Saturday, March 09, 2013

Hatimaye Watumwa New Hampshire Kuwa Huru! - SI UTANI!

New Hampshire, Marekani  bado kuna ubaguzi kwa weusi.  Wanaongoza kwa uweupe. Kuna siku nilipita huko na mkweche wangu nikieleka Vermont!  State Police kanisimamisha na kuniambia eti nirudi Masssachusetts! Siku nyingine gari ilipinduka huko New Hampshire baada ya kuteleza kwenye barafu. Kuona sisi weusi, Badala ya State Polisi kuuliza kama kuna aliyeumia, kasema, "HEBU ZIMA HIZO %^$&* TAA ZA GARI MNAPOFUA WATU!" KHAA!  Hivyo sishangai kusikia bado kuna watumwa ambao hawakupewa uhuru wao!!!!

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - New Hampshire's Senate is voting Thursday whether to honor a 233-year-old petition from slaves seeking their freedom.

   New Hampshire - one of the nation's whitest states - has decided the time is right to consider the request. A Senate committee is recommending the full body posthumously emancipate 14 of the 20 petitioners never granted their freedom.

   Supporters say it is never too late to right a wrong.

   Historian Valerie Cunningham came across the slaves' petition in state archives nearly 30 years ago. It was originally submitted to the New Hampshire General Assembly on Nov. 12, 1779, while the Revolutionary War was still being fought.

   The slaves all served in the war effort and believed the freedom being sought by colonists should be extended to them as well.

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