Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Wiki ya Famasi ya Taifa/ National Pharmacy Week




Okoa Maisha: Ujulishe Umma Matumizi Sahihi na Utunzaji Bora wa Dawa Nyumbani

Dar es Salaam, 06 Juni 2012 – PST inapenda kuujulisha umma wa watanzania kuwa inazindua Wiki ya Famasi ya Taifa "National Pharmacy Week (NPW)" ambayo itaadhimishwa nchi nzima. Kauli mbiu ya mwaka huu ni: “ Okoa Maisha: Ujulishe Umma Matumizi Sahihi na Utunzaji Bora wa Dawa Nyumbani"

Lengo la kuchagua Kauli Mbiu hii ni katakana na kuongezeka kwa dawa nyingi zisizohitaji cheti kulinganisha na zile ambazo zinatumika kwa kutibu magonjwa ya muda mrefu. Aisha, katokana na utandawazi na kukua kwa teknolojia, mahitaji ya dawa yameongezeka katika jamii.

Kilele cha Wiki ya Famasi kitafanyika tarehe 16 Juni ambapo pia tutasherehekea Siku ya Famasi kwa Nchi za Jumuiya ya Madola "Commonwealth Pharmacy Day (CPD)". Katika Mwaka 2012, Kilele cha Wiki ya Famasi kitafanyika katika viwanja vya Karimjee kuanzia saa 2.00 asubuhi.

Kutokana na ongezeko la mahitaji ya dawa, PST iliona kuwa ni vema kuhamasisha na kuelimisha umma kuhusu matumizi sahihi na utunzaji bora wa dawa nyumbani ili kuokoa maisha. Katika wiki inayoanza 11 - 15 Juni, PST imepanga kufanya shughuli mbalimbali katika jamii inayotuzunguka, kikubwa ni kutoa elimu kwa jamii. Kutakuwepo na mahojiano ya papo kwa papo kwa wagonjwa na wananchi katika maeneo mbalimbali ambapo vipeperushi vilivyobeba ujumbe wa wiki vitagawiwa. Vilevile ujumbe kwa wananchi utatolewa kwa kutumia vyombo vya habari ili elimu ya matumizi sahihi na utunzaji bora wa dawa majumbani uweze kuwafikia walio wengi.

Siku ya tarehe 16 Juni 2012, katika viwanja vya Karimjee, PST itasherehekea kilele cha Wiki ya Famasi na kuadhimisha Siku ya Famasi kwa Nchi za Jumuiya ya Madola. Katika siku hiyo, shughuli mbalimbali zinazohusu jamii zitafanyika zikiwemo uchangiaji wa damu, ushauri nasaha na virusi vya ukimwi. Ushauri mbalimbali utakaotolewa na wataalamu wa afya. Shughuli hizi zitakuwa na mchango katika kuhakikisha matumizi sahihi ya dawa na kuepuka upotevu wa rasilmali fedha kwa kununua dawa kiholela. Aidha, tunatarajia kuwapatia wananchi elimu ambayo endapo wataizingatia wataokoa maisha na hatimaye nchi yetu kuwa na jamii iliyo na afya katika kuleta maendeleo ya nchi.

PST inatoa wito kwa jamii ya watanzania kutumia fursa hii na kushiriki kikamilifu shughuli zote zitakazoendeshwa katika wiki itakayoanza tarehe 11 Juni hadi siku ya kilele tarehe 16 Juni 2012. Tunatarajia ushirikiano wakati tutakapopita majumbani na sehemu mbalimbali. Matarajio yetu ni kuleta mabadiliko katika kuhakikisha maisha bora kwa jamii inayotuzunguka. PST pia inategemea mwitikio na uwepo wako siku ya tarehe 16 Juni 2012.




Inform the Community on Rational Use and Storage of Medicines in Households: Save Lives.

Dar es Salaam, 06 June 2012 – PST today is announcing the inauguration of National Pharmacy Week (NPW) to be celebrated countrywide. The theme for this year is “Inform the Community on Rational Use and Storage of Medicines in Households: Save lives”. The reason for choosing this theme is based on the high demand of over the counter medicines let alone prescription medicines needing long term compliance. The effects of globalization and the power of technology compound on the behavior of demand for over the counter medications. The culmination of NPW shall be on the 16th June which is also a Commonwealth Pharmacy Day (CPD). This year, 2012, the culmination of National Pharmacy Week celebrations will take place at the Karimjee grounds.

Based on self medication behavior among others, the Society felt a need to intervene through raising awareness on Rational Use and Storage of Medicines aiming at Saving Lives. The focus is at households and community at large. PST is planning to conduct several activities that will be implemented during this year's National Pharmacy Week 11th to 15th June. There are shall be face to face interactions with the patients, the use of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials as well as media to deliver knowledge on rational use and proper storage of medicines to the public.

On the 16th June 2012, at Karimjee grounds, PST will culminate the National Pharmacy Week and mark the Commonwealth Pharmacy Day. During that day, several health and humanitarian activities will take place. These will include blood donation, HIV Testing, free healthcare checking and consultations by clinicians.

PST is aiming to use various supporting materials to propagate the theme. These materials with messages will include posters, stickers, banners, SMS messages, brochures, and articles in the newspapers, magazines, cards and advocacy letters to various authorities, institutions, association and consumers.

These activities will contribute to rational use of medicines and discourage waste. The aim is to equip households with this knowledge, which if properly followed will help to save lives and hence, complement the government in empowering the community, the national task force.

PST urge the community to uptake this opportunity and participate in the activities at their capacity as citizens of Tanzania. We look forward to their cooperation and support when visited at their households and communities. The activities envisaged are geared to bring a positive change and eventually save lives. PST expects their response and presence at the Karimjee grounds on 16th of June 2012.

Let's all join hands to save lives.

General information about PST

The Pharmaceutical Society of Tanzania (PST) is the national professional body of pharmacists engaged in various facets of the profession of pharmacy. The PST is committed to promote the highest professional ethical standards of pharmacy, focus the image of pharmacists as competent healthcare professionals, sensitize the community, government and others on vital professional issues and support pharmaceutical education and sciences in all aspects.

PST was established in 1967 and has a network of more than 1000 members. Two branches in Lake zone (Mwanza) and Northern branch (Moshi, Kilimanjaro) serving pharmacists, pharmaceutical Assistants and dispensers in the pharmacy profession working in various facets of health and development.

PST’s values embrace professional relationship with the patient and acts with honesty, integrity and compassion. The professionals honour the individual needs, values and dignity of the patient. The members support the right of the patient to make personal choices about pharmacy care with consciousness of guiding them through education and care when need arise.

Hence, we urge the community to seek pharmaceutical care at designated areas where they will be guided appropriately on rational use and storage of medicines.

For further information, please contact:

Pharmaceutical Society of Tanzania
Tel: +255 767-276255
+255 713-290780

Pease visit

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