Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Asante kwa Mafuta Hugo Chavez!

Hapa Marekani kuna misimu minne. Msimu wa winter ndo kuna kuwa na baridi hasa. Ubaridi hasa ni Desemba hadi Machi kwa hapa New England. Nje mara nyingi kuna kuwa na theluji na barafu na uaweza usiyeyuke mpaka Aprili au Mei!

Kwa waliofikia nchi zenye winter wanaelewa ukali wa winter. Ngozi inapauka, pua inatoka makamasi kama uko nje kwenye baridi, mikono na uso unaganda shauri ya baridi. Kama huna gloves, kofia, scarf na nguo nzito utakoma! Kama huna sehemu ya kukaa enye joto utakufa! lazima uwe na mablanketi mengi pia. Ndo maana wanawake wengi wanapata mimba wakati wa winter.

Hapa New England kuna watu wanaonunua mafuta kwa ajili ya kupasha nyumba zao joto. Wengine wanatumia gesi, na kuna wengine wachache wanatumia kuni. Jirani yangu anatumia kuni kwa vile baili, huo moshi ni balaa! Zamani kabla ya gesi na mafuata watu walikuwa wanapasha nyumba zao na kuni.

Kama mnavyojua bei ya mafuta umepanda bei sana. Hao wanaotumia mafuta ndo wameumia kabisa maana mafuta (home heating oil) ndo umekuwa ghali kuliko hata gesi. Amini usiamini zamani mafuta ndo yalikuwa bei rahisi kuliko gesi.

Hali ilivyokuwa mbaya, kuna watu wanaoshindwa kupasha joto nyumba zao kwa sababu hawana hela ya kununua hayo mafuta. Hapa kazini kwangu nimesikia wazungu wakisema kuwa wamekaa hadi dakika ya mwisho yaani baridi uingie ndo wanunue. Wanasema wamekaa kwao na masweater. Au wanashinda sehemu zingine kama makazini, au dukani haalfu wanaenda nyumbani kulala tu.

Sasa kuna jamaa aliyewahi kuwa mbunge, Joseph P. Kennedy. Ni mpwa wa aliyekuwa rais wa Marekani John F. Kennedy (aliuliwa 1963). Baba yake ni marehemu Robert F. Kennedy aliyeuliwa mwaka 1968 akigombea urais. Huyo Joseph ana moyo wa uKennedy wa kutaka kusaidia watu.

Ana kampuni yake, Citizens Energy, inayosaidia watu maskini na wenye uwezo mdogo wa kununua mafuta. Pia hata kama mtu ana uwezo lakini kapata matatizo na anashindwa kununua kwa bei ya soko, anawauzia mafuta kwa bei nafuu.

Sasa sikiliza kuhusu uchu wa ubepari. Joseph P. Kennedy aliwaomba makumpuni yote ya mafuta ya Marekani wamsaidie mafuta japo kwa bei nafuu. Wote walikataa. Ni hiyo Citgo, ya Venezuela ndo ilijibu! Rais wa Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, anayefuata siasa ya Ujamaa, ndiye alimjibu kwa mara nyingine tena na kutoa mafuta kusaidia watu maskini wa New England. Chavez na Bush hawapendani kabisa wanatukanana kila siku. Chavez aliwahi kusema mbele ya Umoja wa Mataifa kuwa Bush ni shetani.

Ni aibu kuwa hizo kampuni za mafuta zinapata faida ya mabilioni ya dola lakini wanashindwa kutoa hata tone moja ya mafuta. Ikiwemo hiyo kampuni ya ukoo wa Bush Exxon! UCHU tupu!

Na huyo Bush aliahidi kuwa akichaguliwa kuwa rais basi bei ya mafuta utashuka, mpaka umepanda mara mbili ya bei ilivyokuwa enzi za Clinton!

Asante Hugo Chavez na wananchi wa Venezuela kwa kusaidia maskini wa nchi tajiri kama Marekani. Asante kwa kuonyesha dunia uchu na roho mbaya ya ukoo wa Bush!

Asante kwa kuokoa maisha ya watu ambao wangekufa kwa kuganda na baridi mwaka huu.


Citizens Energy accepts $25m of oil from Venezuela

December 11, 2007

BRAINTREE - He may have been named for a former ambassador to the king of England. And he may have been sitting in front of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez's American ambassador.
But as the charity run by Joseph P. Kennedy II formally received a third annual donation of heating oil yesterday from Venezuelan-owned Citgo Petroleum Corp., Kennedy was talking the language of dockworkers, not diplomats.

"Our government gets their panties in a knot much more than most Americans do about Hugo Chávez," said Kennedy, founder of Citizens Energy, seeking to defuse possible criticism about taking $25 million of heating oil from Venezuela's state-controlled petroleum monopoly. No other oil company Kennedy solicited was willing to make the donation, he said.

"I know there's a lot of controversy about the fact that this oil ultimately comes from Citgo, from Venezuela and, yes, from Hugo Chávez. I'll never be in the tank to Hugo Chávez, but I'll tell you I wish we had a little more leadership in this country that has a concern for the poor and the disenfranchised as we do in other parts of the world," said Kennedy, a former congressman and grandson of the late ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy, patriarch of the political clan that produced a president, senators, and representatives.

As several dozen Citgo employees, local dignitaries, and Citizens Energy supporters shivered under a white tent set up dockside at Citgo's Washington Street terminal, Kennedy served as a highly-caffeinated master of ceremonies, blasting oil companies for reaping huge profits and even - to the delight of the cheering crowd - mangling two paragraphs of "muchas gracias por todos"-level Spanish.

Chávez has become infamous for frequent speeches denouncing the United States and President Bush, and for blasting the injustices of capitalism abroad while people in his socialist nation suffer periodic shortages of milk, eggs, and rice. A Chávez rant at a summit of Spanish-speaking nations in Chile last month prompted Spain's King Juan Carlos I to blurt: "Why don't you shut up?!"

But Chávez let his reputation as an authoritarian strongman slip a bit earlier this month when Venezuelans voted 51 percent to 49 percent against constitutional changes that would let Chávez run for reelection indefinitely after his term expires in 2013. Chávez vowed to accept the results.

Citgo, a wholly owned subsidiary of Petroleos de Venezuela SA, this month is committing to deliver 8.5 million gallons of home heating oil to 33,000 poor Massachusetts households and 60 homeless shelters, through Citizens Energy's hotline. The local donation will be part of a 23-state, 112-million-gallon contribution.

"I believe this is the biggest social program any oil company ever has done in this country," Citgo chief executive Alejandro Granado said during the ceremony after riding in from Boston Harbor on the tanker ship delivering some of the oil. "Many people say we are doing politics, but life is politics. We are helping people. We are going to make sure that less people go to bed cold this winter."

US Representative William Delahunt, a Quincy Democrat, said he was grateful to Citgo for "an extraordinary example of people-to-people humanitarianism."

"It's time that other oil companies stood up and replicated the example of Citgo," Delahunt said. He added that he planned to soon convene other members of Congress to travel to state-owned oil companies in Kuwait, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia asking them to make similar donations to help poor Americans pay heating bills.


  1. Asante Chemi kwa hii habari.
    Huku UK nako baridi imepamba moto!

    Hivi ni kwanini watu tulioko nje ya nchi tusianzishe network kusaidia watu wa nyumbani Bongo wenye shida kama huyo J S Kennedy anavyofanya huko US?

  2. Shukrani Chemi kwa habari mwanana. Du hapo Chavez kaonyesha kuwa sio kwamba hawapendi wamarekani, hapendi siasa za marekani. Na likija swala la ubinadamu basi yeye kwake binadam ni yeyote popote alipo. Hii ni funzo kwa mabepari, funzo kwa Bush na washirika wake. Ama kweli Bush ni shetani, Chavez alishamwita shetani sio mara moja tu. Nakumbuka mwaka huu alipotembelea Amerika ya kusini Hugo alimwita shetani na Political Skeleton. Ama kwa upande mwengine Bush asianze kusiakama kampuni ya Citizen Energy kwa vile imepokea mafuta toka kwa Hugo
