Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mwizi wa Mabango ya Obama

Nakuambia kuna wazungu ambao wameshikwa na roho ya kibaguzi.Cheki huyo mzungu jike anavyoiba mabango ya Obama! Hapo ni Tempe, Arizona. Polisi bado wanamtafuta! Na bado! siku zinakaribia mambo yatazidi kuwa mabaya. Tayari kuna wazungu wanaosema bila aibu kuwa hawataki n-word aongoze nchi. Mungu amlinde Obama na familia yake maana kuna njama za kummaliza!

Unaweza kusoma maoni na kuiona kwa KuBOFYA HAPA:

Mtu moja huko kasema, " This does not surprize me. After all, Republicans are well known to STEAL elections, so this is probably the lady's initiation into her local Republican party. She must return with at least 25 stolen Obama signs or else no membership. "


  1. Mama wa watu anajifanya anafunga kamba za viatu halafu anaiba! Hii ni aibu kwa familia yake. Atakamatwa tu!

  2. The Lord is Obama's Shepherd,
    He will not lack votes,
    He makes him composed and not panicky;
    The Lord leads him as like a Pastor tending great multitudes; The Roaring Crowds waving by;
    Obama's table hath the Lord furnished;
    In the full glare of Palin and McCain;
    As Abel's Sacrifice was accepted by God in the full glare of 'Cain!
    Obama's Vote boxes overflow with votes;
    White house and Oval Office therein shall surely await Obama;
    And he will dwell and reign there-from four years and four more;
    To the pleasure of all Americans and all Men of Goodwill the World over

  3. John McCain and his moose murdering, 150 thousand dollar Neiman Marcus shoppin,’ everyday common woman sidekick have engaged in a shameful campaign. They have portrayed Obama and anyone else for that matter who doesn’t believe in exactly what they believe, as unpatriotic socialists. They are little more than the same old ultra conservative fear monger frauds that we’ve seen before in that party. McCain claims he knows how to win a war. Which war did you “win” John cause it sure as heck wasn’t ‘Nam!
