Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Taarifia Kuhusu Sinema 'American Dream'

We are currently casting for a Bongowood film, American Dream.  It is the story of a young Tanzanian man who comes to America in search of his fortune only to find life is not what he expected. Though filmed in USA, the film is geared for a Tanzanian audience.
If interested or you fit the role, please send a photo, age range and resume (Yaani CV kuhusu experience yako ya acting tu) to Most of the roles have Swahili dialogue, therefore knowledge of Swahili is a plus. 

Please note the film is tentatively scheduled to film in the New York and Boston area in August-September of this year.  Also, this is a no budget/low budget film. Food and gas money will be provided.

We look forward to hearing from you.  

American Dream (Ndoto ya Marekani)
Preliminary Cast Breakdown
[AMANI] LEAD/STAR male, African American, 25-35 years old, An eager Tanzanian man. Arrives in the USA as a student but is really interested in getting a better life for himself and provide for his family back home.
[RICHARD] LEAD male, African American, 25-35 years old Amani’s brother, has been in the USA for a while. Tries to help Amani.
[WALLET] LEAD male, African American, 35 - 50 years old, respected and established Tanzanian in the USA. He has papers, connections, money, the person everyone goes to him for help and advice.
[PATRICK] SUPPORTING male, African American, 25-35 lives with Wallet, he is studying at the University, works part time.
[KATE] SUPPORTING female, Caucasian, 25-35 years old, Richard’s girlfriend who get tired or his African ways
[UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATOR] SUPPORTING male , Caucasian , 40+ years, stern University employee who plays by the rules.
[MAYA] LEAD Female, African American , 35-50 years old, Single parent, she has been in the USA a while. She can as a student, had a child, is established in the community. She is lonely, looking for love.
[PILI] SUPPORTING female, African American , 35-50 years old, is Maya’s gossiping friend and co-worker
[BOSS] SUPPORTING male, African American, 35-50 years old , an African who runs the Barbershop. He is a no nonsense guy.
[LULU] SUPPORTING female, African America 14-18 years or can play, this is Maya’s daughter. She loves her mother at the same time does not want to see her taken advantage of. Very suspicious of those who come around her mother, rejects African culture.
[ZERA] LEAD female, African American, 25-35 years old, outgoing adventurous young woman. She has been in the USA a while. Was physically abused by Grant who deep down she still loves.
[Grant ] SUPPORTING male, African American , 30- 40 years old, an African who wants to dominate his woman. Has a soft side and an evil side. He is openly jealous and possessive.
[IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY], male, Caucasian, 40+ years old> handles immigration cases and gives advice to the African community.

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