Saturday, March 16, 2013

Liberian Refugees in USA get Extension

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - Rhode Island U.S. Sen. Jack Reed is praising President Barack Obama's decision to grant Liberian refugees an 18-month extension of their U.S. residency, but says the time has come to give refugees permanent status in their new nation.

Reed says Obama's move to let Liberian refugees stay in the U.S. until Sept. 30, 2014, is good news for the many Liberians living and working in Rhode Island. The Democrat is the author of legislation that would give refugees a path to U.S. citizenship.

 Reed says it's wrong to force thousands of Liberians who fled their nation's civil war to face constant uncertainty because the policy allowing them to live in the U.S. must be regularly renewed.

Rhode Island is home to one of the largest Liberian communities in the nation.

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