Thursday, May 26, 2011

Habari Njema Kuhusu Matumizi ya Dawa ya UKIMWI

Wadau, leo kuna habari kuwa mtu mwenye virusi vya HIV akianza kutumia dawa mapema, hawezi kumwambukiza mtu mwingine virusi! Inaelekea serikali ya Marekani watafanya kampeni ya kusambaza dawa kwa waathrika hivi karibuni katika nchi zilizoathrika vibaya na UKIMWI.

U.S. Mulls Implications Of Early Use Of HIV Drugs To Stop AIDS Spreadby Richard Knox

May 26, 2011

The Obama administration is beginning to think through the ramifications of what may be the most far-reaching AIDS study ever done.

Earlier this month federal officials announced the results of a big clinical test that showed if HIV-infected individuals get antiviral drugs early — while they still feel fine and their immune systems are intact — their chances of passing the virus on to someone else go down to almost zero.

The implication: If all the HIV-infected people in the world got the drugs, the 30-year-old pandemic could be brought to an end. Nobody expects that to happen overnight, maybe not ever. But the administration's chief AIDS strategist is leading a what-if discussion within the government.

Mnaweza kusoma habari kamili kwa KUBOFYA HAPA:

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