Friday, September 18, 2009

Krimu za Kufanya Matiti na Matako Yawe Makubwa Bongo!

Heh! Kumbe Bongo kuna 1-800-STUPID! Yaani watu wanaamini wakipaka krimu za aina fulani kwenye matako na matiti yatakuwa makubwa! Loh! Hebu acheni kutajirisha watu! Vile vile hakuna krimu ya kufanya nyeti ya mwanaume irefuke au iwe nene zaidi!


Campaign on Drugs said to Enlarge breasts begins
Na Joyce Kisaka
18th September 2009

The government has embarked on a nationwide community-based education and sensitisation campaign on the dangers of the haphazard use of cosmetics.

The campaign is aimed at saving the lives of hundreds of cosmetic-crazy women whose health is at serious risk following persistent application of creams believed to help enlarge breasts and bums.

In remarks made exclusively to The Guardian earlier this week, Health and Social Welfare minister David Mwakyusa warned of the imminent health complications that users of the banned cosmetics were in for.

The creams have been confirmed to cause severe harm instead of leading to enhanced beauty those applying them were dying to realise, he said.

He added that the Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TDFA) would spearhead the campaign while also devising strategies to control the importation, supply and use of the drugs.

The creams in question are said to originate from China before “mysteriously” (according to sources) finding their ways into the Tanzanian market, chiefly in Dar es Salaam. Despite warnings by medical authorities on the harm they can cause, they have inexplicably gained immense popularity in recent months, judging from the swelling numbers of people hunting for them.

A week-long survey by this paper in different parts of Dar es Salaam seeking to verify the availability of creams revealed the intricacies involved in getting them, a common comment being that they were sold only to faces familiar to those stocking them.

It was further learnt that the supply of the drugs was especially huge in the city but also in all other the regions, and were seldom on display.

“Usually, limited supplies are retrieved from storerooms and made available to serious customers after a thorough screening process to make sure that the dispensing chemists were safe,” according to one source.

Commenting on the circulation of the creams in the local market and whether that was evidence of failure by the government to control their importation, sale and use, Prof Mwakyusa said it would not be fair to heap the blame on the government “or specifically TFDA”.

Instead, he explained that the existence of numerous unauthorised routes that made it difficult for the authorities to stamp out the supply.

But he was emphatic that the government would continue making efforts to plug all loopholes through which the creams and all other contraband made it into Tanzania, “and we will keep wananchi posted on developments alongside continuing to educate and sensitise them on the hazards of using these drugs”.

Asked about what he believed was the best approach through which to contain the situation, Prof Mwakyusa said: “What is obvious is that demand for a commodity will always sustain its market. An item that is not selling will soon be out of the market.”

He added that it was thus a lot better to underscore the need to focus attention on the public awareness campaign the government has devised “to ensure that the supply of these creams is cut off and wananchi stop buying and using them”.

“It is a national obligation to put the situation in check by eliminating all dangerous drugs and ensuring that even safe drugs are consumer under the guidance of medical experts. This must be done the health of more of our people is exposed to danger,” stated the minister.

“The damage to body tissue that the use of these creams can cause will manifest itself most in the coming few years, and this condition might be irreversible. We (government) have the duty to stop this from happening,” he added.

Most Dar es Salaam residents interviewed on the matter recommended that severer measures be taken to put the situation under control. They saw search-and-destroy operations as the most realistic way out in the short term.

“But what is this madness going on among women these days? Who told them that beauty is acquired that queer way? This is outrageous, and something should be done immediately to reverse the suicidal trend,” said Dominick Mpolaki, a pharmacist based in the city.

A cautious visit by The Guardian to one of the numerous shops in Kariakoo where the breast and bum enhancing creams are reportedly available non-stop found evidence of the highly secretive nature of the transactions involved in acquiring them.

Customers would walk in shops for a supposed tête-à-tête with retailers, before flashing pieces of paper with the name of the drug being sought written on it. The salesperson would then take a “CID-style” look at the customer to authenticate the genuineness of the demand before retrieving the drugs from storerooms.

Asked why she had not cared to verify the efficacy and safety of the creams before applying them, a woman who had suffered serious side-effects said: “I miscalculated. Applying the gel has left my body embarrassingly deformed. My dream of landing the anticipated so-called 8 figure has vanished, leaving me with profound regrets.”

Another “victim”, from Magomeni in Dar es Salaam, explained: “It is a neighbour I had known very well for years who drew me into using these creams. She herself had applied them for very long and her ‘morphology’ appeared to have improved much over time. I fell into her trap, and see how horrendous I now look!”

She added: “She appeared great and her husband was proud of her. I wanted to look like her. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out my way. I now suffer from recurrent skin irritation and the body figure I longed for will never be achieved.”

A third lady, who identified herself as a trader from Arusha popularly known as Lily, said she had generated super profits from years of selling ointments and creams widely believed to enlarge parts of the body.

“Demand for the items has been growing like wildfire in Arusha. I am now in Dar es Salaam to explore ways of expanding my business,” she explained.

“You see, women are not like men and always march with changes in fashion. My customers don’t care about fairy tales about side-effects (of applying the creams); the only thing they are after is beauty, which is what I guarantee them,” added a beaming Lily, slowly moving away to avoid further questions from this reporter.

On a rather positive note, some of those selling the creams advise prospective customers to provide proof of their health status before they can be attended to.

Sources say only those confirmed to be HIV-negative can then get the creams, apparently because the use of the concoctions makes the body even less resistant to disease.



  1. Watanzania ni wanashangaza. Upande mmoja wanahangaika kukuza matiti na matako, na upande mwingine wanaendesha mashindano ya urembo ambayo yanauenzi wembamba. Niliwahi kuongelea suala hili katika gazeti la "Kwanza Jamii." Bofya hapa.

  2. Haya maajabu! Eti wanapoteza hela kununua krimu za kuongeza matiti na matako! Mnaniaibisha dada zangu. Hizo hormones mnazotia mwilini zitawafanya mzae vinyago! OHOOOO!

  3. Siyo krimu tuu, watanzania kitu chochote kinachotoka nje ya tanzania hakipingwi.

    Kama watu wanaweza kuwa wapumbavu wa kuamini kwamba ukipeleka watoto kusoma uganda/kenya watajua kiingreza; sishangai watu kuamini kuwa krimu itawaongeza nyeti/matiti/makalio

  4. Cha kusikitisha ni kwamba hao wachina wenyewe wanaouza hayo madawa ya ajabu hawayatumii wao wenyewe.Natuletea tu sisi kwasababu wanajua ni ujinga tu!!

  5. Mdau wa 4:29PM, nakubaliana kabisa na wewe kuwa hizo krimu zinaweza kuathiri watoto wa hao wanaotumia hizo krimu. Tunaweza kusikia idadi ya watoto waliozaliwa na kasoro kama kukosa viungo, au hata kuwa na akili pungufu inaongezeka. Nawasihi akina dada/mama acheni kutumia hizo dawa.

  6. Inatia kinyaa sana yaani watu wanataka uzuri wa kununua matokeo yake wanapata kansa, wengine wanaoniudhi ni wanaopaka mkorogo ukiwakuta juani utawaonea huruma wanavyo hangaika

  7. Bennet, nina ndugu yangu Bongo aliyekufa kwa kansa ya ngozi hivi karibuni. Alikuwa anajichubua hasa! Alikuwa mweupe shauri ya makrimu mpaka ilikuwa akitembea juani lazima ajifunike au atumie mwavuli. Hiyo kansa tulianza kuiona, mabaka meusi usoni! Kwenda kupima, Kansa! Nilimshangaa maana alikuwa mzuri na angekuwa mzuri zaidi bila kujikrimu!

  8. Asante sana Da Chemi. Ni kweli unamowna mtu kajikrimu halafu wanaanza kuwa na mabaka meusi huko usoni. Hayaondoki hata wakijikrimu namna gani! Kumbe ndo kansa/saratani!

  9. Da' Chemi asante kwa kuweka hili hewani, kwa muda sasa nimekuwa nikisikia hili ila sijaona kama tatizo linashughulikiwa ipasavyo na chombo husika-Serikali(Wizara ya Afya)!!!Nadhani jitihada zaidi zinahitajika kwa wazazi kuelimisha mabinti zao na zaidi ya yote wanaume waache kuwaambia wapenzi/wake wao/zao wamependeza pindi wanapopaka hizo cream za kujichubua/kuongeza ukubwa wa maumbile!!!Pia Serikali iingilie kati kwa kutoa elimu zaidi, labda kuwe na kipindi maalumu kwenye tv ya taifa kuelimisha madhara ya mikorogo/kuongeza ukubwa wa maumbile, may be it will help..., something sust be done!!


  10. DAH! Hiyo krimu ina nini? Watu wajiulize ina kemikali gani? Wasije wakawa wanapaka dawa za kutibu wanyama!

  11. Acheni pumbavu wafilie mbali hawa. Tuko milioni 40 sasa, acha hawa wajinga wajipake makirimu wafe.

  12. Acheni pumbavu wafilie mbali hawa. Tuko milioni 40 sasa, acha hawa wajinga wajipake makirimu wafe.

  13. badala ya figure 8 wanaishia kuwa na milima na mabonde!

  14. Watu wengine bwana! Kisa cha kupaka mikororo ya ajabu ajabu!

  15. Hizo cream mbona zipo na perform function as't suppose to be'
