Thursday, May 05, 2011

Wagonjwa wa UKIMWI Wafa Baada ya Kunywa 'Kikombe'

Habari za kusikitisha kutoka mkoa wa Manyara zinasema kuwa wagonjwa wa UKIMWI watano kutoka kijiji cha Sunya wilaya ya Kiteto, mkoa wa Manyara wamefariki dunia baada ya kunywa kikombe cha Babu wa Loliondo. Habari zinasema kuwa wagonjwa hao walienda Loliondo, walikunywa 'kikombe' na walisema kuwa wanajisikia. Wagonjwa hao watano waliacha kabisa kunywa dawa zao za ARV walizoandikiwa na madakatari. Mungu alaze roho zao mahala pema mbinguni. Amen.


Kutoka The Citizen:

5 Kiteto villagers die of Aids after abandoning ARVs

Monday, 02 May 2011 22:17

By Joseph Lyimo

Kibaya. Five residents of Sunya village in Kiteto District, Manyara Region who had tested HIV positive are reported to have died after abandoning anti retroviral drugs (ARVs) in favour of a herbal concoction from a 'miracle healer' in Loliondo.

Their deaths occurred shortly after arriving back from Samunge village where the retired pastor Ambilikile Mwasapila has been dispensing liquid drink from a local herb he claims cures a range of chronic diseases, including Aids. A councillor for Sunya Ward, Mr Mussa Brighton, confirmed the deaths of the villagers, saying they had just returned back home from Loliondo where they went to seek treatment from Rev. Mwasapila.

Mr Brighton, who is the vice chairman of the Kiteto District Council, said the five had reportedly abandoned using the life-prolonging ARVs as recommended by medical doctors as one of the arsenals against killer Aids.Unconfirmed reports said the deceased had been telling people after returning from Loliondo that they had stopped using ARVs because they were feeling better after taking a cupful herbal drink from "Babu.”

The councillor warned that the trend was not good because, people who had tested positive should not abandon the ARVs dose from medical facilities. He could not disclose the names of the deceased.He argued that the sudden rush to Loliondo for herbal cure offered by the spiritual healer should not make people discard the recommended medicines.


  1. More worrying for the officials, however, is the emergence of a number of other people, including a 17-year-old boy and three women, in quick succession in Tabora, Mbeya, Mbarali, Morogoro, Rombo and Magu, with Samunge-type treatments.

    Among the alleged healers is Ms Fatma Said Sengo, 40, of Karakana Street, in Kichangani Ward in Morogoro municipality, who charges Sh200 for a dose. There is also 55-year-old Rose Ngota in Kigowe, Mbarali District, who, charging Sh20, 000 for a cupful of her medicine, is the most expensive. Japhet Fikiri, 17, plies his trade in the Mabatini area of Mbeya town and has been the busiest of this group. He charges Sh1,000 for his dose and reportedly receives nearly 1,000 patients daily.

    There is also 40-year-old Margret Nestory Mutalemwa, who claims that as a member of the Catholic Church, she was “shown” the medicine in 2006 by the Virgin Mary. She operates at Uzunguni, Malolo Ward, about three kilometres from Tabora Town.

    While the scale of the Johnny-come-latelies is nothing compared to Mr Masapila’s clinic, they are nevertheless also attracting hordes of people, bringing into sharp focus debate about herbal and conventional medicine, on the one hand, and faith healing, on the other. All of them claim their supposed “miracle” herbs have been revealed to them by either God or through other spiritual powers.

  2. Hii tiba haimtibu kila mtu hasa kama huna imani! Wagonjwa wa UKIMWI hasa waendelee kumeza dawa zao. Bado hatujasikia mgonjw wa UKIMWI kapona 100%.

  3. Hiyo ndiyo habari yenyewe...wasingeacha kunywa dozi yao ya zamani, kwani zinakataana!

  4. Dawa ya babu imewaponya wengi hasa waliokua na kisukari. Na kwa sasa hali loliondo ni shwari Polisi wamedhibiti utoaji huduma hamna tena msongamano ndani ya saa moja wapata huduma waondoka tangu jumamosi. wale wanaoamini nendeni sasa kabla mvua hazija changanya. mimi nimeenda ijumaa usiku nimefika jumamosi na kugeuza nimepona ulcers!
