Friday, March 29, 2013

Jengo Laporomoka Mjini Dar!

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (CNN) -- Rescuers planned to search for survivors under a mountain of concrete and twisted metal Friday night after a high-rise building collapsed in Tanzania.
At least four people were dead and 60 were missing after the 16-story building under construction collapsed in Tanzania's largest city, government and emergency officials said. Five children are believed to be among the missing, rescue official Walji Ali said.

The building collapsed Friday with a "huge whoosh and then thump," said eyewitness Ali Jawad Bhimani, a hotel owner who lives near the building in Dar es Salaam's normally bustling Kariakoo central business district.

"The fallen building is next to our mosque. There is a small field there where the young boys play football. The building fell right on top," he said. "But 10 to 15 of the boys playing got away safely and are unharmed."

UPDATES BY SHAMA JAFFER  wa Toledo, Ohio (Amefiwa na Mpwa Wake Salman , alikuwa na miaka 9)

LATEST Update on Ground Zero--Dar es salaam press release
Dear Members,
As of right now 14 people have been taken to Muhimbili. 3 of them, construction workers at the site, have expired. 2 of our young boys were among them. These 2 have had serious injuries including broken hip and broken thighbone. They also have several deep lacerations. The other 9 were bystanders and people on the street with various injuries.
4 of our children are still beneath the rubble. The work at the site is going on at full scale and will continue overnight. We all pray for the safety of these boys.
There has been an outpour of support from all the communities. At the command site meeting, there were representatives­ from all the communities pledging support from logistics, food, water and a long queue to donate blood.
Local authorities have been helpful and present throughout this ongoing ordeal. Muhimbili emergency staff has been on call since the incident early in the morning.
We will keep on giving you updates, as there are further developments.
Iltimase dua,


The Minister of Home Affairs has just given a statement that everyone should cooperate and not worry about pointing fingers or damage to property just yet; rescue operations should be finished first. Ebrahim Haji and Aga Khan hospitals are transferring patients to Muhimbili and their doctors are on scene, however, as far as I know all casualties are being sent to Muhimbili.

NSSF (National Social Security Fund) officials, MPs, members of several political parties, fire and emergency officers and government officials can be seen on screen.

Channel Ten confirmed that most casualties are the young children who play football on holiday mornings in the Mosque Compound. they have also confirmed that it was a 16 floor building, not 15 floor. According to Channel Ten, the building appears to be a collaboration between NHC (National Housing Commission) and a private owner. As I type, they are showing footage of a man being carried into an Ebrahim Haji ambulance and stretchers are being carried into the rubble. Hopefully they have found more people.

According to Channel Ten, the MPs and minister of Home Affairs are on their way. 17 people have been found alive and have been taken to Muhimbili National Hospital and 2 bodies have been found. Identities as yet unknown.

Heavy machinery has just been brought into the mosque compound to assist with the excavation. Several Shi'a families are gathered around the area, many of them appear to be looking for their children.

Please continue praying, that's the least we can do :(


  1. Daima husema 'Mtanzania anahitaji kitu fulani kimsaidie kuwapa Mental Revolution ili aweze kubadilika.' Tuna macho ila tu vipofu, tuna masikio ila tu viziwi, tuna viuongo vyote vya mwili lakini tu vilema tumepooza.

    Katika jengo lililoanguka aliyekuwa akichakachua ratios naye huenda kafukiwa na innocent others. Mifano ya kuanguka maghorofa nchini na nchi jirani (kenta) ipo tunaona na kosa linajadiliwa lakini bado inaendelea. Tunachakachua uhai wetu kwa kupitisha vibali vya kujenga aina hii ya mbanano inayoonekana leo mjiji dar ya maghorofa kuzuka hovyo ahta squatter areas.
    Waliporuhusu wajenge ghorofa 10 tu, hawakuona hao wasimamizi na wakaguzi hata walipopita njia tu kama 10 zinaongezeka na kuendelea kupanda kufika 16? Monitoring yao inakuwaje?

    Wanapita njia mawaziri, viongozi wakurugeni wanaona jengo mfano eneo la victoria linajengwa lakini linachukua eneo la road reserve. Wananliona mpaka linakamilika. Njia yao kuu ni hiyo. Nawayaona maghorofa uchwara yanavyozuka mwenge bus stand-wanaangalia. Unaambiwa wanajenga eneo la ofisi ya CCM. Hivyo hao wote wapo plot ya CCM wapangaji wanatoa ushuru. haribu mradi tu unatoa ushuru. Hii ni sera mbaya. Vipofu. Baadae-waje kuwabomolea izuke zahama.

    Wahusika na sheria wanaona kabisa kuwa baadhi ya wapangaji wa nyumba za NHC Jangwani, Upanga, Kariakoo, Oysterbay, Posta etc Mjini hapa wamefanya extension katika hizo nyumba za maghorofa na kufungia maduka, migahawa. Kwingine wazeziba kuta wamefunga mapito na kuweka viduka. Jee, sheria inaruhusu mpangaji kubadili design ya nyumba aliyopanga? Wanaona bali tu vipofu

    Ukimlaumu kiongozi ni lawama upande mmoja haisaidii kitu kwani anapojenga na kubananisha njia, kuziba mapito; kuongeza vyumba na kubana nafasi zilizowekwa kati ya maghorofa za kucheza watoto wote wakazi si tupo hapo? Mbona hatuandamani kama tunavyotaka kuandamana kwa wanafunzi kufeli mtihani wa form four wakati wakitoka nyumbani ni sisi wazazi tuwanunuliao simu za kuongea nao nao wanakesha ktk facebook darasani, nyumbani TV hadi manane sio kusoma kwa bidii.Walimu wakiwachapa fimbo-tunavamia shule na kutandika viboko wazazi eti wanawaonea watoto. Inafika hata wanafunzi kuvamia nyumba za walimu na kuwabaka na mzazi kutolea mtoto huyo mbakaji dhamana. Maadili hayo?

    Kama ni kuzama meli au boti baharini iwe kosa za kiongozi-jaribu kusafiri majini kwa boat au meli uone tulivyo wabishi kuacha kupanda kuwa meli au mtumbwi umeshajaa. hakuna anayetaka kuacha kupanda hawezi kusubiri mtumbwi uende urudi. Boat inalala upande mmoja na watu kukupa maji na kuisaidia kwa miguu. Meli inajaa mpaka hata pa kukaa hakuna hataki wa kusubiri ya baadae. Tunaona hatari hizi bali wabishi kufikia hata kujificha uvungu wa mizigo wakaguzi wasiwaone wakisha kukagua ndio wanatoka. Kufa tunakuona na kusikia lakini tu viziwi. Panda meli, boat uone haya yasemwayo. Hata ndege wakibananisha abiria na watoto wakubwa kupakatwa na wanajua huko juu agani ni hatari kuwa overloaded. Unabambikiziwa mzigo si wako kwenye ticket yako. atoae mzigo nna apokeae mzigo na huyo anayeogopa kusema kuwa anabambikiziwa mzigo si wake wote wakosa.

    Danganya toto nchini ni nyingi. tunalia ajira na makampuni ya nje kuchukua kazi za kuweza kufanywa na wananchi. lakini kampuni ya kibongo ikipewa majengo ya shule ya msingi, chuo kujenga-yanabomoka kabla haya ya kukabidhiwa. Barabara ni hivyo hivyo mwisho kampuni kufungiwa. mamilioni kutolewa tena mkopo toka nchi za nje, lami kuwekwa vumbi na barabara mpya kusombwa na mvua. Kisha-lawama eti makampuni ya Kichina, Japan etc kuchukua kazi za wabongo ambao kuchakachua ndio jadi na mental happiness. Awe bilionea muda mfupi kwa kufanya ujenzi chini ya kiwango, mihela akajenge mahoteli na kuwa na magari ya kifahari. Anawapa rushwa wahusika kazi anachakachua. Watamfanya nini na wakithubutu atatoa SIRI nao wataipata? Hivyo kunakuwa hakuna kuchukua hatua maana wamelamba fweza wataadhirika.

  2. Hizo boards, na hata ofisi ya waziri mkuu, zina uhuru na mamlaka ya kuamua chochote? Tangu Chang'ombe mwaka 2008 hadi leo majengo mangapi
    yameporomoka? Wiki iliyopita bodi ya wakandarasi imesitisha shughuli za contractors wengi tu. Ni mwanzo wa meno kuota katika fizi za toothless bulldog au ni window dresssing? Basi sasa tuone viwanda vya nondo za udongo na cement rebagging vikichukuliwa hatua. La sivyo ni business as usual.
