Friday, February 19, 2010

Tribute to Reggie Mhango

Chief Secretary katika ofisi ya Rais, Philemon Luhanjo akitia sahihi katika kitabu cha Rambirambi.

Reggie's Enternal Legacy

By Danford Mpumilwa

I am writng this piece from Nairobi. Actually I am in process of soon transiting to Kampala. I have been busy the whole day with some official business with some senior officials from the Ministry of Education here. Under the circumstances, taking into consideration the recent problems facing the top officials of the Ministry, I am happy to say that my 'mission' has been sucessfuly accomplished.

Following a short break in my official engagements I rushed into my hotel's internet room to, among others, catch up with the latest news from Bongoland. I happen to be an ardent follower of Michuzi's blog for the simple reason that it enables me to catch up with the latest info-news from home.But today's updates included the shocking news of Reginald Mhango's passing on.

There is no doubt the likes of me and many otthers who were inducted into the Tanzanian Daily/Sunday newsroom in the mid to late 70s must have received the shocking news with utter helplessness. Me and my colleagues, who include Franklin Mziray and Wence Mushi sauntered into that newsroom in 1977 from the University of Dar es Salaam with the fresh arrogance that we, fresh graduates from the 'Manzese' University, were masters of the journalism profession.

I have to admit that in due course, thanks to Reginald Mhango, fondly called 'Reggie', we were made to swallow our pride and learn the ABCs of the profession in a very conducive and inspirational manner. It is thanks to Reggie who took time, unlike many other senior editors at the paper, to lovingly tutor us in the art of writing simple undertandable language which worships facts.

Many of us have gone into different ways of life but none, and I am sure I speak for most of those who were tutored by Reggie, will forget the important lessons we learnt from his, if I can quote the North Korean-speak ' 'on the spot fatherly guidance' in the profession. By then Reggie was what we called 'kiraka'. He would this day be the News Editor this week and the next one be the Features Editor or Deputyt Editor.

Space does not allow me to say much about him but I can vouch that Reggie played a pivotal role in grooming me and many others into the profession. I and my colleagues will miss him dearly. And we will be left wondering as to who will be the next, Reggie, the comitted and non compromising guide to our nations 'Cub Reporters'.

At times like these it makes all of us roam into our worldly lives' philosophy of the inevitable end. And it is only then that we can serously strive to contribute to a lasting development of a brghter future of humanity for us and our future generations. For only then can our deeds and ideas live in eternity. And that is what Regie has has lovingly left us with.

My the Almighty God Rest His Soul in Peace!

Danfod Mpumilwa

1 comment:

  1. it's not difficult to recognise a human that has positively touched many a heart.
