Friday, October 07, 2011

Worship Leadership Seminar - Arusha, Tanzania


Leading People to Experience God’s Presence

Charles Stanley once said that he believed that most Christians in most churches have never worshiped God. We go to church, but we don’t worship. We sing songs, but we don’t worship. We listen to sermons, but we don’t worship. All of these things are elements of worship but they are not worship in and of themselves which means that you can do all of them and yet have failed to truly worship God. We Christians often mistake the means of worship for worship itself.

According to famous researcher, George Barna, “Worship is a non-negotiable obligation and privilege of every Christian…We agree that when it comes to worship, God deserves it, the Bible commands it, and churches try to facilitate it," he stressed. "But we have a problem when it comes to worship. ... True worship is rare.”

The church in our times faces major challenges related to the renewal of worship. I believe one of them, if not the main one is a lack of understanding what a true biblical worship is. What you hear and understand you believe, and what you believe you’ll obviously do. That is life because life is not only in knowing but in doing.

A seminar for Worship Leadership will be held in Arusha that aims in tackling the challenges on Worship.

Date and Time: October 14-15, 2011 9am – 5pm

Venue: TAG Spiritual Power Center, Mbauda ARUSHA

The target audience: Worship Leaders/Pastors, Church Leaders, Musicians/Singers, Audio Technicians/Engineer, Recording Artist and any one related with Worship Ministry.

Seminar program will cover some topics in three areas but not limited to; Introduction to Biblical Worship: Understanding What is Biblical Worship, Applied Worship Ministry: Integrating Leadership and Team Dynamics, and The Role of Music in Worship: Balanced Approach to Music Ministry in Corporate Worship


Pastor Nick

+255 788 740296, +255 717 425279

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