Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mtengeneza Sinema KONY 2012 Akamatwa na Polisi - Alikuwa Anapiga Punyeto Hadharani!

Duh! Watu wanalilia umaarufu! Huyo jamaa Jason Russell kapata umaarufu baada ya kutnegeneza sinema Kony 2012 inayohusu jinsi MGanda Joseph Kony anayonyanyanyasa watoto.  Yuko njiani kuwa milionea sasa, ila watu wamekuwa wakimsema kuhusu maisha yake binafsi. Inaelekea sasa zimemfyatuka. Eti kakutwa anapiga punyeto mbele za watu, na pia kukimbia  kimbia mbele za magari.  Tumwombee apone. Kazi aliyofanya kushitua watu duniani juu ya watoto wa Kony ni kubwa.


 Kony 2012′ filmmaker detained in San Diego

Senior Foreign Affairs Reporter

Jason Russell, the filmmaker behind the mega-viral "Kony 2012" documentary, was detained in San Diego on Thursday night, NBC reported, citing the San Diego Police Department.
Russell, 33, "was taken into custody after he was found masturbating in public, vandalizing cars and possibly under the influence of something," NBC's San Diego affiliate reported, citing San Diego Police Department spokeswoman Lt. Andra Brown.
The San Diego Police Department's Brown did not immediately return two messages left Friday from Yahoo News.
The co-founder of the San Diego-based advocacy group Invisible Children was detained on San Diego's Pacific Beach "acting very strange" the NBC report said.
Russell's 30-minute documentary on Ugandan guerrilla leader Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army became a surprise mega viral hit, receiving over 80 million viewers since its release last week. But the film has also kicked up a backlash of criticism against the group, ranging from how Invisible Children spends its finances to whether it cut corners with the facts in order to create a more compelling film about a more than two-decade old Central African conflict.
But Invisible Children has also found many prominent defenders of its work, from members of Congress to President Barack Obama, who sent 100 U.S. special forces to Uganda last fall to search for Kony.
"I think that these guys are getting mercilessly picked apart by a bunch of intellectual elites who spend their days tweeting but never trending," Cameron Hudson, former Bush White House Africa hand, told Yahoo News last week. "If their aim is to raise awareness, they have done that in spades."

Kony film director hospitalized after "unfortunate incident"
By Dan Whitcomb and Cynthia Johnston

(Reuters) - The maker of an Internet film gone viral that calls for the arrest of Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony has been hospitalized in California following an "unfortunate incident" that his group and family said on Friday stemmed from the emotional toll of recent weeks.
Jason Russell, director of the 30-minute "Kony 2012" video and co-founder of the group Invisible Children, was hospitalized on Thursday for "exhaustion, dehydration and malnutrition," Invisible Children CEO Ben Keesey said in a statement.
"The past two weeks have taken a severe emotional toll on all of us, Jason especially, and that toll manifested itself in an unfortunate incident yesterday," Keesey said, without providing further details.
"Jason's passion and his work have done so much to help so many, and we are devastated to see him dealing with this personal health issue," he said.
The movie Russell directed became an Internet sensation this month, racking up nearly 80 million hits on YouTube since it was posted with the aim of waking up the world to atrocities committed by the Kony's Lord's Resistance Army, including kidnapping children and forcing them to fight.
"We thought a few thousand people would see the film, but in less than a week, millions of people around the world saw it," Russell's wife Danica said in a statement on behalf of his family.
"While that attention was great for raising awareness about Joseph Kony, it also brought a lot of attention to Jason ... and, because of how personal the film is, many of the attacks against it were also very personal, and Jason took them very hard," she said.
She said that Russell had never had a "substance abuse or drinking problem" and that the episode in which he "did some irrational things" was brought on by "extreme exhaustion and dehydration."
"On our end the focus remains only on his health, and protecting our family. We'll take care of Jason, you take care of the work. The message of the film remains the same: stop at nothing," she added.
A host of celebrities, including George Clooney, Rihanna, Justin Bieber and Oprah have joined the virtual chorus of support for the cause. The company owned by powerful producer Harvey Weinstein has also contacted Russell to buy the film.
A San Diego police spokeswoman, asked about media reports that Russell had been detained, said only that a 33-year-old white man had been taken to a medical facility on Thursday morning.
"The San Diego Police Department received several calls that he was acting bizarrely, running into traffic, interfering with traffic, yelling," San Diego Police spokeswoman Lieutenant Andra Brown said.
She said officers detained the man, who according to witnesses was in "various stages of undress," but did not arrest him after determining that it was more appropriate to transport him to a medical facility. She declined to name him.
The phenomenal success of Russell's video has been hailed for inspiring young people to activism, but has suffered some criticism including that it oversimplified a long-standing human rights crisis.
Russell, who narrates the video with a personal story that juxtaposes shots of his young son in San Diego, California, with the hopelessness of Ugandan children, has said the video was meant as a kick-starter to a complicated issue.
A spokesman for the San Diego area hospital where Russell was thought to have been taken could not immediately be reached for comment and it was not clear if he was there on Friday.

Kwa habari zaidi BOFYA HAPA:


  1. Huyo mzung kalogwa na Kony! Unacheza na mwafrika! Bado Angelina Jolie!

  2. The 'message' of the short YouTube film that Jason Russell made, remains an important and eye-opening one- despite the temporary pyschological 'breakdown' that Jason faced recently, as a result of pressures surrounding him. Why must people rejoice in misfortunes of others?

    What's important is that the film has made [and continues to make] a lot of people aware of what is going on, regarding evil acts going on, as far as children are concerned.

    Peace y'all!
