Monday, July 11, 2011

Kisonono sasa haina Tiba!

Wadau, leo kuna habari kuwa kuna aina ya kisonono ambayo haitibiki! Tuombe isiingie Afrika. Huenda umekwishaingia kupitia watalii na malaya! Midume ilizoea ikiambukizwa kisonono basi inaenda kuchoma sindano ya PPF (penicillin), baada ya masaa mnne mambo safi. Haya kama haina dawa mbona kazi ipo! Kwa wanawake wanaweza kuwa na kisonono na wasijue kwa muda mrefu, huko ikiathiri uzazi na wanakuwa na maumivu makali kwenye kiuno. Tumieni kondomu wakati wote! Haya mambo ya kusema, au unatumia kondumu, hunipendi au unficha nini sivyo tutakwisha!


LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists have found a "superbug" strain of gonorrhea in Japan that is resistant to all recommended antibiotics and say it could transform a once easily treatable infection into a global public health threat.

The new strain of the sexually transmitted disease -- called H041 -- cannot be killed by any currently recommended treatments for gonorrhea, leaving doctors with no other option than to try medicines so far untested against the disease.

Magnus Unemo of the Swedish Reference Laboratory for Pathogenic Neisseria, who discovered the strain with colleagues from Japan in samples from Kyoto, described it as both "alarming" and "predictable."

"Since antibiotics became the standard treatment for gonorrhea in the 1940s, this bacterium has shown a remarkable capacity to develop resistance mechanisms to all drugs introduced to control it," he said.

Mnaweza kusoma habari kamili kwa KUBOFYA HAPA:


  1. Aisei! Hii balaa. Kama haitibiki ina maaana utabaki unateseka hasa wakati unajisaidi haja ndogo.

  2. Wewe Chemi inaonekana upo obssesed sana na wanaume??Inaonekana ushawahiFANYWA vibaya na wanamume,sio bure.NYWA vibaya na wanamume,sio bure.
