Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson Apata Heart Attack!

Michael kabla hajajigeuza kuwa mtu mwingine wa ajabu

DUH! Makubwa! Habari zinasema kuwa Michael Jackson alikutwa nyumbani kwake, hapumui na moyo wake umemisama! Lakini hospitali za Marekani nzuri wanaweza kumfufua, na hivyo tajiri. Tumwombee apone, ila ndugu zake wanasema afya yake ilikuwa mbovu kweli hivi karibuni.

Michael Jackson in Cardiac Arrest, Rushed to Hospital

Today 2:07 PM PDT by Ashley Fultz

Michael Jackson has been rushed by ambulance to the hospital after collapsing at his home.

"The call came in because a person was not breathing," says a spokesman for the Los Angeles City Fire Department, who says paramedics were dispatched to Jackson's Holmby Hills mansion shorty after noon today.

"When the team arrived, they saw that CPR was already in progress by someone at the home. The person not breathing was transported to UCLA Medical Center and remains there."

His immediate condition is unknown.

Michael's father, Joe Jackson, says he had been alerted to the emergency but didn't have any additional details.

"I am in Las Vegas, but yes, people in Los Angeles called me and are with Michael and tell me he was taken to the hospital," the elder Jackson tells E! News. "His mother is on her way to the hospital now to check in on him.

"I am not sure what's wrong. I am waiting to hear back from them."

(Originally published June 25, 2009, at 1:50 p.m. PT)


  1. how could you?!
    kumwita mtoto wa mwenzio kinyago? kumbuka, hujafa hujaumbika!
    he is dead now, are you happy?!

  2. message delivered!

  3. Alikuwa hapumui, moyo umesimama. Jamaaa alishakufa huyo!

  4. Masikini we.....hakupenda Mola wake alivyomuumba akajitahidi kujibadili afanane na wazungu. Hakuwa anajua atendalo!
