Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tofauti Kati ya Rais Obama na Mitt Romney

Huyo mgombea uraisi wa Marekani kupitia chama cha Rpeublican, Mitt Romney aliwahi kuwa Gavana wetu hapa Massachusetts. Kila siku alionyesha jinsi alivyotajiri na asiyejua wala kujali maisha ya mtu wa kawaida anayeamka kwenda kazini asubuhi na kurudi nyumbani huko akifikiria atalipaje kodi. Kodi ziliongeka. Kuna siku waandishi wa habari walimwuliza kuhusu bei za vyakula kashindwa kujibu.Watu wengi hawana ottoman wala nafasi ya kuiweka!   Sasa tunasikia kuwa analipa kodi kwa asilimia ya chini kuliko mtu wa kawaida. Mwacha awe mgombea kupitia kiti cha Republican. Hawezi kumshinda Rais Obama!


  1. Da Chemi, unamshabikia Obama kwa sababu ni kabila moja na wewe? "tribal loyalty"? au kwa sababu unadhania ni rais mahiri?

    Nadhani watu wengi watakubali kwamba kiuchumi Obama amekuwa ni "disappointment" kwa watu wa marekani. Jee hii haitoshi kubadilisha rais?

    Kisiasa, simjui Mitt Romney kwa hiyo siwezi kumfagilia kivyovyote vile. Lakini ukweli ukubalike kwamba Obama has so far been a failure, economically.

  2. Anonymous wa 5:10AM. President Obama will go down in history as one of the best Presidents that the USA has ever had. He has kept many of his campaign promises compared to his wazungu predecessors. If he were white, people would be praising him for his achievements. A black man has to work five times as hard as a white man to get any recognition in AmeriKKKA!

    President Obama has not been a failure economically. Remember Bush Jr. had eight years to destroy the USA, and President Obama is rebuilding the country from that. It will take time. Meanwhile, usiwasikie maneno ya hao Republicans wabaguzi! Mbona kwenye mikutano yao unaona wazungu tu! lakini mikutano ya Democrats imejaa watu wa kila rangi!

  3. Anony wa kwanza wewe mwenyewe ni "a disappointment". Huwezi kudai kuwa unamfahamu Obama lakini hujui lolote kuhusu Mitt Romney. Kwa mtu yeyote anayefuatilia vizuri siasa za Marekani, hata kama yupo nje ya Marekani, kwa sasa atakuwa anamfahamu vizuri Mitt Romney. Ikumbukwe kuwa huyu bwana, ambaye ni tajiri kupindukia, ndiye anayepewa nafasi kubwa ya kuchuana na Obama katika uchaguzi wa urais mwezi Novemba.

  4. Da Chemi, whether president Obama will go down as one of the best presidents, that is subjective and its important that history is let to determine that.
    About your argument that in republican gatherings you dont find people of other ethnic background, I think that argument is futile to say the least, and I hope it wasn't your deliberate attempt to trivialise the importance of this dialogue.

    About "blackman has to work five times as hard as whiteman to get recognition",..., my response to that is a phrase "chip on a shoulder". That is the excuse used by African Americans for the socio-economic failure while Africans are doing well in America.

    Kuhusu republicans kuwa wabaguzi,... well, Bill Clinton is not a republican, and he is one of those called "mild racist". Obama-Hillary clinton presidential campaigns exposed that.

    Im going to work Dada, so I better end up here. I also appreciate the contributions of other anonies...

  5. Hawa jamaa wa Republican hakuna kitu kabisa. Yaani ni ziro kabisa. If Americans opt for the Republican candidate in the November election, whether it will be Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich, they will have elected themselves probably the stupidest president in US history as far as the two hopefuls' knowledge of what is going on beyond the country's borders is concerned.
