Saturday, April 11, 2009

Oprah Atetea Shule Yake Afrika Kusini

Wadau, ukiingia kwenye shule ya Oprah kama mwanafunzi au mfanyakazi unakuwa mtumwa wake? Hiyo shule ina masharti magumu kweli na usiri! Vunja masharti utakoma.

Kumbe kuna madai kuwa hiyo shule inawatenga wasichana wanaosoma pale na jamii yao. Hiyo suala niliongelea kutoka mwanzo shule ilipofunguliwa. Nilisema kuwa hao wasichana wanaishi maisha ya kifahari mno halafu wanarudi kwenye maisha ya dhiki huko kwao wakati wa likizo. Wakimaliza shule watashindwa maisha ya huko South Africa na itabidi wapelekwe kukaa nje ya nchi. Tatizo lingine Oprah aliwachagua hao wanafunzi mwenyewe (handpicked). Ingekuwa vizuri angepata 'input' kutoka kwenye jamii pia. Tutaona.

Namsifu Oprah kwa kuanzisha hiyo shule, lakini pia bado nasema kuwa hiyo hela ingetosha kujenga hata shule kumi nzuri na kuweza kuelimisha maelefu ya wasichana.

Oprah defends record of South African school

JOHANNESBURG (AP) - Oprah Winfrey acknowledged in a newspaper interview published Saturday that she has made several mistakes at her elite South African school, but said she remains proud of its success.

The recent expulsion of four girls and suspension of three others was the second scandal to hit the Leadership Academy for Girls, which opened in 2007 to groom bright children from deprived backgrounds for a brilliant career. A dorm matron is currently on trial accused of abuse and sexual assault.

"I have made several mistakes and one of them was being overprotective of the girls, which has led to an impression that the school is isolating them from society," Winfrey was quoted as saying in the Weekend Argus.

She said she had also underestimated the extent of homesickness among girls at the boarding school.

Last month, four students were expelled and three others suspended. South African media at the time said they were accused of trying to force students into relationships and to engage in sexual contact.

Winfrey herself hasn't given details of the misconduct. But she said in the newspaper interview that it was "insulting" that the family of one of the expelled girls had complained to the press even though she had been warned before about her behavior.

"Those girls in their own testimony during the (disciplinary) hearing said they knew they were breaking the rules and that they deliberately broke the rules," the talk show queen was quoted as saying.

The institution just outside Johannesburg opened with a blaze of publicity in January 2007 with about 150 girls in 7th and 8th grades. The Academy is expected to grow by one grade each year until it reaches full capacity in 2011, with approximately 450 girls in grades 7 through 12.
Winfrey poured $40 million into the 28-building campus, which is spread across 22 lush acres. It has computer and science labs, a library, theater and wellness center, all protected by strict privacy. Each girl lives in a two-bedroom suite - a far cry from their humble surroundings at home.

It's the fulfillment of a promise Winfrey made to former South African President Nelson Mandela and aims to give poor girls a quality education and prepare them for leadership positions in a country where state schools are struggling to overcome the legacy of white-minority rule.

"The majority of girls are thriving, really fulfilling the dream and vision I had," Winfrey told the newspaper. "They really have exceeded any expectations I had for them."
"In spite of everything that's happened, what keeps me inspired and hopeful is the heart of every girl, because they are wonderful, they are magnificent."


  1. aka we chemi.oprah mwenyewe kaamua badala ya kujenga shule 10 ajenge moja ya namna hii,wewe unalalalimika tuu oh angejenga shule 10.Pesa yake dada maaumizi yake asaidie vp.Mona mnaanza kumpangia maankara wabongo bwana.Afu saa ingine wee chemi unaboaaaa.najuuuta kukufahamu

  2. Naamini kuna wasichana wataotoka hapo vichaaa mana wamekuwa na unrealtic expectations za maisha. Oprah anawaharibu. Labda anampago wa kuwasomesha vyuo vikuu na kuwapa ajira yeye mwenyewe.

  3. watu wengine bwana! we anonymous wa kwanza hapo juu inaelekea unamatatizo ya akili,unavyo mzodoa da Chemi kwani umelazimishwa kuingia kwenye blog yake? kama inakuboa sasa unaingia kutafuta nini kama sio ushari???

    Kwanza hata kuandika maneno ya kiswahili yanakushinda eti"mona" hii inamaana gani? eti "afu" eti saa "ingine"kiswahili cha wapi hiki? aibu sana hata maneno ya lugha yako yanakushinda? pole sana.

    Kwakumalizia tu,hii ni blog yake ana uhuru wa kuandika chochote anachojisikia kuandika,kama ulivyosema kuwa Oprah pesa ni yake,na shule ni yake anafanya anachojisikia kufanya,na Chemi nae ni blog yake.

  4. Mwisho wa yote wewe anony wa tatu,april, 13,2009 saa 1:20am ukiondoa hayo mengineni anony wa mwanzo kasema kitu che mantiki. Hawa watu wanaojaribu kuwapangia watu wenye pesa cha kufanya na pesa zao ni hatari sana. Mawazo ya Cchemi ni ya kibongo bongo ya kujali wingi. Kila kata iwe na shule ya sekondari; je ni shule kweli? Yale yale ya watu wa Malawi kumkatalia Maddonna ku-adopt mtoto kwa mawazo kama ya Chemi kwanini asijenge kituo cha watoto yatima. Ooops kumbe Chemi ni Mnyasa!!!!!!

  5. April 13, 2009 1:20 AM...bibi au babu we koma ,tena weeee .we mwananawe ndo mwenye matatizo ya akili.Kwanza nkuulize wewe ndo mwalimu wa kiswahili eti aibu .mwee aibu imekupata weye kudandia bajaji kwa mbele.Comment ya nimempa chemi weye inakuwashani?mwenyewe kaisomana bado kaipublish ,kwa taarifa yako Chemi anauelewa huo kwamba kuna akina sie.FYI you have to learn how to agree to disagree.Umenipata wewe mwenye akili .Au habari ndo hiyo

  6. Chemi rudi hapa usuluhishe huu ugomvi maana wewe ndio umeuanzisha. Watu wanataka kutoana macho japo hawafahamiani. BTW anony wa mwanzo bado anaongoza na namuunga mikono na miguu kuwa watu wenye pesa zao wasipangiwe cha kufanya ukizingatia pesa hizo wamezipata kiuhalali. Na yule mwingine aliyetolea mfano wa madonna naye kwenye 'range' (najua Chemi ulienda JKT kama hukujongo) kapiga bull au target. Halafu anony wa kwanza big up hawa wanaojifanya kuwa Mouth piece ya Chemi washindwe na walegee. Mwenyewe kaiona comment na akaitoa sasa huyo anayekurupuka na kumsemea anajifanya yeye nani?

  7. Sibishani na mpumbavu,mtu aliekulia vichochoroni utamjua tu, naipa pole jamii inayokuzunguka.

  8. Mwe,ama kweli dunia ina mambo!big up Chemi umechokoza ukakaa pembeni naamini mbavu huna watu wanatoana macho.Hapa ndo utajua uvumilivu na staha za watu,yetu macho yasomayo!

  9. Mjifunze kukubadili utofauti wa mawazo,Sio lazima kusapoti kitu hata kama hukubaliani nacho.Mie wako wa vichochoroni .Hongera umekulia uzunguni!Jamii yangu inafaidika sote atufwati mkumbo sometimes tunadisagree.Mimi wa Tandika kwa maguruwe.Haloooo
