Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mauaji Tarime: Tamko la Barrick Gold Mine

Nadhani kuna watu ambao watakubaliana na mimi! Mwalimu angekuwa hai angeshafukuzulia mbali hao wazungu! (Persona Non-Grata) Wanaiba urithi wetu halafu wanatuua! Wamezidi! Wezi wakubwa halafu wauaji! Hivi waTanzania tunapata nini kutoka kuwepo kwao pale?

Hii TAMKO/STATEMENT inatoka kwenye website yao. Ukitaka kwenda huko BOFYA HAPA:

Recent Police Action at North Mara

May 19, 2011 — The recent violent confrontation and loss of life at African Barrick Gold’s (ABG) North Mara mine is deeply concerning to Barrick and ABG. African Barrick Gold is working with the Tanzanian government and police to address this situation.

While ABG is still determining all the facts associated with this complex situation, the following is based on information released by ABG and the Tanzanian Police to date:

On May 16, a large group of intruders, many of them armed with machetes, stones and mining implements, stormed the ore stockpile at North Mara, with the intent of stealing ore. Initial reports put this number at 800, but following further reviews, the number is likely to have been more than 1,500. Given the extremely large number of aggressive intruders and the escalating threat of violence, ABG contacted the Tanzanian police for protection. Faced with over a thousand armed intruders, the mine’s main duty was to ensure the safety of its employees.

The Tanzanian police report that upon arriving at the scene, they tried to contain the situation. Police fired warning shots into the air and used tear gas to try to stop the attackers from advancing; however, the organized mob of armed intruders refused to turn back. A violent confrontation ensued as the intruders engaged in a sustained attack on police. A number of intruders were injured in the confrontation, seven fatally. The police have also reported that a number of their officers were injured in the confrontation.

Situations like this are deeply troubling to Barrick, ABG and to the people who live and work around the mine. The vast majority of people living near North Mara share the same desire for security and safety as we do. Both police and company investigations are now underway into the fatal shootings, which involved Tanzanian police. ABG security was not involved in these fatal incidents and, generally, does not deal with incursions of this magnitude and level of organization.

The North Mara mine operates under particularly challenging and complex circumstances, primarily associated with the law and order environment. The mine is located in a very remote, underdeveloped part of the country in close proximity to the Kenyan border, with limited law enforcement capacity, resulting in break-downs in law and order. Organized crime is also present in the region. The operation regularly faces illegal intruders, who may be armed and aggressive. These actions put hundreds of lives at risk, including ABG employees.

ABG is actively engaging with the Tanzanian government to address the severe law and order issues and lack of police resources around North Mara and in the wider community. ABG continues to make improvements to physical security at the site and engage with local community leaders. Its objective is to engage proactively with the community in long-term solutions to these challenges, to improve relations and resolve legacy issues, and to increase community investment expenditures aimed at improving quality of life in the area.

Barrick and ABG remain committed to the long-term future of North Mara and to the stability and security of the communities surrounding this operation.


  1. Ukisoma kwa makini taarifa hii utagundua kuwa suala la usalama katika eneo hilo ni muhimu sana. Lakini ukweli ni kuwa hao raia nao waelimishwe kuacha kujichukulia sheria mikononi. Haya hao wamekufa, hawatarudi tena na maisha
    yao wameyapoteza katika kitu ambacho kipo kisheria na hao wenye mgodi hawawezi kutoka kwani wapo pale kisheria. Pili, jamani tukubaliane kuwa hata Jeshi la Polisi nalo tunalipa lawama wakati mwingine za bure. Hebu fikiria
    umati wa watu wanataka kuvamia sehemu na wana silaha, kama ilivyoelezwa wana mawe wanayoyarusha kwa kombeo. Nadhani katika kutawanya umati kama huo ni tofauti kabisa na umati unaoandamana kwa amani. Hii sasa ni armed group ambapo kimsingi kwa kufuata mob psychology, wanaweza kufanya lolote lile.

    Sijui, lakini nadhani hata sisi wachangiaji hebu siku moja tuvae viatu vya Jeshi la Polisi tuone jinsi ya ugumu wa zoezi kama hilo. Ni kweli hakuna anayeunga mkono matumizi ya nguvu kupita kiasi, lakini mazingira mengine ni magumu.

  2. fukuza makaburu hao wanakula damu za watu hao. africa kwa wafrica tu wanadharau hao.arghiiiiiiiiiiiii

  3. Wakazi wa Nyamongo wamechoka kuona ardhi yao inavyokuwa exploited na haiwaletei manufaa yoyote kwenye maisha, sasa wameamua kuchukua hatua. Huu ni mwanzo tu. Mungu aibariki Tarime pamoja na Tanzania.
