbakaji kama mshindi sio kichekesho? Hata kama wazungu hawajui kwamba ni aisili mia 0.00000000001% ya watu wote kwenye bara ya Afrika ambao wanatazama DSTV. Kumcahgua Mbakaji au mtu, hata kama ni mtu inasemekana ni mbakaji ni kichekesho!!

    Kwenye BB UK, Mtu alitolewa pale pale for "alleged racial discrimination"
    Kwenye BB Australia, Wanaume wawili walitolewa kwenye BB house kwa sababu mmoja alimwekea dada mmoja kijidude chake usoni.. Sasa, tujiulize kwa nini huyo Big Brother hakumtoa mbakaji richard baada ya yote hayo? Labda alikua mzungu mwenye nia mbaya kuhusu mtazamo wa watu juu ya afrika? Au na yeye ni mbakaji tu? Perhaps you are guilty too?

    Richard was not chosen for his star qualities... He was just the mot perverse entertaining monkey in the zoo. And 99% of the viewers were kept in the dark of what happened that saturday afternoon... Including the other participants who were comatose!

  28. ' Mumu said...

    Anony wa 3:18AM, Ofuneka did not ask to be fingered therefore it is rape. Richard needs to beware the statute of limitations. He could be in trouble. Otherwise I also congratulate him for his win.'

    OMG!!! I'm a rapist!! I cannot recall one of the women I 'fingered' in my lifetime actually ASKING me to do it... I think I'm in BIG trouble!


  29. anonymous wa 10:13am, kama statue of limitations haijaisha kweli unawea kukuta una matatizo makubwa!

  30. Hi, I want to share this article written by the distinguished and well-respected Nigerian journalist and columnist for the Nigerian national newspaper, the Independent Newspapers (www.independentngonline.com), Mr. Ugochukwu Ejinkeonye. It is titled: “Big Brother Africa: Debasing Self For A Fee”. It has appeared in several newspapers and in internet sites in Africa and America, and also on his blog: http://www.ugochukwu.blog.com


    By Ugochukwu Ejinkeonye

    Recently, Big Brother Africa (BBA2) Reality Show ended in South Africa amidst much din, slimy scandals and lingering controversies, and the only coherent statement it was able to make was that in this our very unfortunate and bankrupt age, money has acquired an even greater and awesome powers, and its capacity to compel otherwise rational human beings to gleefully part ways with every bit of their honour and dignity, be disdainful all considerations for decency and self-esteem, and enthusiastically indulge in several nauseating, self-debasing acts, has exceeded what anyone had thought was possible in decent society.

    I am not a fan of the Big Brother nonsense, and all such shows, like beauty pageants, where people are paid and cheered on to throw their honour and dignity as human beings to the dogs, to satisfy the depraved taste of irredeemable voyeurs. In fact, if there were no generous reports about these events in the media, which one occasionally glanced through, I may never have known that anything like BBA2 ever took place. But I am a grateful that I read some of those reports, because, it would never have occurred to me that some murky-hearted fellows, with excess cash to spend, could go all out to turn their fellow human beings into a little less than animals, confined in some glorified human zoo, where the most depraved among them could go as wild and immoral as he or she could, to dishonour and make a very big fool of himself or herself, before millions of TV viewers in Africa and beyond, in order to earn $100, 000.

    While this lure of lucre endures, do these fellows ever stop to think that the footage of their disgraceful outing in South Africa would survive tomorrow, and that they would have children and grandchildren whose sensibilities would be perpetually assaulted by the awful pornographic footages they were gleefully producing in their blind rush for $100,000?

    According to reports, the Housemates took their bathe together during what they called “Shower Hour,” and while the boys stripped to their boxers, the girls bared everything, not just before the boys whom they had never met until they were selected and confined in the Big Brother zoo, but, also, millions of viewers out there, which may have included kids from their households and neighborhoods! (Forget the age-restriction crap). Imagine the kid brothers and sisters or tender nephews and nieces of the Housemates seeing their big aunties they once held in high esteem flaunting their stark nudity on the screen with every brazenness and shamelessness. What in the name of all that is decent and noble can we possibly call this?

    Well, some of the girls, however, occasionally bathed with their underpants on, and only bared their chests, but that, no doubt, did not diminish the grave obscenity the whole thing still constituted.

    Now how would these clearly bird-brained fortune hunters rejoin and face the same society before whom they had shamelessly and grossly cheapened themselves, by flaunting the pride of their womanhood before every willing eye? Should even $1billion dollars be enough to compel anyone to do this?

    Indeed, Feminists and Women Rights activists would never protest this clear debasement of the woman, because this is not the kind of advocacy that attracts grants. This should not be surprising to anyone because it is still from the same cabal that prosecutes these obscene shows that the major bulk of sponsorships flow.

    Although virtually everything about BBA was horrible, revolting and scandalous, a consensus exists that the most horrible scandal it yielded, now popularly known as “fingergate,” reportedly, took place on Saturday, 27 October 2007. I first read about it on Nigerians In America, in an article by Ms. Bolanle Aduwo, a screenwriter, broadcaster and producer.

    Please permit me to quote her account of the obscene incident:

    “…Biggie had provided plenty of booze (undiluted, Russian vodka) and what resulted was an incident that will definitely go down as one of the most scandalous moments in Big Brother history. The housemates became crazed, drunken zombies and engaged in acts better suited for a porno movie. The evening eventually ended in what many call a possible rape! Or how do you explain the actions of Richard, the 24-year-old Tanzanian film student and the only male occupant of the House fondling and ‘fingering’ a comatose, blind-drunk Ofunneka, a 29-year-old Medical Assistant from Nigeria?…The whole of Africa saw this girl’s “privates”… What happened… horrified viewers as Richard lying between the two comatose women, undressed them and began to fondle, kiss and ‘finger’ both of them!”

    This incident had provoked serious outrage across Africa. A Women Rights group in South Africa had called for the footage of the incident, only to announce later, after viewing it, that it agreed with MNET, that what happened between Richard and Ofunneka was consensual. Nigeria’s House of Representatives, groping for some form of self-redeeming tasks, after Ettehgate, had also waded into the matter, something I had thought was an entirely private misadventure between the girl and the South African prurient millionaires.

    But why does it seem Africa has suddenly awakened from its moral slumber just because fingergate happened? Well, if you ask me, the matter is very simple: Even if there were no “fingergate,” all the people who participated in BBA2 had irremediably soiled their honour and dignity? What sort of girls would gleefully strip themselves nude, to bathe, not only in the full gaze boys, but also before more than one million TV viewers across Africa? (If the boys wore their shorts and the girls chose to bare everything, what kind of statement were they making about their gender?) Just the other day, while gathering materials for this piece, I stumbled on a blog where a photograph of Ofunneka was posted holding her towel apart and proudly baring her not particularly appealing chest for all to see! So, even without “fingergate,” was that not self-demeaning enough?

    On Monday, I visited a website, http://www.ofunneka.com, where all sorts of hate posts were heaped on the doorsteps of “Richard the rapist,” who “stole the crown.” All sorts of stories were dredged up to rubbish the Tanzanian, as if he did not rubbish himself enough while in the BBA zoo. But while countless sympathizers were out there condemning MNET for the indecent show and calling for Richard’s head for “sexually abusing” Ofunneka, the “innocent, well-behaved, but stone-drunk symbol of decent African woman,” the girl was at the other place addressing a press conference, apologizing for what happened and dismissing reports that she was raped. Saturday PUNCH of November 24, 2007, quotes her as saying: “I will say that I let down my guards a little, but then I am human.”

    I am seriously touched by this girl’s predicament. It is painful to imagine that she might carry the shame of her disastrous BBA appearance all her life. It must be clear to her now that whoever counseled her into the BBA folly has done her a grave harm. The most noble job she must engage herself in now would be to always dissuade any other person she encounters to avoid BBA like a plague despite the money.

    In this internet age, it should not surprise her that countless blogs would spring up tomorrow, attracting serious traffic to themselves with footages of “fingergate” and some of her nude pictures from Shower Hour at the Big Brother zoo. A costly mistake has already been made by going to the BBA house, and a costly price must be paid.

    But, if by her own painful predicament, other young Africans are able to learn that it is practically impossible to safeguard one’s honour and dignity in such a morally bankrupt enclave like BBA house, created solely to promote obscenity and depravity, to service the vulgar tastes of prurient men and women, she should consider the sacrifice worthwhile. Who is even sure that “fingergate” was not scripted and directed by MNET, to diminish her rising profile in the media as the symbol of true African woman, which would have created serious problems for MNET when eventually Richard was declared “winner”?

    By Richard “victory”, what statement has MNET succeeded in making? That it was alright for a man who was married to suddenly “fall in love” with another woman he had just met on a reality TV show; engage in open and revolting adulterous acts with this new lover or concubine on satellite TV, knowing full well that his wife was at home watching; and then while in the same bed with his new lover, he engages in wild sexual acts with yet another woman, on the same bed! And after it all, according to a report in Namibian of October 29, 2007, he excitedly pronounces: “I have seen the rivers and mountains of Big Brother…I’m going to bump all the women in BBA house.” What a vulgar celebration of hideous conquests!

    With all the nauseating exploits of Richard’s, which earned him the prize, what MNET is saying is that for anyone to win the next BBA (assuming this won’t be the last), he must simply become an animal like Richard, because it is only animals that win its price; yes, such a person must regard and treat women as mere playthings.

    Now the point has also been regularly made, namely, why watch BBA if you know it would offend your mind? Indeed, amateur porn channels and websites like BBA abound, but they do not attract generous positive reviews from “serious” newspapers like BBA does. MNET can afford to inflict its violent obscenity only on interested viewers if it could check its invasion of our newspaper pages the way it does.

    Nor should the government show more than a passing interest in shows like BBA, as the Nigerian House Assembly or the Federal Government did recently. Now, I have no problems with the Information Minister, Mr. John Odey, offering a job to Miss Ofunneka Molokwu, as he reportedly did the other day, if that would console her, but he has no right to declare that by appearing on that reprehensible show, she has “represented us well” and has, today, become “the Heart of Africa.”

    No doubt, it must be clear to the minister that he was speaking himself, and I insist that he makes this clear immediately. In fact, President Umar Musa Yar’Adua must call him to order before he uses the stain of BBA to further rubbish his ailing regime. On no account must the Federal Government appear to endorse such a horribly obscene show that has offended many decent people in Africa and has even been banned by some African governments.

    Mr. Odey, since he had excess time to squander, should have merely consoled the girl, assuaged her pain over the BBA misadventure, but more importantly, used that opportunity to urge other Nigerians youths to shun such shows no matter the huge prize money they dangle, if they do not wish to encounter such tragedies like “fingergate.” And I think I am right.
