Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Cancel Rush Limbaugh

Dear MoveOn member,

Rush Limbaugh has gone too far with his attacks on Georgetown University student Sandra Fluke, calling her a "slut" and a "prostitute" and suggesting she post video tapes of herself online having sex.

Rush Limbaugh's radio show is a part of the Clear Channel lineup, and it's time that they no longer allow Rush Limbaugh to spew hateful and derogatory comments. That's why I created a petition to Clear Channel on SignOn.org, which says:

Sandra Fluke, a law student at Georgetown University who was advocating for health insurance plans to cover the cost of contraception, became the target of a series of attacks by Rush Limbaugh. Besides calling her a "slut," he also called her a "prostitute," said that he wanted her to make sex tapes and post them online, and speculated that she only had a problem paying for contraception because she was having "so much sex." We who support Ms. Fluke find that this is a serious offense committed by Mr. Limbaugh, and we ask that his radio show be terminated.

Will you sign the petition? Click here to add your name, and then pass it along to your friends:



–D. Washington

The text above was written by D. Washington, not by MoveOn staff, and MoveOn is not responsible for the content. This email was sent through MoveOn's secure system, and your information has been kept private.

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