Saturday, February 28, 2009

Request for Participants

Kibira Films International is looking for participants in the upcoming documentary titled "TWO AFRICAS IN AMERICA"...One African, One American. This documentary will examine the relationships between Africans and African Americans in the United States.

If you have any opinion on this topic and would like to participate, please send your contact information to We will contact you and make arrangements of how we can include your opinion in the documentary.
Thank you!

Kibira Films International

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kiwanda cha Crisps (Potato Chips) Bongo

(Picha na Maelezo na picha kutoka Lukwangule Blog)

Katibu Tawala wa Mkoa wa Iringa, Getrude Mpaka (anayecheka) akiwa ndani ya kiwanda cha Crispo cha Iringa kinachotengeneza viazi vya kutafuna pamoja na Bodi ya wakurugenzi ya DANIDA iliyofadhili kiwanda hicho kupitia mpango wa B2B . Picha hii ni kwa hisani ya Frank Leonard ambaye ana makazi yake kwa watani zangu wala mnyama.

Haya wapenzi wa crisps/potato chips mtafaidi sasa. Kiwanda cha kutengeneza snacks tamu kimefunguliwa huko Iringa. Frito Lay na Utz mlie tu.Mlioko huko Bongo hebu tuambie ladhaa ikoje. Nina imani zitakuwa tamu sana na zenye 'quality' safi.
Lakini natumani haitakuwa kama kile kiwanda cha SIHA mikate. Wadau mnaoikumbuka. Ilikuwa lazima itumie unga ngano kutoka Canada tu ndo mkate iwe nzuri. Je, hiki kiwanda cha Iringa kinatumia viazi kutoka wapi?

Ndege Yanguka Uholanzi!

Wadau, ndege imeanguka huko Amsterdam, Uholanzi. Ilikuwa ndege ya Uturuki. Habari zinasema kuwa watu 9 wamekufa, na zaidi ya 5o wameumia. Ilikuwa imebeba watu 135. Ndege ilikuwa inatoka Uturuki kwenda Uholanzi na ilikuwa katika harakati za kutua kwenye uwanja wa ndege ya Schipol. Abiria waliopona wanasema kuwa wala hawakuonywa kuwa ndege inaanguka. Waliambiwa wafunge mikanda ya viti kwa ajii ya kutua.

Naona ndege zinafululiza kuanguka sasa. Ilianza na ile ya Continental Airlines Flight 1549 iliyoanguka mtoni New York. Watu 50 walikuwa baada ya ndege yao Continental 3407 kuanguka kwenye nyumba huko Buffalo, New York. Na kumekuwa na ajali kadha za ndege ndogo. Hata hapa Massachusetts ndege ndogo ilianguka na kwa bahati mwanamke aliyekuwa anaiendesha alipona na majeraha madogo.

Wadau, yaani wanasema kuwa kusafiri na ndege ni salama kuliko usafiri wa gari. Lakini mimi kila nikipanda kwenye ndege lazima niombe. Na tukitua salama lazima niseme sala ya shukurani.

Mungu alaze roho ya waliopoteza maisha yao katika hiyo ajali mahala pema mbinguni. Amen.

Kwa habari zaidi someni:

Blonde Jokes

Hapa Marekani wanasema kuwa hao wanawake wa kizungu wenye nywele nyeupe (blonde), hawana akili. Ajabu hao wenye nywele nyeupe wanapendelewa kuliko hao wenye nywele nyekundu, brown, na nyeusi. Halafu hao wenye nywele nyeusi wanafanya bleachin ya nywele kusudi wawe blonde. Na siku hizi hata watu weusi wanapenda kuwa na nywele blonde. Hebu someni utani kuhusu blondes.

Two blondes living in Oklahoma were sitting on a bench talking, and one blonde says to the other, 'Which do you think is farther away.... Florida or the moon?' The other blonde turns and says 'Helloooooooooo, can you see Florida ?????'


A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died. After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly.
She says, 'What's the story?'
He replies, 'Just crap in the carburetor'
She asks, 'How often do I have to do that?'


A police officer stops a blonde for speeding and asks her very nicely if he could see her license.
She replied in a huff, 'I wish you guys would get your act together. Just yesterday you take away my license and then today you expect me to show it to you!'


There's this blonde out for a walk. She comes to a river and sees another blonde on the opposite bank 'Yoo-hoo!' she shouts, 'How can I get to the other side?'
The second blonde looks up the river then down the river and shouts back, 'You ARE on the other side.'


A gorgeous young redhead goes into the doctor's office and said that her body hurt wherever she touched it.
'Impossible!' says the doctor. 'Show me.'
The redhead took her finger, pushed on her left shoulder and screamed, then she pushed her elbow and screamed even more. She pushed her knee and screamed; likewise she pushed her ankle and screamed. Everywhere she touched made her scream.
The doctor said, 'You're not really a redhead, are you?
'Well, no' she said, 'I'm actually a blonde.'
'I thought so,' the doctor said, 'Your finger is broken.'


A highway patrolman pulled alongside a speeding car on the freeway. Glancing at the car, he was astounded to see that the blonde behind the wheel was knitting!
Realizing that she was oblivious to his flashing lights and siren, the trooper cranked down his window, turned on his bullhorn and yelled, 'PULL OVER!'
'NO!' the blonde yelled back, 'IT'S A SCARF!'


A Russian, an American, and a Blonde were talking one day.
The Russian said, 'We were the first in space!'
The American said, 'We were the first on the moon!'
The Blonde said, 'So what? We're going to be the first on the sun!' The Russian and the American looked at each other and shook their heads.
'You can't land on the sun, you idiot! You'll burn up!' said the Russian.
To which the Blonde replied, 'We're not stupid, you know. We're going at night!'


A blonde was playing Trivial Pursuit one night.. It was her turn. She rolled the dice and she landed on Science & Nature. Her question was, 'If you are in a vacuum and someone calls your name, can you hear it?' She thought for a time and then asked, 'Is it on or off?'


A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex. Her friend said, 'Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?' 'HELLLOOOOOOO......,' answered the blonde. 'They're watch dogs'!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mzee Abdullah Riyami Afariki Dunia

Pole sana Khadija na wanafamilia. Nitamkumbuka Mzee Riyami kwa busara yake na mapenzi yake ya fani ya uandishi wa habari.

Mungu amlaze mahala pema mbinguni. Amen.


Picha na Maelezo ya chini kutoka Michuzi Blog:

Waombolezaji wakiwasili kwenye makaburi ya kisutu jioni hii na mwili wa Mzee Abdullah Ahmed Riyami aliyefariki mchana kwa kusumbuliwa na maralia kali na upungufu wa damu. Mzee Riyami, ambaye amefariki akiwa na umri wa miaka 87, alikuwa mkurugenzi wa mwanzo wa Idara ya habari ya Tanganyika, baada ya kupigana katika vita ya pili ya dunia. pia alikuwa mhazini wa chama cha waandishi wa habari (TAJA). Amecha watoto 10, wajukuu 18 naa vilembwe 10.

Hater - A Poem by Maya Angelou

Hii poem/shairi imetungwa na mtunzi maarufu Maya Angelou. Mjue kuwa hata waMarekani weusi wanatatizo kubwa ya chuki na wivu. Msidhani hiyo tatizo iko Afrika tu!


A hater is someone who is jealous and envious and spends all
their time trying to make you look small so they can look tall.
They are very negative people to say the least. Nothing is ever
good enough! When you make your mark, you will always attract some
haters…That’s why you have to be careful with whom you share your
blessings and your dreams, because some folk can’t handle seeing you

It’s dangerous to be like somebody else…

If God wanted you to be like somebody else, He would have given
you what He gave them! Right? You never know what people have gone
through to get what they have.

The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but
they don’t know my story… If the grass looks greener on the other side
of the fence, you can rest assured that the water bill is higher there

We’ve all got some haters among us! People envy you because you can:

Have a relationship with God
Light up a room when you walk in
Start your own business
Tell a man / woman to hit the curb (if he / she isn’t about the right thing)
Raise your children without both parents being in the home

Haters can’t stand to see you happy, Haters will never want to
see you succeed, Haters never want you to get the victory, most of our
haters are people who are supposed to be on our side. How do you handle
your undercover haters?

You can handle these haters by:

1. Knowing who you are & who your true friends are *(VERY IMPORTANT!!)
2. Having a purpose to your life? Purpose does not mean having a job.
You can have a job and still be unfulfilled. A purpose is having
a clear sense of what God has called you to be. Your purpose is not
defined by what others think about you.
3. By remembering what you have is by divine prerogative and not
human manipulation. Fulfill your dreams!

You only have one life to live…when it’s your time to leave this earth,
you ‘want’ to be able to say, ‘I’ve lived my life and fulfilled
‘my’ dreams,… Now I’m ready to go HOME! When God gives you favor, you can
tell your haters, Don’t look at me…Look at Who is in charge of me…’

Maya Angelou

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mkutano Dallas

Jumuia ya Watanzania Dallas
Ndugu Wajumuia,

Kwa niaba ya mwenyekiti wa muda ndugu Simon Nkanda, napenda kuchukua fursa hii kuwakumbusha kuwepo kwa mkutano mkuu utakaofanyika Jumamosi ya tarehe 28, Februari 2009, kwenye ukumbi wa 12727 Hillcrest Dallas TX 75230. Mkutano huu utaanza saa kumi na moja jioni mpaka saa nne usiku. Tukio hili kubwa na la kihistoria lina nia na madhumuni ya kuimarisha jumuia ya Watanzania waishio jijini Dallas na vitongoji vyake. Katika harakati zake za kuunda jumuia hii mwenyekiti, katibu, na viongozi wa kamati mbalimbali wa muda walichaguliwa. Vilevile hatua nyingine ya kihistoria iliyochukuliwa ni kuundwa kwa katiba ambayo jumuia hii itafuata mwenendo, taratibu na muelekeo wa kimaendeleo. Mkutano huu utachukua fursa ya kutambulisha jumuia ya Watanzania hapa Dallas na vitongoji vyake umuhimu wa kuwa na amani, upendo, ushirikiano, umoja na kufuata tararatibu ambazo zitaimarisha jumuia hii. Katika mkutano huu, mwenyekiti, katibu, na viongozi wa kamati mbalimbali watatambulishwa. Vile vile katika jitihada za kuimarisha jumuia hii, hatua zimechukuliwa za kusajili jumuia hii, kuanzishwa mfuko wa dharura, kuanzishwa mtandao mpya, kutumia njia ya teknohama ili kuimarisha mawasiliano na kuutaarifu ubalozi wa Tanzania hapa Marekani tukio hili la kihistoria. Kiongozi wa ubalozi wa Tanzania huko Washington D.C. , Dr Mkama atahudhuria mkutano huu. Kijiweni restaurant wanafadhili mkutano huu na watatoa huduma ya chakula.. Kutakuwa na wageni kuoma miji mingine hapa Marekani ambao watahudhuria mkutano huu. Tunaomba Watanzania wote mliopo Dallas na vitongoji vyake mjitokeze kwa wingi ili tukamilishe jitihada hizi. Tukumbuke tena, “Our real values are expressed in our actions, in what we do and how we do it”.

Kwa maelezo zaidi tunaomba muwasiliane na:

Ndugu Simon Nkanda Ndugu Abdul Amiri
Phone: 469-585-8476 Phone: 214-535-6329
(Mwenyekiti wa muda) ( Katibu wa muda)

Academy Award Night

(Kutoka kushoto - Julia, Mimi, Janine, Sonya, Jacqui)

Jana nilienda kusherekea tuzo za Oscars, Academy Awards, na actors wenzangu wa Boston. Sherehe iliandaliwa na Casting Director wa Boston, Jodi Purdy Quinlan. Ilifanyika Mini Bar katika Copley Plaza Hotel hapa Boston.(picha ya chini -Kutoka kushoto, John A., Julia, Donna, Janine, mimi, John D.)

Hivi waSpanish wameanza kutapeli pia?

I am just dropping by on this kinkos store to email you and let you know
that I have just sent the payment via Western Union in your name as I do
not have your account details correctly.

I also want you to have the payment information below:

Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN): 947-281-7619
Amount Sent: $187,000 USD
Text Question: Favourite Colour?
Answer: Gold

You can go to any Western Union location right now and pick up the cash
quick. I hope that you have a Western Union card / Promo code? You will
need this to send or claim amount above $12,000 USD from any Western Union
agent location.
My company will be sending my team to Chile this week.

I am already on my way to join my team in completing the unfinished bridge
construction project in Chile. We may leave town tomorrow and I couldn't
go without dropping the payment information with you. We may spend 2 to 3
months there before the job would be completely finished. Remember that
if you do not claim the money before 9 days, they will call back the money
to my card. And if you do not have the Western Union Promo/Card, you
cannot pick up the cash. I may not be around to reply any of your emails
now, but I will talk to you as soon as I return.

If you do not have a Western Union Promo Code, you have to contact the
western union agent details below so that they will process and create a
Western Union card/Promo Card for you immediately and also send you a copy
of the voucher of the payment that I made upon request, via email.

Contact the office below for your Western Union card:
Contact Person: Thomas Green

Send the below details to him

Your Full Name:
MTCN number: (as above)
Address: (including state and zip code)

As soon as the office gets the above information, they will use the
credentials to create your Western Union Promo code right away without any
delay if you do not have the promo code. Note that you will have to
purchase the Western Union Promo code. That is all to it. I hope to talk
to you as soon as we are back on the errand or call it project.

Clause M. Halle Jr.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

MNigeria ajaribu kutapeli Citibank

Huyo MNigeria karibu aibe pesa za benki kuu ya Eithopia.


NEW YORK (AP) -- Prosecutors have accused a Nigerian man of trying to swindle nearly $27 million from an account in New York held by Ethiopia's central bank.

The U.S. Attorney's office in New York says Paul Gabriel Amos pleaded not guilty Friday to conspiracy to commit bank and wire fraud.

The government says the 37-year-old man sent fake documents to a Citibank office in New York where the National Bank of Ethiopia kept funds. The documents claimed to authorize transfers to accounts around the world controlled by Amos and coconspirators.

A complaint signed by FBI agent Bryan Trebelhorn said the fraud was discovered when the overseas banks returned funds to Citibank.
A court-appointed attorney said Amos was in plea discussions.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Weave yaokoa Maisha ya Mwanamke Huko Kansas City!

Wadau, kumbe hizi weave za nywele za akina mama zina faida zake! Huko Kansas City, Missouri mwanamke alipigwa risasi kichwani na boyfriend wake. Huyo jamaa alikuwa na hasira kwa vile walikuwa wameachana hivi karibuni!

Bado sijajua jina la huyo mwanamke ila ana miaka 20. Alienda supermarket na huyo jamaa kamfuata huko na kumpiga risasi kichwani. Kwa bahati risasi haikupenya kichwani shauri ya kukumbana na weave!!!! DUH! Ila dada mwenyewe anasema alisikia joto la risasi. Anasema alitumia hela nyingi kuweka hiyo weave kichwani bora imekuwa na faida kwake! Polisi walivyokuja walikuta risasi imenasa ndani ya weave.

Wazungu wamenichekesha kwenye taarifa ya habari leo. Wanauliza hiyo weave ni nini na inatengenezwa na nini! Je, inatumia gundi au chuma?

Kwa habari zaidi na kuona kideo, bofya chini:

Maiti Yakutwa Gesti Tabata!

Nadhani huyo jamaa alikuwa 'mule' (mtu anayesafirisha madawa ya kulevya). Kipaketi kilimpasukia tumboni. Rest in Peace.


Kutoka Lukwangule Blog:

Maiti iliyokutwa nyumba ya kulala wageni ya Big Brother iliyopo Tabata, Dar es salaam na fedha kibao za Marekani, Brazil, Kenya na Tanzania ilikuwa na kete 57 ya dawa za kulevya.

Kamanda wa Polisi kanda Maalumu, Suleman Kova aliwaambiawaandishi wa habari leo kuwa mtu huyo ambaye anasadikiwa amekufa kutokana na madhara ya dawa hizo.

Mtu huyo ambaye alijiandikisha kwa jina la Haji Hamis katika gesti hiyo alikuwa na hati ya kusafiria yenye jina la JordanBenedict (33).Inaaminika kuwa mtu huyo ni mfanyabiashara wa mitumba na mkazi wa Kijitonyama.

Maiti hiyo ilipatikana jana baada ya wenye gesti kuwa na mashaka baada ya mgeni wao kutotoka tangu ameingia chumbani mwake na kuwaita polisi.Kova alisema maiti huyo alikutwa amepiga magoti na kuegemea kitanda.

Chumbani kulikuwapo na chupa ya plastiki ya maji, hati ya kusafiria, dawa paketi tatu aina ya dawa za kuongeza nguvu baada ya kuharisha sana na pochi iliyokuwa na fedha za Brazil 2000, Kenya 2000, dola za Marekani 27,000 pamoja na Sh za kitanzania 150,000.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Katuni ya Kibaguzi?

Wadau naomba maoni yenu. Hii katuni ilitoka jana kwenye gazeti la The New York Post. Imechorwa na msanii Sean Delonas. Viongozi wa weusi Marekani wanasema kuwa hii katuni ni ya kibaguzi na kuwa jamaa anataka Rais Obama auliwe! Bwana Delonas anakataa tena anacheka huko akisema kuwa alikuwa na maana ya kesi ya yule nyani aliyeuawawa huko Connecticut juzi.
Nampinga kwa sababu, polisi anasema "itabidi wamtafute mtu mwingine kuandika stimulus bill". Aliyeandika stimulus bill ya sasa ni Rais Obama na siyo nyani. Hapa Marekani tangu zamani watu weusi wanafananishwa na manyani. Hata kwenye kampeni wabaguzi walikuwa na sanamu za nyani na kusema ni Obama. Na yule nyani wa Connecticut alihusika nini na stimulus bill?
Wadau, Marekani ina rais mweusi lakini ubaguzi bado upo!
Soma maoni ya Roland Martin wa CNN juu ya hii katuni HAPA:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Vunga Label

I would like to introduce to you the "VUNGA" wear.The product line:You may order a 'VUNGA' logo engrossed in different Tops and Tee Shirt colors. So far the colors available are, Blue, Black, White, Red, Green, Gray, Khakhi and White hoods for ladies.Availability and ordering:Products are readily available in Arusha, Moshi, Dar and Mwanza (Tanzania).For prices and placing orders, please contact VUNGA products at : or call +255715268400 / +255784893289

In their own words:

...vunga' simply means take it easy/chill or dont stress. This is a purposeful message to the young generation! Unajua vipi eeh, siku hizi watoto hawajatuliatulia. Yaani wasichana wa shule wadogo sana wanakimbilia madingi watu wazima kisa hela na pia masela kujirusha 24/7 bila mpango - hiyo HAIFAI. Kwa mwendo huu mshikaji utajikuta kwenye madawa ya kulevya, bangi na mambo kama hayo, ...kwa hiyo "vunga" ni neno la mtaani A-Town linakupa "Tulia! (acha papara)"!

The founders:
VUNGA is a product of these entrepreneurs:
Ismail Lossini
Eddie Dan
Henry Minja/DX (Producer of The Noizmekah Productions)
Banx Minja
Benjamin (was in the MTV VJ search finals)

WaBongo Hatujali!

Msanii, mwandishi na mwanablogu maarufu, Freddy Macha, ameandika feature katika gazeti la The Citizen. Inahusu sinema za Josiah Kibira, Bongoland na Bongoland II na jinsi waBongo wasivyothamini kazi za wenzao. Na anasema kweli. Sisi waBongo tuna tabia mbaya sana ya kupondana. Ukiona mtu anafanya mema unajaribu kumvuta chini ili muwe sawa!


Kutoka gazeti la THE CITIZEN

Saddening indifference to Tanzanian Trailblazers

Freddy Macha

I am watching Bongoland Two, the movie by Kibira Films, for the third time now. I have seen it alone, with a filmmaking colleague and, tonight, with a group of friends of various nationalities. For those who do not know Kibira films, it is a company run by US-based Tanzanian filmmaker Josiah Kibira.

"He is pressing the right buttons," I am saying at the end.

"Ah, this is a load of rubbish," a fellow "Bongolander" chips in.

"Rubbish?" asks Raul, a Brazilian friend.

"I would not waste my money buying this."

"Waste of money?" Zak from Pakistan interjects, incredulously.

Bongo guy: "No one would behave like Juma. Such an ugly girlfriend?"

Juma is the main character of the Bongoland series. In both Bongoland One and Two, Juma is frustrated by his employers and community.

In Bongoland One he finds life in the US tough after he was made redundant. Soon, he is lodging at a friend's flat where he cannot pay the rent. He then breaks up with his white girlfriend whose father is a racist.

The American authorities discover he is an illegal immigrant and finally we see him driving to the airport, hoping for a better life back in Tanzania.

Bongoland Two sees Juma settled in Tanzania with a good job, a place to live and a local girlfriend. Problems, nevertheless, still thrive. His boss favours a lazy colleague, who happens to be his girlfriend.

The place he lives at is noisy and people smoke indoors. When he complains to the landlord or his corrupt boss he is told he is arrogant because he has been living overseas. Top that with a serious family crisis, and life remains a struggle.

At the end of Bongoland Two, we see an introspective Juma walking along a beach, most probably in Dar es Salaam. Josiah Kibira manages to show that Juma's problems may not be resolved by moving from one country to another.

Maybe we shall see Bongoland Three. Maybe the two flicks are enough to make us reflect and create a hypothesis. One of the roles of cinema is to stimulate social thought.

I am interested in two things ? what my fellow viewers are debating about and the implications of the Kibira Films venture.

I notice that all the foreigners in my flat are surprised at the negative reaction of some of my fellow country folks.
Raul, the Brazilian (cameraman and freelance filmmaker), has very captivating views.

"You guys have to thank God that this guy, what is his name again?"


"He is trying to make a non-Hollywood film. Personally, I did not know there was a language called Swahili. I did not know Tanzania. I had never heard the word 'Bongo'. I have heard there is a Brazilian coach teaching your national team. But there is no information. So making such a film is a good thing. It opens the eyes of people from other countries."

One of the "Bongo" guys is sneering and making faces. He is clearly not amused.

"Won?t you even support by buying the films?"


It is sad and shows how we see each other.
Here is a man trying to sell us globally. Unlike those films you see from home made in a rush, with inferior sound and acting, Josiah Kibira strives towards quality.

Tanzania has not made a significant film since Fimbo Ya Mnyonge back in the mid-1970s. Some American television stations have even interviewed and spoken about these Swahili films. Kibira has already been invited to major international festivals including the prestigious Edinburgh and Zanzibar events.

Not only is he smart at marketing himself on the Internet, he is giving old and new Tanzanian actors a chance to be seen on the screen. He works with American film crews and technicians, consequently broadening working relationships between the two countries.

This is history in the making. In other words, it is the future of our entertainment industry. Although the $30,000 Kibira invested in the venture might be a small amount in terms of filmmaking, this is an expensive enterprise that demands a lot of time, determination and commitment, and should be applauded by every ?Bongolander?.

We should ask ourselves how various world-famous brands (be it Japanese cars or Bollywood films) came to be established.

We need to support the Buy Bongo, Buy Tanzania brand such as the Kibira Films venture. For more info visit

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wizi Ocean Road Hospital

Wadau, mnaweza kuamini kuwa vifaa hivi vya chemotherapy vimeibiwa kutoka Ocean Road Hospital. Ocean Road ni hospitali kuu Bongo ya kutibu ugonjwa wa saratani (cancer). Yaani wametoa huo mtambo mkubwa bila mtu yeyote kuona kweli? Walinzi walikuwa wapi? Wafanyakazi walikuwa wapi? Najua pale kuna manesi na madaktari 24/7!
Yaani huo wizi lazima ilikuwa ni inside job. Lazima kulikuwa na watu waliojua kuitoa huko bila kuiharibu. Hivi wanausalama wanafanya nini siku hizi huko Bongo?
Picha na Maelezo ya chini kutoka Michuzi Blog:
Hii ndo aina ya mashine zilizoibwa yapata wiki mbili zilizopita pale ORCI zaitwa Control Console, zimenunuliwa tena mpya kwa gharama ya Dola za US 22,000/- na hivyo wagonjwa wameanza tena leo kupata huduma baada ya kusimama kwa muda wote huo.

Mdau Bernard Rwebangira anashindwa kuelewa mashine kubwa na nyeti kama hii iliiniwaibiwaje? ungana naye kujadili hilo kwa kubofya hapa

Ubahili Hata Kwenye Ugali!

Kutoka Kenya, kuna habari kuwa wanaume wamekubahili mpaka kupima unga wa ugali. Kwa nyie wanaume nasema hivi, acheni akina mama wafanye mambo yao jikoni! Msituingilie! Jikoni ni nafasi nyeti kwa akina mama! Na si manishi kuwa mwanaume asiingie jikoni kujipikia au kusaidia kupika. Hakuna kulea udikteta jikoni! Na kwa huyu mshenzi kwenye hii story namshauri aondoke na huo unga aende nao kazini kulikoni eti kuacha vialama vya ajabu kwenye unga!

Asante mdau, FK, kwa kunistua kuhusu hii story.


Some men have devised creative domestic austerity measures to counter the hard economic times.

Some may sound crazy, seemingly borrowed from the devil’s own bag of tricks.
Take Peter Otieno, an accountant with a sugar milling company in Nyanza Province,
for instance. Whenever his wife is preparing a meal of ugali, he personally pours out the maize flour for her and then uses the palm of his hand to mark the balance.

The way he is able to know if anyone touches the flour after he is gone.
"Whenever ugali is prepared, he leaves his hand print to stop his wife from cooking more ugali without his knowledge," says his friend Philip Oduor.

According to Oduor, the father of two is so mean his first wife divorced him when she found his behaviour intolerable.

"Whenever his wife cooked in his absence, blows and kicks descended on her at the speed of lightening. This led to their separation," explains Oduor.

To keep the kitchen expenditure at his home in check, James Omar has devised a novel method to ensure that no meal, especially ugali, is prepared while he is away.

Every morning Omar, who rears chickens, gets hold of one of his fowls and makes marks on the flour with its claws. He’s the only one who knows which fowl left the marks. Woe unto his wife should the mark be different from the one that he left in the morning.

For Omweri Onsongo, the challenge has been in ensuring that the same quantity of ugali is prepared every day. To make sure this happens he has made holes on the sides of the sufuria used to make ugali. Any attempt to add water beyond the ‘standard’ level will not succeed.
Mary Kerubo, a housewife in Kisii, is a one of the women who bear the brunt of the machinations of such mean men.

Recently her sister paid them a visit and brought a gift of sugar, sour milk and vegetables.
Her sister received her well in the absence of the husband, who had gone to Keroka to try and sell sheep.

Since Kerubo could not run after a chicken, a choice delicacy for respected guests, she prepared ugali and eggs instead.

As fate would have it, the day didn’t turn out well for her husband, Omato. He didn’t sell the sheep as he had anticipated, and his hope for getting the money he needed lay in his egg-laying fowl. That morning he had left three eggs at home, and on his way back was counting his chicks even before they hatched.

He went straight to place where the chickens laid their eggs but to his surprise, found no egg.

"Who took the eggs that were here?" he thundered. The wife told him that she had fried them for her sister who had visited earlier and left.

"You mean you ate three chickens?" he asked angrily and proceeded to beat her.
The matter was only settled when elders intervened and forced Omato to apologise to his in-laws.

One day Bernard Kipruto arrived home from work to find that his wife had prepared a mound of steaming ugali for some guests. He was so shocked at the size of it that he demanded that she divide the ugali into two. Though he thought their exchanges were confidential, they reached the ears of the visitors who got too uncomfortable to even eat.

"The visitors left in a huff and shortly thereafter, and his wife followed, citing the man’s meanness," says Peter Rotich, who witnessed the incident.

Many other men will demand a detailed accounting of the domestic expenses, making it impossible for the woman to buy anything outside the budget, however vital it might be.

"Every day when my husband goes for work, he leaves some money. When he comes back in the evening, he demands to know how every single coin was spent," says Jane Were. It is gets so bad that at times she is forced to borrow a matchbox from a neighbour rather than spend extra money to buy one without her husband’s say-so.

She reveals that her husband is so mean they are often forced to eat last night’s leftovers.
The man will never authorise the buying of utensils until the old ones are completely worn out.
Mary, a housewife, says some men are so parsimonious they will take daily stock of what is in the kitchen and how everything is used.

She cites the case of a friend who is currently at loggerheads with her husband. "Every time he buys sugar, margarine or meat, he will want to know how it is used," she says. The sugar or whatever has been bought must last a certain period before new stocks arrive. Woe unto the woman should the sugar or cooking oil get finished before its due time. She will be forced to find alternatives to cater for the remaining days.
Stock taking
Opinion, however, varies as to whether such men are victims of the hard economic times or are just congenitally mean.

Josephat Migiro believes that thrifty men are to be found in every society and that even some who seem to have plenty display a degree of meanness.

He recalls the case of a couple that devised a peculiar way of telling whose pieces of the meat cooking in the pot belonged to whom. With the meagre salaries earned by tea pickers, the family could only afford a quarter kilo of meat per meal.

"The two decided to be tying together the pieces of meat so that they could identify which belonged to whom," says Migiro.

Mean to self

A shopkeeper in Kisii is renowned for his saving skills. He started off as a chang’aa seller. Despite his success over the years, he has refused to use his wealth to improve his living conditions. Not even women will make him change his mind.

For example, he would rather walk a distance of 20km rather than spend money on a vehicle, sparing only a few shillings for a cob of roasted maize to munch on the way.

Despite his financial ability, he is often seen beseeching people to buy him food and drinks.
There are also those who will even keep an account of every coin they give to their in-laws either towards dowry or as kind gesture.

In Masaba District, a certain teacher told his father-in-law off when he demanded dowry for his daughter. Every time the in-laws came seeking assistance in whatever form, he would put it down in writing. When he thought that he had given too much he entertained no more generosity.

"When his wife passed away, dowry was demanded before she could be buried," says a teacher who worked with him.

Many were shocked when he started recounting the number of times the in-laws had come to him for assistance. He even went as far as mentioning the dates and the exact time his help was sought.

He later confounded the listeners when he stated that as far as he was concerned, the help he had given were substantial enough to take care of the dowry they wanted from him.

Butt of jokes

Jokes are cracked about people who allegedly post a sign saying "Tumehama (We have moved)" on their doors to ward off unwanted guests whenever they are cooking a delicacy.

To such people guests are intruders who bring woes and unnecessary expenses.
Philip tells the story of a man who was enjoying a meal of roast chicken and ugali when he heard a knock on his door.

Dreading the prospect of sharing his tasty dish, he hid the food under his bed.

All was well until he heard a cat munching away under the bed, to the amusement of his guest.
Keeping tabs on expenditure is welcome, but there is a big difference between this noble endeavour and sheer meanness.

Nyumba ya Mugabe huko Hong Kong

Wakati waZimbabwe wanakufa kutokana na njaa kukosa maji safi na magonjwa kama kipindupindu kuna habari kuwa familia ya Rais Mugabe wanaishi maisha ya kifahari huko Hong Kong! Asante Mdau Born Again Pagan kwa kuleta habari hizi.

Habari za Reuters zilizoandikwa kutoka London zinaeleza kuwa jumba hilo hapo JC Castle, kasikazini ya Tai Po District, mjini Hong Kong, limenunuliwa kwa $ milioni tano na Rais Robert Mugabe wa Zimbabwe. Inasemekana kuwa kuwa ni mojawapo ya majumba ya Rais Mugabe huko Asia ya Mbali. Bintiye, mwenye umri wa miaka 20, anasoma Chuo Kikuu cha Hong Kong, na mkewe amekuwa akifanya safari za “shopping” ile mbaya huko Hong Kong na Bangkok.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Lap Tops Bongo

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Leo ni siku ya Wapenzi! Tupendane na mpende anayekupenda. Kama umepania kuoa basi leo u-propose kwa mpenzi wako. Na akina mama muandae vitu vizuri huko chumbani leo!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Umuhimu na Utamu wa Busu

Kumbe busu si busu tu, bali inakuambia mengi kuhusu mpenzi wako! Wanasayansi wamechunguza busu na ina maana gani kwa binadamu.

Nimekuwa nikijadiliana na marafiki hii suala. Wengine wanasema kuwa ukimpiga busu mtu halafu unasikia kama umeme unapita mwilini basi huyo anafaa kuoa/au kuolewa naye.

Wengine wankubali kuwa ukimbusu mtu na husikii raha hata kidogo basi hakufai. Wengine wanasema kuwa ufundi wa kupiga busu si kitu, muhimu ni wewe unavyojisikia baada ya busu.

Hebu someni wanasayansi wanavyosema halafu karibuni mtoe maoni yenu.



Pucker up: Scientists Study Kissing

CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- When your lips gently brush against the mouth of your beloved this Valentine's Day, it may feel magically romantic, or sloppily slobbery, or blissfully gentle, or perhaps too rough and toothy.

The science of kissing even has a name: philematology. Researchers are investigating the mechanisms involved.

Regardless, the practice of kissing is nearly universal. It is practiced in at least 90 percent of cultures among sexual or romantic partners, experts say. Now, scientists are investigating the biological factors underlying that ubiquitous expression of love.

The science of kissing even has a name: philematology. Research on the subject was presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science in Chicago on Friday.

"Kissing is not just kissing. It is a major escalation or de-escalation point in a powerful process of mate choice," said Helen Fisher, professor at Rutgers University and author of the book "Why Him, Why Her: Finding Real Love by Understanding Your Personality Type." Visit CNNhealth, your connection for better living

Research led by Wendy Hill, professor of neuroscience at Lafayette College, looked at how kissing affects the hormones oxytocin, related to social bonding, and cortisol, a measure of stress levels.

The first experiment, which took place in a student health center, looked at college students age 18 to 22, and examined hormone levels in 15 heterosexual couples. In the control group, participants held hands and talked with their partner while music played. In the experimental group, participants were told to open-mouth kiss their partner for the length of the music -- 16 minutes.

The results showed that oxytocin levels in the women decreased after the session, but increased in the men. Levels of cortisol decreased for everyone.

A second experiment in a more romantic setting -- a secluded room with jazz music, flowers and electric candles -- looked at nine heterosexual couples and three lesbian couples.

Researchers found that the longer the relationship of a couple, the more the cortisol levels declined in those people. The heterosexual women, moreover, said they felt greater intimacy with their partners than the heterosexual men or the homosexual women did, while all groups expressed equal satisfaction in kissing their partners.

A person receives information about the person he or she is smooching by locking lips, Fisher said. A kiss transmits smells, tastes, sound and tactile signals that all affect how the individuals perceive each other and, ultimately, whether they will want to kiss again.

Kissing "can really either escalate a relationship or really kill it," Fisher said.

Women tend to be attracted to male partners with a different immune system makeup from their own, Fisher said. They subconsciously detect information about a partner's immune system through smell, a sense involved in kissing, she said.

One study showed that more than 50 percent of men and women reported that after feeling attracted to another person initially, the attraction ended after the first kiss, Fisher said.

We feel such sensitivity to kissing partially because of the way our brain is structured, Fisher said. The somatosensory cortex, which extends from one side of the brain to the other, has a large portion devoted to picking up signals from the lips, tongue, nose and cheek areas around the mouth.

"You can really get poked in the back and not feel it very much, but just a feather around your lips and you really do feel it," she said.

As for the origins of kissing, one theory is that kissing evolved as an extension of the way mothers used to feed their children. Early humans, who lacked jars of manufactured baby food, probably chewed up food and directly transferred it from their mouths to the babies', said Gordon Gallup Jr., professor of psychology at the University of Albany, who did not present at this panel.

Looking at a sample of more than 1,000 college students, Gallup and colleagues found that women also tend to emphasize kissing more than men, and are much more likely to insist on kissing before a sexual encounter.

Utapeli wa Nigeria - Kuomba Urafiki

Wadau, hebu tazama hii barua ya kitapeli niliyopokea kwa e-mail leo. Ni barua ya kitapeli. Hebu cheki jamaa anajiita ' Janet' lakini ni e-mail ya Idrissa!

Hivi karibuni kwenye vyombo vya habari hapa Marekani wameonya watu kuhusu utapeli wa aina huo. Wanavyofanya ni kujifanya mwanamke/ au mwanaume. Wanatuma picha feki na kutumia majina feki. Halafu ukianza urafiki wa kalamu nao wanaanza kudai, oh nahitaji pesa, nilipata ajali, nimeumia siwezi kwenda kazini, oh nimefiwa, oh kakangu kafungwa jela nahitaji pesa za dhamana. Mbaya zaidi wengine hapa wanadhani kuwa wamepata marafiki wa kweli na hata kuwatumia nauli ya ndege!

Kazi kwenu, hawa jamaa wabunifu sana!


From: Janet Sana

Subject: Hello Dear

To: Date: Friday, February 13, 2009, 4:55 AM

Hello Dear,

How are you today? I hope that everything is ok with you as it is my great pleasure to contact you in having communication with you starting from today; please I wish you will have the desire with me so that we can get to know each other better and see what happens in future.
I will be very happy if you can write me through my email for easy communication so that we can know each other, I will give you my pictures and details about me upon hearing from you. Waiting for your response as I wish you all the best.

Yours new friend,

Miss Janet Sana

Mwandishi wa Habari Maarufu wa Somalia Auwawa!

Said Talil Ahmed
WaSomali wakibeba mwili wa Bwana Ahmed

Mwandishi wa habari maarufu wa Somalia, Said Talil Ahmed, ameuwawa jana huko Mogadishu. Bwana Ahmed alikuwa Mkurugenzi wa HornAfrik Radio. Habari zinasema kuwa Bwana Ahmed alikuwa anaelekea kwenye mkutano na waandishi wa habari wengine ndipo wakataokea 'waislamu wenye siasa kali' (islamic fundamentalists) na kumwua.
Wadau, tunajua jinsi Somalia ilivyokosa uongozi na amani kwa miaka mingi. Siku hizi ni jambo la kawaidia kusikia watu wamelipuliwa na mabomu au kupigwa risasi ovyo. Tangu Siad Barre, aondolewe hali huko Somalia umekuwa ovyo!
Mola ailaze roho yake mahala pema peponi. Amin.
From Mohammed Amiin Adow For CNN

(CNN) -- A prominent Somali journalist was shot and killed by suspected Islamist gunmen in broad daylight on Wednesday, as one of his colleagues watched in horror.
The journalist who witnessed the assassination of Said Tahlil Ahmed in Mogadishu said the two gunmen also intended to kill others.

"First, they shot him in the back and then one of the armed men came over him and fired more shots into his head to finish him off," he said. "One of the gunmen was shouting, 'Kill the other one,' which they meant another one of us."

The journalist did not want his name released for security reasons.

Tahlil, the director of independent HornAfrik Radio and host of a popular radio talk show, was on his way to a meeting that had been called by the Islamist militia Al-Shabaab, when gunmen from the group attacked him, his colleague said.

The National Union of Somali Journalists issued a statement strongly condemning Tahlil's assassination, which it blamed on Al-Shabaab -- a radical Islamist militia that controls parts of Mogadishu and four regions in southern Somalia.

"This is an outrageous and appalling assassination," said NUSOJ Secretary-General Omar Faruk Osman, in a prepared statement. "Said Tahlil Ahmed was assassinated because of his strong and professional commitment for independent journalism."

The surviving journalist -- who suffered injuries to his legs after he fell down while fleeing the attack -- said Al-Shabaab had called for a meeting with Mogadishu radio station directors, but the group would not say what the meeting was about, according to the witness and NUSOJ.

"This is absolutely shocking and the journalists in Mogadishu are in a state of fear," the journalist said. "We are extremely worried about our safety."

Local radio and television stations in the Somali capital had been broadcasting live coverage of last week's Somali presidential election held in Djibouti, which many Islamist groups -- including Al-Shabaab -- have rejected.

Al-Shabaab has imposed harsh Islamic law, or sharia, in the areas of Somalia that it controls. It seized the city of Baidoa, where the transitional government is based, preventing the newly elected government from returning to Somalia.

Last year, the United States put Al-Shabaab on its list of terrorist organizations because of its ties to al Qaeda.

Tahlil is the second journalist to be murdered in Somalia this year. Militias shot and killed Hassan Mayow Hassan, a reporter for Shabelle Radio, on January 1 in the agricultural town of Afgoye.

The Committee to Protect Journalists lists Somalia as the seventh most deadly nation in the world for journalists. Members of the news media work under duress there amid a war between a weak transitional government and insurgents, the committee said, and 10 Somali journalists have been killed in the last two years.

Tahlil's predecessor, HornAfrik chairman Ali Iman Sharke, was killed by a roadside bomb in Mogadishu in 2007, after he had returned from the funeral of another radio director who was killed on the same day by unknown gunmen in Mogadishu.

Shabelle radio's acting director, Bashir Nor Gedi, was also killed in 2007 near his home in Mogadishu by unknown gunmen

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bongoland II Inaoyeshwa Los Angeles

Sinema Bongoland II, inayeshwa katika Pan African Film Festival huko Los, Angeles California.

Itaonyeshwa tena kesho Februari 13 saa 2:45 jioni (8:45pm) na Jumatatu 2/16 saa 1:15 jioni (7:15pm).

Bongoland II: There’s No Place Like Home (2008/Tanzania/140min)
Dir: Josiah Kibira -Panorama

Are we poor or short of cash? This is a question Juma wrestles with upon arriving in his native Bongoland. While happy to be re-united with his family, over time he is frustrated by the level of poverty that almost everyone around him faces on a regular basis. He is convinced that most people are not short of cash but poor – which is a state of mind.
Screening Times:

2/6, 1:00pm

2/13, 8:45pm

2/16, 7:15pm

Msiba Boston - Mzee Leonard Merere

Ndugu,Jamaa na Marafiki,

Tunapenda kuwajulisha ya kuwa Mzee Leonard NJ Merere ambaye pia ni baba mzazi wa ndugu zetu Naomi na Jacob[JJ] Merere wa Boston-Masachusetts amefariki dunia siku ya Jumanne [Feb 10th 2009] asubuhi hapa Boston,USA.

Marehemu alikuwa na umri wa miaka 73, ameacha mjane,watoto watatu na wajukuu wanne. Taratibu na mipango ya kusafirisha mwili wa marehemu kwenda Dar es salaam kwa mazishi zinafanyika nyumbani kwa watoto wake huko Boston-Masachusetts. Kila mmoja wetu anaombwa kuchangia fedha kwa ajili ya kuwezesha kusafirisha mwili wa marehemu kurudi nyumbani kwa mazishi.

Gharama za kuhifadhi mwili,kusafirisha mwili,Jeneza pamoja na ticket ya atakaye kwenda pamoja na mwili ni dola elfu ishirini[$.20,000]. Ni mzigo mkubwa sana ambao kila mmoja wetu anombwa kusadia ili kukamilisha shughuli hii hasa ukizingatia ya kuwa kwa kadri mwili unavyokaa funeral-home ndio gharama zinavyozidi kuongezeka.

Mwili utasafirishwa punde zitakapopatikana fedha za kulipia gharama.

Unaweza kutuma mchango wako kwenye Account ya wafiwa kama ifuatavyo:

ROUTE NUMBER :011000138
ACCOUNT NUMBER:009441233628

Au kwa adress hii:
Jacob & Anna Merere
510 Skylinedrive suite # 11
Dracut,MA 01826.

Kwa mawasiliano zaidi unaweza kuwasiliana na wafuatao:

Jacob & Anna Merere [JJ]-978-726-2227 au 978-957-2153.
Naomi Merere-978-413-3722 au 978-632-9823.
Juma Malika-781-244-7353
Saimon Twalipo-978-423-1192
Pastor Abisalom Nasua-214-554-7381


Tafadhali chukua muda kuwafariji wafiwa na kuwaombea Tunatanguliza shukrani kwa misaada yote iliyotolewa kuwasaidia familia Merere !

Mbarikiwe, Mch.Abisalum Nasua,Jackson Mollel
Michango-Kwa Niaba ya Marafiki wa Familia ya Merere.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wabaguzi Wazidi Kutishia Maisha ya Obama!!

Yaani hawa wabaguzi bado wanataka kumwua Rais Obama. Secret Service wanasema kuwa Obama amepata vitisho vingi dhidi ya maisha yake kuliko marais wengine! Jamani! Kisa, wanachukia kuwa mweusi ni Rais. Sasa hebu cheki hii habari. Mbaguzi kutoka Lousiana kafika kwenye mageti ya White House na silaha. Alisema eti anamletea Rais Obama zawadi. Kwa wasiojua Lousiana ni makao makuu ya wabaguzi KKK!

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Police arrested a man near the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday after he drove up to one of the building's barricades with a rifle in his vehicle and told officers that he had a delivery for President Obama, a Senate spokesman said.

A man drove to the Capitol with a rifle and said he had a delivery for President Obama, police said.

Sgt. Kimberly Schneider identified the man as Alfred Brock, 64, of Winnfield, Louisiana. She said Brock was charged with possession of an unregistered firearm and unregistered ammunition.

Brock drove up to the north barricade at the Capitol late Tuesday afternoon, saying he had a delivery for the president, Schneider said.

After further questioning, he admitted he had a rifle in his truck. He was arrested and taken to police headquarters for processing, she said.

A search of his truck turned up several rounds of ammunition, Schneider said. Police also checked the area around the barricade, but found nothing hazardous.

Threats against Obama have led to arrests in previous cases.

In one, federal prosecutors concluded that three people arrested with drugs and weapons in a suburban Denver, Colorado, motel posed a "true threat" to Obama during the Democratic National Convention.

In the second, a Florida man was charged with threatening bodily harm against the then-candidate in August. He has pleaded not guilty.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Fulbright Scholarships

The Office of Public Affairs at the American Embassy Dar es Salaam accepts applications for fellowship programs for graduate study in the United States from Tanzanians. Candidates must have minimum two to five years' working experience with an institution and the endorsement of that institution to apply for the program so they will have a job upon their return. In addition, the whole process - from initial application to outbound travel if selected, takes one year. In addition, we have a program for recently graduated English teachers to intern/teach at U.S. universities for an academic year. All our programs require applicants have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree to be eligible. Please see the embassy website for details on information sessions for these programs.

We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications from qualified Tanzanians for the following programs:

The Fulbright Science and Technology PhD Program (S&T) – for Tanzanian scientists who qualify for doctoral studies in the U.S. Deadline March 31, 2009
The Fulbright Junior Staff Development Program (JSD) – for Tanzanians wishing to pursue masters or doctoral studies in the U.S. Applicants must have at least a bachelor’s degree and at least two years’ experience in their field. Other criteria apply. Deadline April 30, 2009

The Hubert H. Humphrey Program (HHH) – for professionals and administrators with a minimum of five years’ experience in their field who wish to go to the U.S. for one year of non-degree academic study and professional development. Deadline April 30, 2009

The Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program – for Tanzanian English Teachers with a Bachelor’s degree who want to intern for nine months teaching Kiswahili in the U.S. Deadline June 1, 2009

The Fulbright Senior African Research Scholar Program (ASRSP) – for researchers with a doctorate who wish to go for specific research in the U.S. Deadline July 31, 2009

We recommend visiting the websites prior to attending the information sessions for these programs whose dates are given below:
S&T, JSD, and HHH – February 18-20, check the website for details or email drs_exchanges@
FLTA – March 11-12, 2009, check the website for details or email drs_exchanges@
ASRSP – by appointment. Please email drs_exchanges@
Please note that most of the programs have an ONLINE application process, with supporting documents to be submitted in person or by mail.

For more information about these programs including information session details, please visit our website at http://tanzania/. usembassy. gov/educational_ exchange. html or email the Fulbright and Humphrey Program Coordinator at drs_exchanges@ or our general office address paodar@state. gov.

Thank you for your interest in our programs.
With best wishes,

Educational Exchange Programs
Office of Public Affairs, American Embassy
686 Old Bagamoyo Rd., Msasani
Box 9123, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Voice: +255 22 2668001
Fax: +255 22 2668251
Email: drs_exchanges@
Fellowship Programs: http://tanzania. usembassy. gov/educational_ exchange. html

Go Kanumba!!!!

Wadau, mcheza sinema maarufu wa Bongo, Steven Kanumba hachoki! Yuko katika harakato za kushuti sinema mpya, Hero of the Church.


Maelezo na picha kutoka Abdallah Mrisho Blog:

Kinara wa filamu za Bongo, Steven Kanumba (shoto), hivi sasa yupo katika shooting ya filamu nyingine mpya ambayo anatarajia kuwashirikisha wasanii wa Africa Mashariki, filamu hiyo itajulikana kwa jina la Hero Of The Church na itaongozwa na Director kutoka Nigeria, Feme Ogodegbe (pichani kulia). kati ni Princess Sheila Mvununje kutoka Uganda ambaye naye atakuwemo kwenye filamu hiyo.
Baadhi ya mastaa wa falamu za Bongo watakaokuwemo ndani ya filamu hiyo ambayo imeanza kurekodiwa jijini Dar. Mnamcheki 'dogo' Ben (kushoto hapo) alivyojazia siku hizi?

Moja ya scene zitakazopatikana kwenye Hero of the Church......yetu macho!

'Bugging' hata Bongo!!!!

Loh! Kumbe mchezo wa kuweka bugs kwenye vyumba vya hoteli umeingia Bongo. Watu hapa wanaziweka na makemera kusudi watengeneza kanda za pono. Au polisi na mashushu wanatumia kusudi wasikie watu wanavyoongea. Kwa nini wamemwekea Dr. Slaa na Dr. Ali?


Gadgets under MPs` beds audio recorders...


By Patrick Kisembo

Police said here yesterday that information and technology (IT) experts have confirmed that the two black gadgets found in a hotel rooms occupied by MPs Wilbrod Slaa and Ali Tarab Ali were digital sound recorders.

Dodoma Regional Police Commander Omar Mganga revealed the information when briefing journalists on the progress of investigations into the alleged bugging of Karatu MP, Dr. Wilbroad Slaa and Konde MP, Dr. Ali Tarab Ali.

The gadgets, branded `Edic-minitiny`, suspected to be sound tape recorders were found placed under the beds in each of the lawmakers` hotel rooms at Hotel Fiftysix last Thursday.

According to Mganga, IT experts also found that the gadgets could neither take still pictures/video nor transmit sound from one place to another.

``The gadgets have the ability to record for more than ten hours, and they are found in open electronic shops in the developed countries,`` he said.

Mganga explained that police were still investigating the incident to establish who placed the two recorders in the rooms of the two legislators.

He said Dr. Slaa had been living in the hotel for quite sometime, and had good relations with the hotel`s attendants.

The RPC also said that Dr Slaa trusted one of the hotel attendants called Zaituni Gerald Malangalila who normally takes care of his room as well as keep its keys.

He said reports from the scene showed that on the fateful day at around 3pm, Dr. Slaa`s daughter Emiliana Slaa, accompanied by a colleague Dorin Kisamo, a University of Dodoma student, entered the MP`s room where they watched TV before sleeping for one hour.

The RPC further said that, at around 4pm the two girls left the place for UDOM where Dr. Slaa`s daughter spent the night before going back to Dar es Salaam, the next morning.

The RPC said in the earlier reports the Karatu MP, did not mention the two girls who entered his room.

They were also following the lead of a person who phoned Dr. Slaa to caution him of a strange gadget under a bed in his hotel room.

The RPC said the police force was interrogating a number of people on the matter, to find the truth behind the incident and would soon make the report public.

He however, declined to mention the number of people who are in the list of interrogation.

On Thursday last week, unidentified people were alleged to have secretly placed a gadget looking like a tape recorder under the bed used by Dr. Slaa and his fellow opposition MP, Dr. Tarab at Hotel Fiftysix.

SOURCE: Guardian

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Anguilla Katika Picha

Nilipiga picha hii nikiwa kwenye ferry. Anguilla haina milima mirefu! Kutoka angani inaonekana fleti kama imepigwa pasi.
Barabara ya kuelekea kwenye hoteli ya fahari (5Star) Cap Juluca. Kwa mbali unaweza kuona kisiwa cha St. Maarten

Ukihitaji maji unaletewa. Ukitaka tanki nzima ni dola $500! Watu wengi wanakinga maji ya mvua.

Mbuzi wa Anguilla ( Waingereza waliabika mwaka 1969 walipovamia Anguilla na kukutana wa wafuga mbuzi badala ya wapiganaji)

Mzungu akijipika juani! Wazungu huko wameungua na jua, wengine wekenduuu! Kwa nini wanataka kuwa weusi halafu wanadharau watu weusi?
Anguilla Health Authority

Huyo Rasta Man anamtungia huyo Bi Kizee wimbo hapohapo. Huyo Bi Kizee anaitwa Nancy na ilikuwa party ya kusherekea Birthday yake....ana miaka 75. Rum punch zilikuwa zimenikolea lakini wimbo ulisema kitu kama, Nancy is so beautiful but she got ugly man.

Usikojoe hadharani!

Boti inajengwa kwa ajili ya mashindano ya mashua. Kushindana mashua ni mchezo mkuu wa Anguilla.
Barabara za Anguilla ni nzuri hazina mashimo. Kwa vile ni kisiwa kadogo, hakuna barabara enye njia zaidi ya mbili. Niliamua kuingia kwenye maji, lakini yalikuwa baridiii! Mchanga kwenye beach zao ni mweupe halafu laini kama unga!
Hapa ni Blowing Point Beach
Ferry iliyonipeleka uwanja wa ndege St. Maarten. Ukitaka kwenda Anguilla inabidi uende kwenye kisiwa jirani cha St. Maarten ambayo iko chini ya waHolanzi na waFaransa. Anguilla ni koloni ya Uingereza.

Ndege wa Taifa wa Anguilla ni Turtle Dove
Jogoo akitamba Anguilla

Watoto wa shule huko wanachukuliwa na School Bus, huduma ya school bus inalipiwa na serikali

Nyumba asili ya Anguilla. Nilibishana na watu huko kuhusu hizo nyumba, walisema eti nyumba asili (huts) za waafrika ni ndogo zaidi. Nikwaambia nyumba zao asili ni ndogo kweli!

Nyumba ya James Ronald Webster ambaye anaitwa mkombozi wa Anguilla. Bwana Webster aliongoza mapinduzi huko mwaka 1967. Mwaka 1969 waingereza walipavamia na walipokelewa kwa shangwe na wenyeji.