Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Westgate Mall Massacre in Pictures

The horror of the Westgate Mall Massacre in Nairobi, Kenya. May the souls of those killed rest in eternal peace. Amen. WARNING - It is graphic.

Shooting victim being led to safety

Shooting victim being led to safety

Kenyan woman mourns the loss of her loved one
Names of the Injured

Nursery school Children at a Cooking competition were also shot & killed! The killers had no mercy!


  1. Mpaka sasa sijasikia tamko kutoka kwa taasisi au viongozi wa ki islamu kulaani na kukemea shambulizi hili. Cha kushangaza ni kwamba matukio yanahowahusu wao kungeshakuwa na maandamano na vurugu za kuuwa watu na kuharibu mali. Kwa mfano wakati wa cinema iliyotolewa mwaka jana kumhusu Mtume ilipelekea waisilamu kuilaani na kufanya fujjo ulimwengu mzima. Mbona hapa wamekaa kimya wote? Kule Zanzibar hakuna mwisilamu yeyote anayejitolea taarifa za watu wanaoshambulia wenzao kwa tindikali. Usiniambie kwamba hakuna anayefahamu watu hao. Lakini wote wamekaa kimya. Tabia hii ya waisilamu kutokukemea mauaji ya jinsi hii isipobadilika, tutegemee matukio haya kuendelea zaidi.

  2. Why this happened? Here's a likely reason: Misinformed heaven obsession. Muslim kids
    are sent to "religious" schools for "indoctrination" at an early age. These
    schools are more often than not run by bigots and extremists. The kids there are daily
    given doses on their "right" to violence, bigotry, hate and irrational
    thinking. They're taught to believe that muslims are the only "pure"
    ones who go to heaven and that they have to get everyone and everything
    that's considered blocking their passage to paradise out of their way. And so they grow up obsessed and preoccupied with this going to heaven
    thing day and night. To earn merit to go to heaven they're taught to do
    and follow certain things, such as getting rid of "unbelievers" and apostates,
    persecuting and bullying women, stoning extramarital sex suspects,
    implementing "sharia", praying numerous times a day, setting up a medieval "caliphate",
    beheading people, banning alcohol, dogs, pork, liquor, music, beauty contests, etc. They also have problem co-existing with others.
    They must have their own islamic banks, own courts, own "halal" food outlets,
    etc. When they find they can't do all these, they feel their passage to
    heaven is blocked and become enraged and violent. Many then transform
    themselves into terrorists and suicide bombers to "book"
    their place in heaven. And there appear to be no moderate Muslims when
    it comes to this going to heaven obsession.

  3. May they rest in peace. Amen. I am infuriated at these people kill in the name of Allah. Allah is sending the killers straight to Hell! He is a peaceful God, he does not condone murder!

  4. So the killers think they will be rewarded with 72 Virgins. LOL! But once you sleep with a virgin she is no longer a virgin. Eternity is a long time. And where are all these virgins coming from?
